Chapter 50: Crossed Paths

Vincent's body felt a sense of emptiness after using [Anima Flare] in his true form, but he didn't want his Mother to discover his identity yet.

'Good... She managed to live.'

Thankfully, the knights fled towards the goblin capital due to their injuries after seeing the huge creature vanish. He took advantage of this moment to fly around a large mountain and collapse to the ground.

The next instant, his transformation completely reverted, leaving him on his hands and knees, now fully covered in sweat, his heart beating rapidly as he tried to recover his breath with deep, fast breaths.

He tried to move forward and stand up, but the throbbing and burning pain in his legs caused him to stumble and fall against a wooden tree.

The sharp barbs and ridges from the bark were comforting, his body covered in minor wounds from the initial blow from the leviathan, as blood trickled down his back, filled with countless small cuts and bruises.