
His wings were heavily damaged so I decided to chuck him on my back and he led me to a farm, not far off where we met. I could feel his talons sinking into my fur as I ran and the slight resistance I got from him balancing himself with his wings.

The farm was small, but it satisfied my hunger with a lone cow. The farmhouse was quiet and seemed nearly deserted. "Well, now you're fed, I must go as I'm already late as it is," the crow said hopping over.

It took me by surprise while I focused my eyes on the door of the farmhouse, something was inside. "Late for?" I carelessly replied, trotting over to the door.

"Well of course I have a human I was on a mission for then my wings got messed up," flapping his wings, "Interested in the house?"

"Shh," I whispered which nearly came out as a hiss when I pushed open the door. What greeted me was what I expected, nevertheless doubly horrified. "A beast!" he shrieked, backing away, clutching his hands on a pitchfork.

I looked at him in wonder, these humans I used to be so scared of. Now as fearful as I was. He took a few pitiful jabs in my direction while I bared my teeth. "We should leave," the crow tapped my legs and reminded me, "What are you even doing?"

I wasn't sure either. Perhaps despising the species who abandoned me or just the revolting stench that came off this human. It was foul and prickled my nose as I winced, turning and leaving. "Nothing, where are you going?"

"To the capital. Wait... You better not try to follow me there!" he said terrified at the thought. It amused me, I wanted to see how far I could go.

"Why not?" I grinned walking away from the door, gesturing him to lead the way. "It's absurd, big cats like you will wreak havoc there!" Puffing up his feathers and standing his ground.

I didn't even know most of the words he said, but context filled the gaps and I grinned at my mind filled with ideas of fun things to do in a big city. I didn't even bother counting the dangers.