To let go.

I froze. My meal just spoke. I guess it was time for me to change the things I have to worry about.

"Wait! We make a deal, won't regret."

It missed words it spoke so fast. My hearing could barely keep up. I felt the adrenaline coming off the rabbit and it seemed it was ready to explode.

"What's the deal?"

"Follow me, plenty of food but needs help."

"So those tracks were on purpose."


It bounded back and forth then made haste across the forest to a shack. It was covered in wilted flowers and plant life that was barely making it through the cold.

"Master! Master, here's someone."

The waves of energy were hard to get used to but when I saw the remains of prey I was taken aback. A deer head was nailed to the wall. An old man laid on a bear carpet in the center, his face pale and wrinkled. His hands mottled purple, he didn't look healthy.

"Ah, Deava, you have come back. I always appreciate it but I still don't want to eat."

He spoke in a hushed whisper, the pain in his voice was noticeable.

"No, not dead, she will help. Won't you?"

"What can I do?"

"Save my master!"

I was perplexed that she thought a panther could save a man dying from natural causes.

"I can't and he's going to die. I just came here for food."

I heard the click of her tongue, the tap of her foot, the wince in her nose before she leapt up to bite my neck. Long fangs to seep into flesh. Twisting my neck I caught hold of her before she got me.

"Die you! DIE then!" she screamed.

It hurt my ears, a killer rabbit trying to save her dying master. I couldn't bring the strength to close my jaw and end it.

"Deava," the old man gasped his last breath, reaching his hand out.

She squirmed in my jaw enough for blood to start dripping until I let go. She didn't waste any time to join the old man as he lay dead with his eyes still open.

Soft whimpers spread across the room.

"Go away! I find another help to save him."

"He's gone, you need to let go."