
We were enjoying our party...

Chen's friends came and was talking with


They asked me about how's my life going..they are really big bros..

After having conversations with me they went to get some drinks... Chen also joined them...

"Ava me if needed."he said and left...

I was sitting on sofa enjoying my drink..

Suddenly I felt someone was staring me from distance...

I saw in the direction,it was Chandler...

He waved when I Saw him...

I smiled..and looked in another direction.

Chandler is also an actor infact he is really good actor...and because his position in industry is superior everyone is good friend with him... only some like me really don't care about him...

Because we know his real side, which is really bad..

Last year he was managing rape case,the girl was working staff,she committed suicide...poor girl,this brat has everything that's why that girl's case is still under hearing and he is doing everything to prove not guilty...

I really hate him.. that's not the only one talks good about him...

I was wishing he don't come here....

But god is really in favour of me...

I was able to feel and see that the same figure was walking toward me...

"Hey hottie..." Chandler Said...

His only words are enough to make someone uncomfortable...

"Hey Chandler!" I said...

I was thinking about how to escape...but there was no way for this...

"So? How's it going?" he said while giving me glass of drink...

He sat beside me...

This punk looks good,girls are mad for him....his family is really wealthy so why do he behaves like this .. can't he be gentleman... I mean seriously,if any person like him is gentleman that will be too good thing..but he chose to become evil one..

I faked smile and said "everything is good... what about you?"

"Nothing is good ava... nothing is good..."he said looking at his drink.

Huh... this is his trick to lure girls... I know everything about this punk ..

"Oh .. why what happened??" I asked..if he wants to Play I'm also ready....

"You know my reputation is affected because that case?? I hope you know everything about that... really it wasn't even my fault, I don't know why I'm supposed to face this all only mistake was I scolded her in front of everyone on set..."he was saying...

Because you are the one, who did everything...I was thinking in my mind...

He suddenly looked into my eyes...

His blue eyes are so beautiful..but no...he is bad guy...only appearance is good,mind is corrupt...

"Ava... I'm not a kind of guy who will do such things...if I will Love someone then I'll give my everything to her..."he said.

I was about to say truth but then I stopped myself...

"It's ok Chandler....good things will happen with you..." I said."evrything will be fine..."

I Said but in my mind I was wishing he get death sentence...

"Yeahhh..."while saying that he came closer to me ..,I really want to run... what should I do...

"I want to confess something ava..."he said. what is he going to say next??

"What?" I asked...

"Actually, I won't lie...but I was watching you since you came ... I finally found courage to come and sit here with you and talk with you..."he was talking.

I was wondering what is he talking and why even is he talking like this .....

"You know... everytime I see you, I don't know why I feel like talking to you and be with you.." I thought

"Chandler I... I am not understanding anything.."I said.

"I like you ava ..."he said

Moment froze for me...

This guy is good in everything,if he was good by heart I'm sure I would have fallen for him .. but no...

"Chandler... I have boyfriend.. everyone knows about him...and I am sure you also know him.." I said.

"Yeah ..mark... I saw you guys together many times but I don't think he is perfect for you ava..."he said.

"I'm sure this relationship of yours is not really good..."

"How can you say that? We love each other... "I said...

I was ready to fight, because I was done hearing his shit.

"Really??"he said.

"Yes... please don't think about that... I'm his and only his..."

He smirked and pulled out his mobile...

I was confused with his actions...

He held the screen infront of me...

"See ..only someone's also.."he said with his deep voice and laughed...

"I looked at him..this might be know I'm aware about this kind of stuff..

I never thought you will believe in this stuff.."

"Cool down lady." he Said.

"I'm sure... because I also saw him with another girl few days back are too innocent... everyone knows about him,but they don't want to hurt you so they says nothing..and you my sweetie. .you have blindfold on your eyes made up of love ...."

"Just enough...shut your mouth.."I said..

At this point I was willing to get up and leave...

"Did you ever saw your close one talking properly with mark??"

Now I was recalling everything...

I never saw my manager,may or my friend so happy while talking about or with him...

And that stone literally hate him...

He touched my shoulder and Said "wake up ava...."

"You are having misunderstanding..."I said and tried to get up but he hold my hand...

"Ava.... let's give eachother some time.."he said.

"I'm not interested Chandler." I Said...

I was looking for chen ...but I wasn't able to see him anywhere...

What should I do..?

Yeah.. I think I should leave..king is there waiting for me .. I can't tolerate this guy for more...

I started to walk...

He was also coming with me ..

"Chandler you better go back .. I'm leaving.."I said.

"Ava .. don't leave if you are not interested then ok.... let's just sit together and have chat .."he said.

"No, thank you.." I said....

"No one behaves with me like this.. who you think you are huh???"he said.

I knew his ego was hurt...and I was ready to listen his stupid talks and threats also I was ready to listen and not react to them ...