[Bonus chapter] Chapter 18: I want to.....! - Part 1

Halfway through the flight, Silvari awakened and insisted that Efrita allow her to carry Vincent herself, despite Efrita looking worried for her younger sister, a body filled with thick sweat, her heavy breathing and abnormally pale skin.

"Please... Let me?"

"Tsk, I'll be just behind you; please don't drop him or fall!" 

She carried him like a mother would her child as her blood began to aid his body's adaptation to the upcoming evolution and prevent him from exploding. 

'I've never seen her so serious; she looks like a mother... so mature and strange. It reminds me of Luana... Her mother....'

Efrita couldn't say no to the strange look Silvari; it wasn't her usual perverted or playful side, but the one that caused Efrita to feel she was a horrible sister, even if dragons of different elements weren't close even if siblings when they were reborn into those various horrible worlds.