Do you hate mark?

When I woke up it was raining outside

I got ready and went downstairs to get some breakfast...

when I went there may

was cooking food and there was no one in the house..... "Where is that mr.stone??" I asked may..."he is in gym, working out..."may replied...

"wow that's great at least those equipments are being used..."I Said.. I never used them haha..

I went to see him.... he was doing his work out. Damn that body haha...

I called him... "don't you want to have breakfast?"

"Yes I'm coming ..I will be there in 5 minutes." he replied.

I came back to do my breakfast....when I was having my breakfast he came and sat in front of me.

"When did you woke up??" I asked him..

"None of your business..."he said.


"I got a call and it was my manager.... we are not doing shooting today because it's raining heavily and we will continue from tomorrow so take rest."

"seriously man?now?rest?I was thinking about my dialogues today... I have practiced..."

"but we can't ... it's raining so heavily and the shoot is outside so it is postponed." manager reply.

"ok ma'am see you have to cook lunch for today I am not going anywhere it's raining heavily so shoot is cancelled."

"King if you have anything to do you can do... you are free today..." I said.

I called mark and was asking if he was free ..... he was fortunately free,

"hey then let's go for movie and something cause I don't have my shooting today." I said

on mobile "ok baby I am coming to pick you up we will go to movie...."

"ok baby.. I am getting ready call me when you reach."

"you are going out with your boyfriend?King asked me.

"yes,I thought it would be good if we spent some time together."

"I am coming with you..." King Said.

"What??you are coming with us?? you can't come with us, we just want to spend some time together....alone."

"I have to come... it's my duty... I am here to take care of you....what if something happens???"King said..

" nothing's gonna happen....just stay-at-home or go somewhere else....let me spend time with my boyfriend."

"Hey both of you don't argue over this topic."may Said from kitchen.

"ok fine go alone... but what if something happened?" He asked me.

"don't worry Mark is with me....

If something happens Mark is there to take care of me... you can just chill OK?"I said.

"I will....but take care of yourself."he said.

finally after so many days we are going to spend some time together... I'm so happy.... I am waiting for mark.

when he came, he called me..." Hey babe I'm waiting here at gate come fast..."

I came out of the house and then we went to watch a movie,the movie was really good... "Mark I think I lost my mask." I said...

"Don't worry baby,no one will notice..."he said.

after watching movie we went to museum....

it was already evening...suddenly mark got call from his friend he picked up the phone and talked with him...and then he said to me that he have to go... there is an emergency.

"What??? how can I go back? I don't have any vehicle least drop me home."I said.

but he said call your bodyguard he will come.

god this mark is seriously something....

I called my Bodyguard..."hey king can you please come to pick me up?? I'm at Museum, locate outside of the City."

"you are with your boyfriend right?? you don't need me between you and your BABY. why are you calling me now???"he replied from the other side.

"Listen...he had some emergency and he is already left I am waiting here come quickly." I said.

no one was there ... there were other boys standing nearby. the Museum was already was night and it was raining...

I was standing there....thinking about how long it will take King to be here....but I think it was because rain and heavy traffic he is getting late.

If something bad happens I have nowhere to go, I was thinking in my mind..

A guy from the group came toward me and asked me...."how are you??" I didn't answer him...

"nice to meet you what are you doing here alone.??"he asked me.

"I am waiting for my Bodyguard and he is coming within 5 minutes..."I said.

"until then you should join us... what you think about it..? "he said looking at me.

I got bad idea.... so I started to walk in the opposite direction..."hey where are you going?"

"don't follow me or I'll call police....don't follow me...just stay away from me."I said.. I was really scared at that moment.

there were no one on the road...he was following me and looking at me.

It was raining... and I started running but that guy was Just not leaving me alone....

A car suddenly came from back and stopped in front of me I looked inside and it was king he came out of the car and was looking at him. the boy who was behind me started to run for his life in opposite direction...

I was really scared at that moment and it was visible from face. there was clear tension on my face. king came toward me and asked me "are you ok?"

"I am not....want to go home." I said.

"Should we go to hotel so you can change your clothes?" He asked.

"It's ok let's just go home..."I said.

King was looking at me.... "where is your boyfriend??"

"I don't know he got some emergency so he left..."I said.

"you told me not to come between you and him..and he just left you alone in the Museum at this time at night in the rain.... what kind of boyfriend is this???"

"why are you throwing tantrums on me???" I said.

"I had duty to protect you and you just don't allowed me to be with am I supposed to protect you??...your parents your manager your entire team trust me and I think I should not fail to protect you."

"ok ok fine... I understand... "I said looking at him....he was driving car...and also had anger on his face.. I don't know if it was because I didn't allowed him to come with me or Just because I called him at this time...and he had to cancel his plans....

"please I request you from now on don't just order me anything... I will be with you anytime....even if it's your boyfriend. I don't have any trust on can he leave you alone in the rain on the street where there is no one."he was talking

"Are you jealous of something??"I said

"I am not jealous or anything.... I am..... I was worried about you."he said.

"oh really??"

"yeah really...."

when we reached home may wasn't in the home... she went to meet her mom and so there was no dinner ready....because I told her that I will come late and king was also out so she went to meet her mom....

"may...."I said when I get into the house.

"she is out to meet her parents..."king told me.

I took a hot shower and change my clothes when I came down.

I was thinking about what should I order for food

But Saw king was preparing food in Kitchen....

"Hi..what are you doing? "I said.

"cooking.... can't you see??" he replied.

"can you please talk softly with me???at least with some respect."I said.

"sorry" he said while looking at me...

"ok, you don't have to be sorry, I was kidding.... you can talk the way you want.."

"no really I am sorry....I won't do this mistake again.... I know you are my master. "

"haha what??? I am your master??no I am not...."

"Anyway what are you cooking??"

"nothing just noodles and chicken..."

"you know how to cook ??"I asked

I was wondering if you really cook or is he doing this for first time.

"when I used to live alone I always used to cook so don't worry I have practice.... don't worry about taste...and even if it's not good then we can order food..."

"ok fine..."I said.

he was focused in cooking and I was focus watching him....

*tring* I picked up my phone it was mark on the other side and he was asking if I'm ok...

"I am....I am not...."I was about to answer suddenly King took my phone and said "none of your business now don't call."and he hang up the phone.

"what the hell is wrong with you!! what are you doing?"I am... I was very annoyed at this point.

"You can't just talk like this to my boyfriend" I said

"And he can leave you alone on street...?" he said looking into my eyes..his face was exactly in front of mine...

I didn't had anything to say....

"do you really hate mark?" I said while looking at him I was angry but at the same time he was right.

"I don't hate him I feel like he is not good for you.."

"why?"I asked him..

"I don't know."he said.

While we were having dinner no one was talking ....." do you have girlfriend?"I asked him.

"It's none of your business."he said.

"you know you are too boring and rude I am not talking with you...." I was about to get up from the table he hold my hand... "eat properly then go..."

"I am full... I don't have space in my stomach... that's why I got up."

I came into my room...

I don't know what is his problem....I was thinking laying on my bed and then suddenly I got up.I should help him..

I came downstairs and saw him washing dishes....