Chapter 42: Will You Be My Kitty [R18]

Vincent was in awe of the beauty of Zerena's tanned skin, which glistened in the ardent moonlight shining through the wooden window; her glowing eyes focused on Vincent's face, nothing but him entering her eyes, her hips gently grinding against his body.

"Zerana..." He whispered, her cute breasts bouncing as she leaned forward at his call, both tails swaying in the air as they entangled each other; he felt her soft pink lips pressing against his, a sweet taste entering his mouth, followed by her warm, slimy tongue that began to coil and entangle his, suddenly wrapping his arms around her back as he pulled her into a passionate kiss.

"Mmmmph~ Vinchent.... Nyuu.....Nnnnm~ so long... I waited....!"