Chapter 6: Magic Mirror!

Vincent's eyes fluttered open, pain stabbing him in the chest. He glanced around; he was lying on his back atop a bed naked; although there was no mess, his body seemed filled with bite and claw marks, bloody bandages and the slight scent of a female on his breath and face. He checked his lower body and found it was clean and untouched. 

"That little daemon girl, did she..." 

'Don't worry, the girl only sat on your face and gave herself several hours of blissful delight, she then left, and this dungeon will soon collapse because she killed the guardian and abandoned it....' His spear Raizel spoke into his mind. 

Vincent tried to sit up but winced; his wounds were healed, but he still felt weak. He glanced at his spear and noticed the rune engraved into the blade had changed, 'Raizel', but it didn't look like any language he knew. It certainly wasn't Abyssal or anything he had learned from his bloodline. What was this strange tongue?