Chapter 48: Leviathan!

Vincent didn't want to fight these women but couldn't let Ravena fight them alone; anger and frustration built up inside after taking a powerful blow from the woman, his dragon body floating into the air, swatting the knights away with his tail.

He wanted to stop Ravena from fighting, but the moment his maw released a bellowing roar, there was a deep howl from the east; before he could even turn his head, something smashed into Vincent's body, sending his body crashing into a huge mountain just a few thousand metres from the small town, causing him to feel panic.

'Fuck!? What happened!' He yelled out in pain as he felt his scales ripped apart by the sharp rocks in his body.

"Oi oi! What is that thing!" Amira's voice sounded as she looked at the strange flying creature that assaulted the black dragon she had fun with.