Hot chocolate

"Don't say anything now..let the officer come first.."he Said.

"Ok.." I replied.

When officer came he asked the same thing to Chandler and he also said the same stuff...

"Excuse me sir." king said.

"Yes?" the officer asked..

"Actually the video we showed did not had any voice but when ava called me.. everything is recorded..and the things visible in video are not really clear but voice is clear.. I request you to listen that.."

Officer looked at us and said "yes, I would listen it..."

Hearing that Chandler was shoked he looked at me...

I know what was he thinking..hehe..boy you are wrecked..

After listening to voice officer looked at Chandler..

"So..sir?you were trying to made fake report?? do you know what will it take??we can take legal action.."

"Actually air.."Chandler said.."this guys are trying to trap me.. it's all their plan.."

King got up from chair and went near Chandler..

"Hey young man.."officer also got up and tried to control king..

"Sir can't you see he is talking shit about all the things? why would we do that?? This is such a stupid stuff he is saying.."

"You first calm down..this is police station not your home..we are doing our duty.."officer Said... "now go back and sit."

King came back and sat..

I was able to see his anger..he was really annoyed by Chandler at this point..

"Ok"officer Said.."so the all proofs suggest that it was Chandler's fault.."he looked at Chandler "and you even tried to submit fake report.."

"Sir, please believe me.. I.. I didn't done anything wrong.."Chandler was saying,

"Everything is visible..and we only work according to evidence.. you have to spend night and also you have to give penalty.." officer said.

He then looked at us and said.. "you guys can go."

We got up and left after saying thank you.

Woah finally I'm out of this stupid stuff..this Chandler just ruined my mood..

When we came out there was number of media reports and camera were all on me..well this is not new for me . I have faced it many time..

But right now I'm thinking about what should I do... should I just ignore or take chance of this??

What will be the consequences...

I was standing while thinking..

"Ava..?what are you thinking about?"king asked me.. waiting for me to walk..

"King.. I think I should ignore them... right?" I asked King..

"I think you should not." he Said.

"Should I tell them?what happened??"I asked.

"No, I'm not saying that but you can give them little idea and not tell them exactly what happened.."he replied.

I was really confused..

"It will help to control him as well as he won't think about revenge.. I mean if you tell them what exactly happened then he might take another step.. just telling them little bit about it will help you to keep control on him.. I hope your mind is understanding what I'm trying to say.."he said.

I didn't understand anything honestly but I thought whatever he is saying is good for me so I decided to do the same...

As we came out of the building many reports surrounded me ...

"Ms.ava,we got to know that you had fight with mr.chandler..can you please tell us what has happened exactly.."

Gosh I don't know how to answer this...

"Nothing, there was a misunderst...." I was about to say my words suddenly king came in front and Said,

"Officer misunderstood my act with Chandler so we were here to make it clear... nothing else thank you."

"What is this one gonna understand exactly what happened.."I whispered in his ear...

"Ssshhh...this is right.."he looked at me and Said..

This man is being too hot today.

Anyways whatever he said... will be good.

"Who are you?"one of the reporter asked King..

"I'm her bodyguard..thank you.."he said and put his hand behind my back and pushed me suggesting time to leave..

We Left the building and got into the car...

The cameras were still on us clicking pictures...

"I'll be there in news for few days.."I said.

"Good for you."king replied and started the car...

It was mid night... around 1:20am...

World around us was sleeping and it was quite...

I pulled down the window and was sitting looking out of it...

The cold breeze was really relaxing...

I really love being in quite place..

Just nothing only me...


Here we go.. I can't be in quite place as long as I'm with this person..

I looked King

"Hm??"I asked..

"Are you ok?"he asked.

"Yeah... don't worry about me.." I replied,"he didn't done anything wrong, I mean thank you,you came just at perfect time..." I said.

He smiled and Said .. "I'll be always there for you..."

He Said those words casually but I felt good.

I want him always there... beside me.....

We were on the flyover..

Wow ...this looks so good...the street lights on both vehicle nearby...long and wide road...I was enjoying the view.. who says always only nature I mean trees and flowers.. animals gives best view?

Sometimes other than nature is also beutiful..

King stopped the car...

"What happened??" I asked..

"Wait for me in car.. I'll be back..."he replied and got out of the car.

Aish this man.... doing things anywhere...

He came back with hot chocolate in his hand...

"Woah.. what is this.." I asked..

"Come out..."he Said.

I came out of the car...we went near edge of flyover... it was safe to stand there because there was iron railing...

"Be careful don't lay too much..." King said.

"Yes... I know I'm not kid..." I said.

I don't know why this man always treats me as kid...

He looked at me and smiled sipping his hot chocolate...

The weather was cold and we were enjoying our hot chocolate...

It was really nice...

"Ava... I really like this.. I mean doing this kind of things.."king said.."maybe you are thinking what is this...this is one do this... standing on flyover and enjoy hot chocolate.. "king said.

"Actually I'm enjoying it..." I replied.

"Really??"he asked...

"Yes..." I smiled..

"I'm really enjoying it... I also love this.. infact I'm doing this for first time ...haha...but it's so nice to be here... with you."

Shit why did I added with you...gosh I wish I just can cancel that with you...

He looked at me...hehe...

Maybe he didn't noticed or maybe it's nothing for him...

"Sky is really nice today.."he said.

"Yeah... I love stars..." I replied.

"Ava.."he Said again..

"Yes?" I replied..

"Do you know about meteor shower?"he asked..

"Yess... I have an idea about it but never enjoyed.." I said.

"Aish... don't worry....we will see it... I really love it..."he said.

"Wow..."I replied.

I love this....haha... really.. I don't know why..

I was busy in my thoughts...

"Let's go..time to go.."he said.

" let's stay here for long.. I'm feeling good.."

"No ava...time to go... it's really late.."he said.

"Then go.. I'm staying here .." I don't know why I acted like stubborn kid..

He was standing near car..."are you sure?he asked.

"Yes..." I replied with confidence.

He walked toward me ..and I was not ready for it...

He came and carried me to the car...

I was calm...ok..