
Soon we reached to the place where that nerd's office was located..

We went inside his office..on the way people were watching both of us, confused.. I saw their faces they were reacting like we were the most weird people came there, I don't know why.

We went in his office...

We both stopped for a movement because we saw that nerd sitting on chair with a girl sitting on his lap,both of them saw us and girl started to walk out of the her looks she was really beautiful and classy but I never thought girl like her will do this kind of stuff with this nerd looking guy.. I mean he is such a basterd..

"Don't you guys have any manners, before going into someone's office atleast knock once.."he said.

"We are not here to listen your lecture,"king said sitting on chair.. "don't show us your attitude."

"Listen, this is my office you better behaved properly here..or.."he was saying

"Or??"king said looking at him..

While they were talking with each other I was there standing and thinking about they can talk calmly why are they talking like this??this stone has only one mood,mood of offense.

"Or nothing...tell me why are you here.."he said while arranging papers on his table.

Thank god someone has brain here, I thought.

"Ava, why are you standing there come sit..tell me what you would like to have coffee, juice?"he said.

"No, thank you for asking." I replied.

"We are here to tell you that don't make Mark's video and pictures viral yet.."king Said.

"Oh.."when he listened king's word he looked at both of us with shock.."why?"he asked..

"Because we don't want him to know about that we know about it.."King replied.

He stopped arranging his papers and again said "why?"

"That's not your business.."king replied.

"Why are you so rude??"he said.

"Your face just ruined my mood.."king replied..

"What??? what did you said??"he stood up from his chair and was about to talk something.

"Guys guys calm down.."I had no choice but to tell them..

"Can't you see?he is indirectly saying that my face and appearance is bad."he said.

"Directly.."king said.

"Aish.. can you just stop king?? I'm getting late just talk to the point and let's leave.."I was really done with both of them.

"I have already told him... "king Said looking at him.

"Listen mr...??"I said.

"Gojo.."he said..

King laughed loudly listening his name..

"What's wrong with this dude??"he said frowning his eyebrows.

"Don't mind him,"I said,"so mr.gojo just please don't release this news because I want to find out about is he really chating on me.."

"Oh..the pics are not enough??"he asked.

"They are, infact I know all about this but I know he will tell me this stuff is fake if I tell him about this photos."I replied.

"Oh.. I see..ok ava the photos will be safe here,but one condition.. I will be there with you when you will catch him red handed... I will get some really hot stuff and my boss will be happy."he Said.

"We are not going to party or for an entertainment,"king said.

"Ofcourse I know,and I'm aware about Ava's feeling but it's my work."'he was talking.

"Aishh...ok let's go ava,we will inform you if we want."king Said and started to walk towards door..

"Woah.. what you mean by that.."gojo said.

"Don't worry gojo,we will call you..bye."I said following king..

We were on the way to event.

"Why are you so rude with him??" I asked.

"Because of him you were sad yesterday."king replied.

"No, actually..but it's better than living without knowing what's going on behind my back."I Said,

"Atleast someone told me the truth.. otherwise some people love to hide things."

"Ava, listen I was about to tell you but was worried it may hurt you that's why I kept it secret..." king Said.

"Leave it.."l said.

There was silence in car until we reach at event..

In fact We were late.

My manager was waiting for me but didn't said anything since she knew I'm already in bad mood..

After the busy day We were on the way back home..

The ride was smooth and I was looking outside of window.

"What are you thinking ava?"king asked.

"Nothing," I replied. "I'm feeling like I'm the most stupid person and I don't know I just can't express how I'm feeling right now,but it's really bad,the feelings are really bad."

"I can understand, it's not us but the situations that are bad, don't think anything wrong or bad about yourself."he said,"come on let's go to eat something really good,call may ask her to come at cosmos restaurant."

"Yeah, It will be good." I Said and called may.

"Sorry guys you go enjoy I will call you later I'm with my mom." may Said on call.

"Ok.."I said.

"Let's go.."

We were eating food when suddenly king stood up from his chair.

"What?" I aked

"Nothing, wait." he said and stared to walk toward washroom.

Aishh this guy is really something.. I thought.

"Ava..."he Said in low voice when he came back.. "don't react.. just listen.."he said,"on the table five there is that girl sitting with our stupid neighbour."

"What???so??" I said, I was confused.

"Just get up and walk near table number five and look at those girls there is one face similiar..go..get up go.."he said.

"Aishh..let me eat peacefully."I said.

"Are you mad or something??? just go will be shocked."he Said.

After hearing those words I got up from chair and took walk...

King was right... I got shocked.. I was really shocked!!!