Chapter 44: Final Preparations.... Celine's Thawing Heart!

In the capital city of Ulkan, Milla walked along the road with a light skip; a few days ago, there was a letter from her brother saying he would soon visit.

'I am so happy~ brother said he missed me!'

'Weren't we supposed to wait until becoming a proper knight before seeing him again?'

"Who cares...." Milla whispered to herself, pouting.

She walked along to the smooth stone floor, nothing like Vandis's dirty and messy roads; her eyes darted across from the bakery, the dessert store setting out freshly baked apple tarts in the window, the old wooden frame adding a homely feeling.

"Hmmm? What's wrong with that girl?"

Milla's eyes saw a beautiful woman, with caramel-coloured skin, like hers but with slightly strange engravements, like dragon scales, along her arms and thighs.

She wore a cute yellow dress, which suited a lady of nobility, yet the woman wore no shoes and looked a little distressed.