Chapter 105: An Elf's True Age!

Vincent leaned against the cold stone wall with his arms crossed. He watched Mel wander inside a black rectangular box, around fifteen centimetres long, with a golden lion on the lid in her hands. She trotted to Felia and handed the box over to her. Which caused her to become excited and bounce on the spot, her breasts swaying heavily each time she landed.

"What's in the box?" Vincent said with a mutter.

Felia placed the box on a wooden table, pushing the various sword prototypes onto the floor with a loud clang. Mel didn't complain long used to how Felia acted; these two girls had known each other since they were younger, one a horny elf girl obsessed with a boy and the other a goblin girl searching for a husband.

—|Felia: 'Yay! She finished it in time, hehe! I hope he likes it!'

"Ooh! It's so cute and sparkly."