Just a walk in space

Jake strode till he reached the end of the redline neon light, he stood by a thick black metal door. "Opening airlock hatch," Green light shone From a bulb on top of the door, and slid open releasing hissing noise, Revealing a white room, space gear helmets and suits hung by the side.

"This is cleaner than I expected." For the short time since he awakened and explored the ship, Jake deduced Rai was a neat freak AI, given also the countless drones he passed sweeping, vacuuming and wiping the ship interior. Which reminded him of his mother who lectured him of his nasty room resembling a pig pen whenever she came over to clean it.

He stepped inside, followed by the black door sliding shut, "Your boots have a magnetic field to prevent drifting away from the ship. And no need to wear gear. Your bio-mechanic body can regulate itself well in harsh space." He listened to Rai, and surveyed the circular alloy door similar to a vault with a wheel, sealing the inside of the white room. He waved his hands while smiling, "Its okay! I have a skill to help me fly if I get drifted away."

"But it does not hurt to preserve magic power. Plus gravity is being shut off. Activate the boots now please."

"Ok, okay." He replied with raised arms then pressed a button on his boot heels, that glowed neon blue.

Followed by a light headed feeling and, some of the gear hung on the side started to levitate. 'Wow! Zero Gravity,'

Never in a million years, did he think he would be exploring space. Well he did have a dream to be an astronaut as a kid, but the love for monster girl alien waifus, was much better, because his grades back then did not show him a future as a NASA astronaut.

"Opening outside entrance door." The wheel turned rapidly in an anti-clockwise motion, and abruptly stopped with a clicking sound, and a strong suction force emptied the oxygen in the room.


Activating Air regulation skill

He walked outside into the dark space vacuum, and watched the stars that filled the distant darkness. The previous asteroid field was still nearby, leading into a cloudy and gaseous nebula mixed with orange and green colors dimly lighting up the place. "Beautiful!" the airlock door closed shut behind him.

Assessing the ships exterior, two large metallic blue wings had giant cylinder like turbine jet engines, mounted on both wings, releasing sky blue flames pointed downwards at a tilted angle, causing a slow cruising speed.

"Hmm! This is too awesome." His hair moving weightlessly.

"The Interstellar star navigator is located at the rear of the ship, encased with a thick metal container, access it with the code ^×℅`#¢ and it shall open, and check the contents to see if the shock from earlier caused any defects." He Listened to Rai's robotic voice from the communication button in his ear, since she was unable to exit the ship. Compliments to her creator.

Nodding his head he slowly walked towards the tail area that had mounted futuristic guns on top of the twin tails, and found a metal box compartment mounted on the ship's rear. Caressing the blue box a blue sphere hologram appeared floating in the air showing unrecognizable symbolic codes.

"The hell, I can't read this!?"


Tactical scouting

Configuring and translating cyber code 'Uiss' tier 1 coding terminology.

*Processing complete.*

'Who is Uiss?' Receiving no reply, Instantly the codes and gibberish became clearer to Jake as he typed in the codes, while rotating the sphere.

The box casing opened revealing countless glowing rainbow neon wires surrounding a black jeweled orb with glittering white spots similar to stars.

"It's like a miniature galaxy."

"Half-truth! That is a navigation nova core, made from looted high level savage monster aliens and crafted by my creator into a Numen series rank 3, which is 2 levels away from a Sentinel series. Without it! Deep space travel becomes close to impossible if you don't know the proper route to take , reduces risks of getting trapped in unsafe areas,

granted its not 100% efficient as we got sucked by a quick spawn wormhole and holstered far into unrecognizable space." He listened carefully to Rai while receiving information on checking and surveying a faulty navigation system.

"Sentinel rank? I heard Starlight mentioned something similar to that a while back before I woke up." As he calmly went through the list he was given checking for any abnormalities.

"I see! Due to the low power I was offline, but to clarify, there are 7 series with 1-4 ranks in between as the basis for created technology from most advanced to the less primitive around the universe given, by 'Uiss'. Here they are in descending order;

Sentinel Series

Prime Series

Caesar Series

Numen Series

Topper Series

Zaire Series

Oreg-on Series

And Sentinel series being the most powerful." A spark of colorful magical electric arcs burst from the wires, causing a twitch from Jake.

"Ah! I think I found the problem. The shock waves caused the connectors to slightly become disconnected." Tapping a glowing rainbow colored wire, more sparks were released.

"If it's like that, you will need to connect and calibrate it by hacking my system."

Raising an unsure eyebrow, "Am I qualified to hack it. I haven't learned how to do it yet!"

"I would not have let you temper with the navigation panels if I deemed you unfit, your body is more than qualified to hack that navigation board, since I scanned you last time your readings were on par with the Sentinel series, which was quite surprising."

Dazed for a moment he snapped back. "What?! I'm a Sentinel tech? How can I find out my series rank?" Searching through his body and clothes, for something similar to 'Made in china' label or 'intel' sticker.

He heard a sigh "It's simple your system must have information on it, just think and you shall receive, I'm sure that is how some of your skill are activated."

Nodding his head at the explanation, he just thought of a bar code.


SEGGS Gen icc9700

[Genesis series rank, Inter-dimensional Core Cyborg model 9700]

"Huh? Ria I think I'm not that qualified,"

"Why do you say that Jake?"

Shaking his head in dejection, "Well you said there are 7 series levels and I'm probably a sentinel rank. But it says here I'm a Genesis series rank."


"Ria! What? Is something wrong with me, please I request that you tell me."

"You should never tell anyone about your Series. I think you might be a new successful model."

"Wait! what?!"