[Bonus chapter] Chapter 42: Weaving Fates!

The late morning and afternoon passed quite quickly as he enjoyed a light meal with the mother and daughter pair with the mother, now almost a different woman, teasing and molesting him with her feet under the table whenever Momo was distracted.

Vincent left Momo's house and arranged to meet her tomorrow to discuss the travel with Mel'Zeth and himself before taking an afternoon walk around the city alone.

'It seems I'll be leaving here for a little while; it seems quite strange as I've lived here all my life.'

He considered visiting the school to speak with Violetta about first seeing the capital.

Thankfully school wasn't mandatory as long as you completed the tasks given on time and completed the exams at the end of the year.

"Although they were quite tough last time, I may have Odette teach me in her spare time."

As he thought, he found a nice place to sit near the fountain, watching the water flow through its stone channels.