[Bonus chapter] Chapter 3: Voracious Fiends

Seeing the carriage come to a halt, the small group of fiends grew to double the amount in mere moments, all forms of deformed faces and bodies revealed in the torchlight of the carriage.

Momo's tail began to fluff out, forming a fluffy whip-like shape; her eyes were wide, with narrow pupils, as the stress and terror began to build within her.

'No, Momo! You need to be stronger, watch them and don't look away! How can I get strong if these monsters make me so scared!'

Her tail swaying, body trembling, Momo stayed watching them, her hands almost ripping into the metal barrier than protected her legs from the wind and rain.

The former humans had been twisted into demonic fiends, their once-human forms now distorted beyond recognition.

'What are they!?' Momo asked herself, she had seen goblins and orcs, but none were as evil and disgusting as these creatures.

Her tail swaying, she forced herself to watch them carefully.