New neighbour

"Bye may..." after completing breakfast I Said to may

and left the house..

I saw king was cleaning window of car but he wasn't alone there..a girl wearing short skirt and crop top was standing there.. I have never seen her before here..

Maybe she is someone new..but she looks really pretty.. her height is impressive and figure too... hairs were long and black..her white skin was looking really beautiful under that red crop top..

I went close to both of them..

After seeing me she ran toward me.. I was really confused..

"Ava... I'm your biggest fan.. I'm so glad that we came to live in your neighborhood.."she Said.

"Oh glad to meet you.."I Said.

"I'm dad is politician..we just moved here in last week.. I was so excited when I got to know that you live here.."

"Oh" I replied.

"King.. I think we should leave now..we are getting late.Milly so nice to meet you..."I said.

"Thank you..nice to meet you too." she Said.

"Bye sir... I'm leaving.."she said to king,"so nice to meet you."

King looked at her and just smiled.

I observed something unusual...this girl was really acting weird.. I don't know what exactly was it.. but I felt wired..

"Ok ava..bye. I'll come later.."she said and left..

"I hope she don't come again.." king Said while sitting inside car.

"Haha.. why?"I asked.

"She is really different...not in good way..she was saying stupid things to me before you come.."he replied.

"What did she Said?" I was wondering..

"Nothing... Just those things like I'm handsome and all....but when other people says it I don't feel the same."he replied.

Listening to that I controlled my laugh..she was flirting with him and this dumbo don't know what flirting is..

"Leave it.. I just hope she don't come again..or I'll run away.. I feel so uncomfortable around her.."he said.

"Poor girl...she was just expressing herself.."I Said.

"I never saw a girl like her."he said.

"Haha... let's see what happens next... I am sure she will come again because I think she have crush on you.." I Said.

"Oh god no, please no..."he said.

We reached director office..

"Hey..ava.. you here..good morning."he said.

"Hello what are the plans.." I said.

My manager was sitting there..she handed me schedule of promotion events..

After reading all those I cancelled two stupid shows because the interviewer of those shows freaked me out..

I told both manager and director about cancelling of those shows..

"Are you sure ava ..?"director said "because this shows are really famous and I want you to go on this shows..."

"You are right sir,but the interviewers are really bad they ask offensive questions.." I replied.

"That's what people want to hear..and this shows are watched by many people so they will know about drama ..."he said.

"Yes..ava..last time because of this show you were in news,in I think you should go in those shows."

"Ok.."I realised they both were right and so I decided not to cancel the show.

"Ok now let's go for First day of promotion.."manager Said and we Left for venue..

I got call from chen..

On the call he Said that he will join after some days...

"Ok chen the way where are you...?" I asked.

"I'm with my Angel haha.."he Said.

"Ok... enjoy your day!" I said and hung up the call.

After completing promotion of today me and King were on the way back to home..

"King.."I Said.

"hmm?"he replied

"Yes.. let's go somewhere.. I am not in the mood to go home right now.."I Said.

"Where should we go?"he asked..

"No wait....we have to go home.... I promised may that I'll go to see her mom.. let's go Home first.. then we will go to May's house."I said.

"Ok.. you really confused me sometimes.."he said.

"Haha... I'm sorry..."I Said while giving him cute smile but that stone didn't reacted in any possible way he Just went back to focus on his driving.

We came back home.. I saw may was in kitchen...

"What are you doing may?"I said

"Aishh... you scared me..."she replied.. "I'm cooking it's almost done...are you hungry?"she said.

"Nope..not yet..pack the food we will eat it with aunty.." I replied.

"You are planning to visit mom?"she asked.

"Yes.."I replied.

"She will be really happy today to meet you.."she said.

"Yes.. I'll come in ten minutes.."

"King are you coming with us?" I asked him.

"Why.. you don't want me to come?"he asked..

"Haha.. let's go.. I was Just asking."I replied.

After some time may finished packing tiffin and left to meet aunty.

She lives like fifteen kilometres away from us..

We reached there around 8:30..

I want inside home saw aunty was busy in reading book...

She saw me and smiled..

"Ava.."she Said looking at me .. I was able to see the happiness in her eyes..

"Hello aunty.. I missed you so much.."I said and hugged her.

"I Miss..."she said.. because of her throat problem she was struggling to talk..

" here.."she said holding my both hands.

This woman is really sweet and innocent..fighting with all the problems.. still smiling brightly.. I really respect her.

She saw king standing at door...

"You?"she asked.

"Hello aunty.. I'm basil.. Ava's bodyguard.."he Said.

"Nice..come sit.."she said.

We were busy in talking with her..

"I think we should eat now.."may said.

"Oh yes.. let's eat.." I said.

"I'm happy you came.. ava....basil.." aunty said.

"We are happy too.."I Said.

We came back home after having dinner..we saw there was someone standing at gate when we came back..

"Shit.." king said.

"What??" I said hearing his words.. I thought something is wrong with car like break..Or something..

"She is here again.."he said..his words made both me and may laugh hard..

"Stone is saying like she is ghost and she is back.."may said."she is sweet girl.. I met her in afternoon... I told her to bring me some books from library..maybe that's why she is here."

"Are you sure she is sweet?"king asked.

"I think so.."may Said.

We reached at gate and may got out of the car..

Then we moved in..

But she called king when he came out of the car..

"Hey handsome...good night bye see you.."

"Good night.."king said and headed toward door..

"Sus...king why is she trying to talk with you.."I said.

"I told you I don't think she is normal.."he Said while walking into his room.

"Intresting.."I said and went inside my room.