Chapter 16: Strange Girl

Vincent left the carriage and group; thankfully, Verda and Amira offered to help the girls find somewhere safe to stay, so he asked his mother to arrange long-term residence for them, handing over a large portion of his savings.

He felt amused walking down the bustling streets of Ulgarde, remembering his mother's shocked face when she realised her son was a little wealthy man.

Her response was really good.

"Well, since my son doesn't need his ego massaged, I'll have a throwdown! Vincent! Your mother is a Dungeon Lord, and we're rich! Hahahah! Finally, we can stop pretending to be poor... god, I hate this stupid rule I imposed on myself and signed a damn soul pledge for!"

'My mother is so amusing... To avoid making her orphaned son and her daughter arrogant and controlled by money, she pretended to be poor... '