Danger lurks.

Outside of the walls lay rows of stumps and saplings, supplying the city with wood for years to come. Paths led in all directions, like a maze, which walls were merely long and dangerous terrain separating them.

Facing north we took the North-West path that seemed to lead into a taiga forest. With the light growing dimmer it was hard to make out how far it stretched.

"Keep walking until they can no longer see our movements."

Gunther spoke stiffly, setting the pace and judging our surroundings.

Once the darkness shrouded our bodies we began running far inside the forest. Leaves piled high on the ground. Unlike the tropical forest everything was so low. Leaves low enough to touch. The ground, lifeless compared to the tropical. It pricked my paws with pinecones and needles.

It was cold and wet, even if the days were hot at this time of year the night bore no heat.

Roy kept the forest well aware of our presence. Chattering and swooping through the trees.

A wooden cabin, decorated with overgrown weeds and debris stood out between two trees. The broken slanted roof and cracked glass proved it's been through many winters.

Gunther surveyed the area while I crept open the door to peek inside. The inside felt no warmer than the outside. Furniture was lacking in every corner, only a table, a chair and a cupboard could be seen.

"We'll stay here tonight to get out of the storm." Gunther said as he entered.

I could feel the sigh escape his lips. It was just another day of sleeping on the floor to me. I walked over the window which was practically impossible to see anything out of.

The silence was warranted. All critters were tucked away, awaiting the storm which commenced with a loud roar of thunder.

The forest now unsettled with rustles, I spotted a black figure appear in the white snow. It lurked outside with intentions of coming in.