Chapter 5: Bluetear Village

Zarina spent several moments enjoying his delicious sweet blood, her body screaming every time her throat swallowed; her mother was a pure vampire, while her father was an elven noble, which was why she was so fair and pretty, despite living a rough, mercenary life for many years. 

Her mothers were all part of a single bloodline, and the males were normally turned into lesser vampires, as many of the women couldn't trust males and creating a vampire through biting was inferior and thus could never go against them.

She slid her tongue along her neck, closing her lips with a light smack, enjoying the taste of his blood, skin and fruity scent, slightly snorting her nose to enjoy it even more. As her feeding ended, she pulled away slowly.

A string of blood and her saliva connected her lips to his clean neck, only coated in a slightly wet layer of her saliva.