Can't control tears

We reached home I went in and sat on sofa was about to ask king what is the truth and how does he know about this ..

My patience was fading up but this man was Just not answering my questions..

"Will you now tell me???"I said.

"Sit down first..and drink some water.."he Said,"may is out..she went to hospital with aunty .. I will order some food."

'You want to eat in this situation??"I said.

"You want me starve myself for that stupid idiot?"he replied.

I had nothing to say after that...

"Ok..tell me please.. I'm really worried.."I said.

He sat beside me on sofa and stared to tell me everything..

"So do you remember that day when you were with him for dinner and then he came out?"he asked.

"Yeah...he had emergency that day so he left in hurry." I replied.

"It's was she waiting outside..he came to meet her and then again both of them left the place..."he said.

"What???are you kidding me?"I was shoked.."then why didn't you told me?"I was crying..

"Hush... stop crying.."he wipped my tears with his thumb..

"I'm so dumb," I said..

"No.. actually I thought she was his friend and both of them went togather maybe there was I didn't focused on it much.but then I thought I should look into this..."he was telling me.

"When I met lucy we were both talking randomly then we came on the topic of you and mark..she told me this thing that mark is also in very good relation with her friend and they both are really close to each other...this made me think more about it... I asked her about that girls photo..she showed it to me and I told lucy that I have seen both of them once togather..

After really long time lucy told me the truth that they are more than just friends..her friend knows about you and mark but still is with him..."

I was listening to his talk while crying...

"We once decided to go see her and you remember that day I went somewhere and so we had fight?"he asked

"Yes..."I nodded.

"I was there to see if it's really truth and I Saw both of then in hotel.."he was telling me..

"Aishh... stop.."I Said,"I can't hear much.. I'm.. I really don't have words now... I want to go and kill him.. I, wait let's go find that basterd,"I got up and about to Move but king pulled me back and that made me sit down again..

"If you will ask him about this now he is gonna lie for sure..and I think that girl will also help to lie.." king Said.

"Then what should I do king??? I'm really done... I can't sit body is burning out of anger.." I Said.

"Calm down..we will catch them togather, where there will be no chance for them to lie."king Said.

"How??" I asked him..

"I don't know..for now Just calm down and go take shower.. you will feel good."he said.

I got up and went to take shower..

His thoughts..that picture was still in front of my eyes.. I was unable to forget it.. I was crying all the time.. I didn't even tried to control my tears..

I took shower and decided to lay on bed..

"Ava.."king called me and knocked the door after sometime..

"Come.."I Said.. I was still lying on my bed, face was digged in my pillow..

He came in and saw me...he came toward bed and sat on floor facing me so that he can see my face..

"Can you breath properly??"he said..

I looked at him..

"I don't want to..." I said.

He caress my hairs..and said.." you are hurting yourself..look at those eyes.. it's puffed already.. don't cry.. come on get up..."

"I don't want to.."I said.

He wipped tear that fell on my nose..

"Atleast stop crying..come this way you will feel more bad..and will cry.."

"I don't want to king .."I said.

"Ok..."he Said and was still seating there..

"You go eat.."I said.

"No.. I'm not in the mood." he replied..

"Why??"I Said,"go eat don't Starve yourself for me.."

"No..."he Said.

"You are really stubborn..." I got up from my bed...

"Let's go.."I said.

He smiled and got up too...

We came down.

Food was already delivered..was on table..

It was looking delicious but I felt like not eating..

King looked at me and was expecting me to say let's eat but I went straight and sat on sofa..

"If you want then eat.." I Said.

"No... I'm also not hungry.."he said.and switch on TV..

We were watching it...

Now I was little bit calm..

*Phone ring*

I was it was mark .. I showed it to king..

"Pick up and act Normal..."he said.

I picked up the call..

"Hello my baby... how are you..??"he said from another side..

"I'm ok.." I replied.. "where are you?"

"Home... I'll come to meet you tomorrow if possible.."he said.

"Ok.." I Said..tears formed in my eyes again, I was controlling it..

"Love you babe.."he said.

I didn't replied..and hung up because I knew if I open my mouth he will know that I'm crying.

King was looking at me..

I looked back at him...he said he loves me..

King didn't said anything but side hugged me..

I really needed that..

We didn't said anything...

I was crying all the time and fall asleep in his arms.