[Bonus chapter] Chapter 33: Home

He looked back up again, watching the fleeing soldiers disappear over the horizon.

'That wasn't so bad after all...' He thought as Raizel's voice sounded for the first time in a while; her sweet voice seemed to soothe the strange feeling that ate away at Vincent's chest, that strange desire to kill, violate and devoir like a beast devoid of any thoughts, only acting instinct.

'You're getting better at this whole fighting thing….'

'No longer letting them live out of naive thoughts, but Vincent... is something wrong recently? Your spirit world has been oddly gloomy and filled with a very unstable feeling since the day you slept with that woman.'

Raizels voice seemed a little jealous, her milky tone almost wrapping around his ears as the feeling in his chest faded completely as he began to converse with Raizel.