
Driving through the jungle we reached at destination, late as expected but not so much late as king saved my two minutes bruh…

"Ok, see you later, I hope they let you go easily and early." I said and was about to get out of the car, suddenly he hold my wrist, I looked back at him, "what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, do your best today, this project seems important as manager was so nervous in the morning, I hope you get selected." He said while holding my hand and with serious face, this was my first time someone was telling me to do my best with such serious mood, I'm so thankful to him, he made me more nervous now….aishhhhh! I'm already getting late but why is he so cute, I just can't tell him that I need to leave and I don't have much time to sit here, look into his beautiful eyes and listen to his serious words, but I just can't, I want to be here and listen to him, gosh.

"Ava?" He was confused because I was zoned out. 

"Yeah? Ohh….haha yes I….I will surely do my best…"I said while looking into mirror and pretending to set my hair because I don't know why I was blushing and I was nervous and oh god I don't know what was this strange feeling, aish no stop it guys it's not love, it can't be…he is such a stone and I am totally different, we are not for each other, he is stone and I am water, he is still and composed, I am dynamic and clumsy. There is no chance of anything, damn I'm already here in building in my own thoughts.

"Oh you are here Ava," manager said, "take it, read it carefully and do it!"

After ten minutes I was done with my interview, I was never this much nervous for any of my interview but this interview was something else, I was thinking about my interview which I never did in past, it was like if I get then that's good, if I Don't get it was also good, I never wanted to get selected this badly.

"What happened Ava? Why are you so serious?" Manager came and sat beside me.

"That stone told me I have to do my best and should get selected, what if I don't? What If I didn't meet his expectations?" I share my feelings with her, as I hardly can keep things to myself

"What?" Manager said while laughing, "Do you really care? I never saw you being serious about auditions, yes you are serious while acting but this is something new. Woahhhh what's wrong madam why are you thinking so much? Just because he said those words? Does they matter so much to you? Wow you never took my words this much seriously." She was complaining and was teasing me at the same time. Sometimes we should keep things to our self.

"No, I just, I am just thinking because no one told me that before." I said covering my feelings.

"You think I am dumb?" Manager looked straight into my eyes and said. "You can lie to yourself, to us through your words but your face and behavior says everything ava," manager said. "I don't know what's stopping you but all I know is ava is not someone who will care about others opinion and will stop. I will bring coffee for you, your stone is on the way, and he will be here soon." She said while smirking.

"Yaaaa!! What you mean by MY?" These people, aishhh I was blushing and was pretending how disappointed I was although there was no one to see me.

I was sitting and waiting for coffee, I heard someone was coming while talking, here king and manager was discussing something. I looked at them king was smiling and manager was smirking aishh why is she teasing me like this?

"What happened madam?" King said and handed me coffee.

"To me? haha nothing." I said smiling at him, I know I was behaving odd today.

"Ok, I think there is nothing left to do so we should leave." He said and headed toward main gate.

I looked at manger, "why are you teasing me?" I cried, I love it she replied.

On our way back home there was silence, my enemy so I asked him what happened after I left, what did traffic police said?

"Ohh, they were asking hundred questions, like what was your emergency and all that stuff." He replied.

"Ohh, what did you said?" I was curious to know.

"Nothing, I just told them that my uncle was in serious situation, so I had to go, it was an medical emergency but he is in hospital now, so I came back here."

"Then?" I wanted to know more.

"Then nothing, no one ask questions when it's medical emergency" *don't take note*

"Ahan, I see." I said.

It was sunny today, I was feeling hot and was wishing I reach home quickly although I had nothing to do.

When we reached home, I saw a car….someone is there to meet me.

It was Roy, remember that doctor? Yeah he, I was not really happy to see him here but still he is son of my mom's friend so and further he is my childhood friend so I have to be good with him.

"Hey Roy, how are you?" I asked with smile on my face * fake obviously*

"So you do acting in real life too." king whispered in my ear and went inside his room to get fresh up.

Roy was observing him with seriousness on his face.

I looked at him, raised my eyebrows, "you want to talk with him?"

Roy looked at me and laughed a little, "he is little rude I guess."

"Yeah, not with us." may said serving tea for us. "I mean once you get closed to him you will know how sweet he is, right madam?"

"Haha, yes." I said, Roy was looking at me.

"Seems like he is more than a bodyguard." he was teasing me, why everyone today is teasing meee????

"Obviously. We all are like family here." I replied. "Anyways how did you missed me suddenly?"

"I was here to treat one of my patient, she lives nearby so I thought I should visit you." He said.

"Ahan I see." I said sipping my tea.

"Maybe you know her too." he continue.

"Do I?" I said, "How?"

"She is an actress too, and very famous for her controversy."

"Really? What's her name? Maybe I know her." I said.

"Noah." Roy replied.

"Ahan, I know her very well." I replied. "Better than anyone else."

"I know," he replied, "I…."he was about to continue but got uncomfortable I guess, "What happened?" I asked.

Roy pointed behind me with his eyes..

I looked back, it was king sitting there scanning Roy.

"What are you doing there?" I asked.

"Nothing, sitting." he replied.

"Like this? Like ghost? You are scaring people here." I said. "At least come join us, sit here and talk with us." I felt like I'm his mom and he is that introvert kid.

"No, I am not hungry." He replied.

Sometimes he always act strange.

Finishing his tea Roy said "I think I should leave now, my colleague is calling me, see you at dinner ava."

"Dinner?" I was confused.

"Yeah, don't you know we are invited by our school mates at dinner?" He said and then showed me our school group.

"Oh, I didn't checked my phone since morning." I said.

"OH I see, anyways I'm getting late, see you there." Roy said and left.

I walked him out. When I came back I saw king having his breakfast.

"Why you behave strange in front of new people?" I asked king, "He was strange so I was strange too. "King replied.

"Aishhh! You don't have to show them at least." I said.

"Leave it ava, do you think he will listen to you?" May said, "how was your interview?"

"It was good." I replied.

"That's good, I'm going out for some grocery shopping see you guys."She said and left.

"I am going to take shower to." king said and left too.

I think I should take a nap too...