Can you come help Cyrus?

"Seong-min...I'm not disappointed just worried! you're a natural but you still need to practice more if you want to reach your goal."

"Ha-yoon give me a break! I literally just came here yesterday...Oof I'm thirsty now."

"You're not ready yet...Didn't you practice back home like I instructed you?"

"I did practice, at least I did whatever I could with Dad and grandpa around."

"Well your voice definitely got better than it was before, but I still feel no emotions from you...Positive emotions specifically."

"How do you expect me to be positive, when I lived in that luxurious hell my own family made."

"If you're so bothered by them, Then go get revenge on your family rather on your brother's bullies." Ha-yoon said.

"I can destroy both my dad and grandpa in a blink of an eye...A scandal for a rich family can do miracles in Korea, especially a romantic one." Seong-min replied, "But I need to focus on my brother now...I have to return the favor of him saving my life two years ago, and make those bullies pay for what they did to him and Nikolai." she added while inspecting the room Ha-yoon gave her to stay in.

"Are you sure you're returning a favor? he on board with this? knowing him, he'd definitely be against this."

"Of course he's against it! he'll act all Angel like and tries to stop me, but I've made up my mind about doing this, even if it takes destroying our relationship... I'm down with that." Seong-min said, "Jin would definitely stop you, because you're trying to deal with his past on his behalf...Are you sure about doing this? I mean I'd help you as much as I can but as long as I don't have to deal with cops and bullshit like that." Ha-yoon Asked.

"Noona! I can handle myself anywhere I go! you don't have to worry about me."

"Seong-min, you're a danger to yourself and society...Plus you're a junkie."

"Ex-junkie, I'm a new person now." Seong-min said frowning.

"Whatever, I'm only helping you because I'm getting paid brat! but I won't do anything not worth the money for it...So make sure that nothing you do gets traced back to me, I will snitch no lie." Ha-yoon replied, sighing "Ugh, finally that troublemaker is responding." she added picking her phone.

"Huh? You mean your ex roommate? what happened?" Seong-min asked.

"When I called him earlier, he said he was in the hospital, but didn't specify why." Ha-yoon replied.

"Oh, I'm sure he's okay."

"Huh?! He just texted me to come to his new place, he sent me the address too."

"Let's go Nonna!" Seong-min said enthusiastically, "It's kinda late, like we're supposed to have dinner now." Ha-yoon replied.

"We can order a takeout!" Seong-min suggested, "You're paying then." Ha-yoon replied.

"Yay! leave it to me Noona!"


"Your phone has being ringing for a while." Nikolai said as he brought Jin's phone to a busy Jin in the kitchen.

"Thanks." Jin said taking the phone, his face lit up as he noticed who was calling, "Pick-up and put it on speaker." he asked of Nikolai which he did.


Jin: How's it old man, did your son arrive yet?

Joe: Yeah! he did this early morning! that's why I'm calling you.

Jin: What do you mean?

Joe: Sorry for relying on you too much, but can you come help Cyrus? he needs someone to organize his place with.

Jin: Actually joe, I'm working with a client at the moment, this job is A 24h thing.

Joe: Oh! sorry to bother you then! I couldn't think of anyone else that would help me at this late hour, I'm injured and I can't help Cyrus right now.

Jin: what?! what happened?

Joe: I fell down the stairs this early morning while helping him move his stuff in, Cyrus took me to the hospital then...but I'm back home, I just twisted my ankle that's all.

Jin: Are you serious?! how many time do i have to tell you to be careful! you've must've been so excited when your son came you lost your senses.

Joe: I'm old it happens.

- Nikolai was listening with full attention to their conversation, seeing the worried expression on Jin's face bothered him for some reason, so he spoke up.

Nikolai: Hey there, Joe right?

Joe: Yes? who are you? you sound familiar!

Nikolai: I'm Jin's current client, Jin and I will be on our way to help your son, so rest assure.

Joe: but Isn't you being Jin's client means your life is in a danger, sir?!

Jin: what are you doing Niko?!

Nikolai: be quiet for a minute please Jin.

Joe: hold on son?! Are you Nikolai Parmar by any chance? that's why your voice sounds familiar!

Nikolai: yes sir, Nice to meet you.

Joe: *Old man fanboying noises*

Nikolai: *Chuckling* I reckon you're a fan of mine sir?

Joe: falling today is no longer bad luck.

Nikolai: *chuckles* I am always happy to meet someone who enjoys my work.

Joe: I am the one happy to meet you! and please you don't have to come over, it could be dangerous.

Nikolai: then what is Jin here for? he'll protect me well, right Jin?

Jin: huh?!...Right!

Joe: I can't tell you how much I appreciate this.

Nikolai: Don't mention it, I may be a celebrity but before that, I am a human.

Joe: thank you again...And Jin, when you arrive, don't go to my apartment.

Jin: why?

Joe: Cyrus, he's staying at your old apartment.

Jin: but I thought you told him to stay with you, to save money?

Joe: apparently he changed his mind.

Jin: You're ok?

Joe: *disappointed* yeah, I don't think Cyrus wanted to live with me in the first place, I just misunderstood things... at least he's in the same building, so that's a relief.

Jin: I'm sorry to hear that, I know how excited you were to be with your son after all those years.

Joe: he's an adult he can do what he wants.

