Chapter 44: Night Raid

The night was still even the crickets too tired to chirp tonight, the stars and moon above leaking into the warm room.

Suddenly Vincent began to stir, feeling a sense of unrest, strange sounds in the distance as he began to awaken, his body covered by the smooth, soft breasts of four women, maybe five, as one sneaky goblin was curled up beneath his crotch with her soft hair tickling his thighs.

'When did Mel'Lila enter!?' He thought.

The way beside the point as his feathered ears perked up, listening to a strange sound, dissonance in the far reaches of this small town.

Flames began to erupt from the wooden parts of the wall, and distant screams of the town guard caused Vincent's body to shoot up, disturbing the women across him, their drool and damp flesh rolling onto the side of his bed.

"Wake up, girls; there's something wrong. The town guard is screaming for help; a fire is burning in the distant west."