on bus stop

The cold breeze and high speed wind breeze was making the atmosphere more cooler but still I was feeling warm in his embrace, he just sat while hugging me I was not properly sleeping our clothes were dry by this time, I tried to look at him but when I tried my lips almost touched his that made me react fast and I looked down again "aish!! Why this keeps happening with me whenever there is nothing in my mind." I was feeling embarrassed but I felt his heartbeat got fast because of my actions that made me regret more for what I did.

King on the other side closed his eyes tightly when he realized the same and that's what made his heart made run so fast at the same time he was feeling the same about ava he was able to feel her heart beat too her fast running heart made him smile and think how innocent and dumb she is at the same time. to make the things easy he tried to talk something but was totally blank there was nothing in his mind about what should he say.

"Seems like we have to spent whole night here there is no sign of bus coming." he said in low voice "are you sleeping Ava?"

Hearing his words I opened my eyes and said "yes I, I mean no I'm not sleeping. And yes I think the same about bus, I don't know how long we have to wait. I broke the hug and stood up he didn't said anything I thought about explaining him about my mistake but the I didn't said anything nor he was saying anything there was complete silence between us and the only voice we were able to hear was voice of breeze smoothly flowing reminding me horror scenes in drama or movie the only thing was missing was howling dogs on the road ,otherwise everything was perfect because the breeze was there ,empty road was there ,raining was there a beautiful lady was there and also handsome ghost was there thinking about king as handsome ghost made me smile I looked down while laughing but in the way he won't notice, but he noticed me , "why are you laughing what's so funny here ?"

"Nothing king, I just remember funny scene from my drama that made me laughing." I explained him but still he was looking with weird face, he got up and came close to me and put his palm on my forehead and asked "do you have fever you are acting weird now."

"No, I don't have fever trust me," to change the topic "I said can you hear something?"

"No, I can't hear anything, except you and the air flowing here." "exactly king listen to it gives horror vibes right?" I said and expected good response from him but he said nothing and was trying to listen to it, "ava." he said with happiness "I can hear it." "Yeah I know." I replied. "I'm not talking about air, I'm talking about vehicle coming toward out direction." he said "really???"I got excited and tried to hear and "yes!" we both got happy when we realized that its sound of bus horn and it was coming towards us "king finally we came go to home I'm really happy." I said but we were expecting bus to our area but situation didn't changed because it was going to exactly opposite way, we saw it passing in front of us

All this made me angry, "god on why on the earth is wrong, did I hurtled someone? Why are you doing this to me?" I stared to shout loudly, "your shouting is not going to solve the problem madam ava, but I think now buses will start to come so don't worry we will get one really soon." king said making me feel good, "I'm sorry I thought we can finally go home but what happened made me feel bad, "I said. "Ava you should control your emotions, you are an actress and this type of behavior don't suit you." he said "really sir? You please don't tell me what I should do and what should I don't." I lose my mind after hearing him because I didn't like it when someone tell me what should I do and how should I behave.

"Ok as you wish, I just felt so I said." he replied me in cold tone.

"I understand we both are almost done here and both don't have good mood but I think we should not make the situation bad with fighting." I said, "What do you want to say I'm fighting??"He said while getting up from his bench, "I didn't meant that, no need of getting mad." I said at this point I was also done, "I just tried to tell you some good things, it will improve you," he said.

"But why? Why you want to tell me that I mean why can't I be myself? Why should I fake?" I lost my mind again seeing me getting angry he got angry too "fine don't listen to me, no problem I was just telling you," he said anger was visible on his face, seeing him like that I felt bad, I decided to not say anything, we both were in bad mood I just went and sat on bench, I was totally unaware about time and everything right now.

King realized there was no reason for getting mad, he felt bad for shouting on ava,she don't treat him like bodyguard but she treats him like friend and he should not get rude with her after all he is just a bodyguard, and he should behave like one.

He was regretting but he thought he will apologize later and didn't said anything.

Finally we saw another bus, this time I was praying it should go to our house road and god heard my prayer we got bus so we can go home I got up and without even looking at him I get on to bus there was some guys already there in bus I saw them, looking at their faces I realized they recognized me, but they didn't said anything, I sat on front seat and king sat beside me.

There was distance like of sixteen kilometer, I was not in mood to talk with him, I remained calm and he too he didn't said anything and I wasn't surprised, he is feeling less stone, actually he is not but still he is.

"Ava, I heard someone called me." I see it was him, one of the boys sitting at back, I looked at him and smiled, "hi can I have selfie with you?" He asked me politely. "Yes, why not." I replied. He took the selfie and said thanks after that he went and sat back on his seat, it was strange my fans often talk with me about my drama and works but this guy just took my selfie and said nothing maybe he was shy to say anything and further more king was looking at him like he is going to hit him maybe that made him uncomfortable.

After like half an hour we reached to our area but there was still some distance to walk we were walking silently suddenly I heard something king said something in really low voice, "what did you said??"I asked him again, "I'm sorry actually I should behave properly I won't do that again, forgive Me." he said

"It's not about behave king you can tell me, you can scold me." I replied. "But then I also have right to feel bad sometime and shout back so we should not feel bad when we fight, feel free to fight with Me." after listening to me he smiled, "yes still I'm sorry." he said.

"I'm sorry too, now let's run," I saw our home and the gate was about 300meter faraway, "run?" He was confused, "yes, one who will touch the gate first will win." I said "ok?" I was waiting for his approval, "what if I win?" He asked "then I'll do whatever you will ask." I replied "and same applied to me."

"Ok, 1, 2, 3 run!!!!" we both ran with all energy we had and I know you guys can already guess about who won, "I'll do whatever you will ask for." I said, "not now I'll tell you on right time now let's go in and sleep." he replied.

We both were really tired I went Inside my room threw all my clothe and slept finally I was sleeping on my bed.