Nikolai: You sound like a good dad sir.

Joe: Thank you, really...Both of you.

Nikolai: Jin is cooking right now but he's about to be done.

so once he's finished, we'll bring the food with us and come over okay? we'll help you have a good time with your son.

Joe: I'm convinced now you're an angel!

Nikolai: *Chuckling* don't be ridiculous sir, I'm no angel!

Jin: see that Joe? Niko is such a nice person, I honestly don't know who would wanna hurt him.

Joe: You're also a nice kid Jin, I'm glad I got to see you become a better person, you were like a son to me this whole time, and you still are.

- Hearing that, a smile found its way on Jin's face and it made Nikolai feel a little good for some reason.

Jin: Thanks, Joe...I hope you enjoy the Chicken Tacos I'll be bringing.

Joe: Tacos?! Jin, can i adopt you?

Jin: *Laughs* seriously, what if I tell you I also made an apple pie?

Joe: Marry my son, I'd die a happy man if Cyrus has you in his life.

Jin: *laughs* I don't think Cyrus is gonna like me.

Joe: He'll come around, for the food at least *chuckles*

Jin: We'll see about that 'possible father in law'.

...Some time later...



"What the hell...Are you doing here?!" Jin asked, Nikolai was surprised to actually see him get angry.

"I came to help Ha-yoon's friend settle down, what are YOU doing here?!" Seong-min replied.

"Chill, both of you." A girl with wavy dyed blond hair, Tattoos and piercings all over her body spoke calmly, as she came between the siblings.

Nikolai recognized the Badass looking girl to be Ha-yoon, and he wondered if she'd recognize him as well, since he was wearing a light disguise.

"Ha-yoon! what's going on?!" Jin asked her, "I brought her, we came here to help my ex roommate settle can see she's carrying food in her hands, it's not like we came here to kill someone." Ha-yoon replied.

"Could it be the same person?! Niko and I came here for the very same reasons?" Jin said puzzled.

As Jin and Seong-min stared at each other in confusion, Nikolai noticed two people approaching, one of them was helping the other walk.

"Easy, I told you to stay in the apartment!" one of those two people spoke, "I want to welcome him myself, you know how much I am excited right now!" the second person spoke.

"Is A celebrity really here?" Nikolai heard the first guy ask.

Approaching them, "Hey! you must be Joe!" Nikolai said to the older looking man, "Oh my goodness, is it really you?!" Joe said absolutely joyful.

"Yeah! oh hey Jin! Joe is here." Nikolai said grabbing his bodyguard's attention.

"Joe!" Jin said and hurried to his side, he wanted to be the one helping joe walk but Jin was already carrying the food they brought with them.

"You must be Cyrus!" Seong-min min said to the person helping Joe up, she was surprised to see the guy dressed in all black techwear, he even had his face covered by a bucket hat, with a face mask And gloves on.

"Yeah, I see You're Ha-yoon's new walking bank!" Cyrus said making everyone stare at him awkwardly for a second.

"You can let him go Cyrus, I'll help uncle instead." Ha-yoon said nervously while wrapping her arm around the old man to help him stand.

"Thanks sis, I told him to stay in bed, but you know...he's as stubborn as a rock." Cyrus replied, turning his attention to Jin "Fancy meeting you think the guy dad keeps talking about, is none other than the guy that complimented me in a hospital restroom this very morning." Cyrus added showing off his cloudy eye.

"Huh?! wait, you're the guy I accidentally knocked to the floor!" Jin said, "You guys know each other?" Joe asked.

"Met him today, when I took you to the hospital." Cyrus replied.

"BTW dude!" Seong-min spoke up grabbing Cyrus's attention, "Why are you dress like this? you look like a spy or something." she added asking.

"Seong-min! stop embarrassing yourself!" Jin said scolding her, "It's okay, something came up and I have somewhere to go right now, I should be back in an hour." Cyrus replied.

For some reason, Nikolai felt a familiar vibe from this guy, as if he too met him before, "Oh! but we just made it here to welcome you home!" Seong-min said complaining.

"I'll do my best to come back quickly, please wait for me." Cyrus said cheerfully before excusing himself.

Watching his son leave, "What kinda job is this? he doesn't want to tell me no matter how many times I asked him, he doesn't tell?!" Joe asked.

"Don't worry old man, you'll get used to it." Ha-yoon replied, her statement made Jin and Nikolai a little confused.

But Seong-min on the other hand, she felt curious, "Cyrus...well I love a mysterious man." She whispered to herself smiling.

...An hour later...

"You're back!" Seong-min opened the door for Cyrus, "Everyone is waiting for you to eat dinner!" She added enthusiastically, "Ok sis." Cyrus replied following her.

He found everyone already sitting at the table, "That's sweet of you! mister Parmar." he heard his dad talking to Nikolai.

Smiling, "Hey, I'm guys could've started without me." Cyrus said.

"Bullshit, we're here for you, why would we eat without you!" Ha-yoon said, "Yep, hurry up and eat so we get to organizing this place!" Seong-min said.

"Thanks for everything, especially you Mister Parmar." Cyrus said smiling, "You've always been a heartwarming type of guy." He added taking Nikolai's by surprise with his words.

"Btw Cyrus, have we met before?" Nikolai asked.