Chapter 18: Who?

Anri and Astrid spend several hours speaking with Vincent about how the blacksmith guild handled the test; confirming they could work together but would need enough materials for two people was a little annoying, but nothing too annoying.

Vincent made sure to get the inn they were staying at and a pair of communication gems, allowing them to contact each other by infusing them with mana.

Thankfully, his was given to Anri, or rather snatched, as she seemed particularly attached to explaining the details, while Astrid was a rare but pleasant guy.

'I would hate to be called with a man's voice in the middle of the night...' he thought when they exchanged them, although Astrid was a little protective of her brother, which Vincent could understand.

At least their outer personalities, he didn't want to trust them completely and would always remain slightly on guard against others, only until they knew each other better.