What about 'Girl with Luv'?

"Cyrus's dad is a friend of mine, he called me to help Cyrus move in one night, and I was making dinner with Niko at the time.

it was when I made those Tacos I talked about earlier." Jin said, "Oh! the chicken tacos!" Soo-Min replied, "Yeah, Jin's cooking was really good that night...My dad adores him." Cyrus said reaching for one of the pizza plates, but failing.

"You want more pizza?" Seong-min asked, "Yeah, thanks." Cyrus replied as Seong-Min's put some slices in his plate.

While he fed Nikolai a piece of chicken "Niko, did you know that Pizza is my second favorite thing to eat in bed?" Jin whispered.

When he was done chewing, "You still haven't tasted me, how did you already know that I was your first favorite thing to eat?" Nikolai whispered back smirking, Making Jin blush deeply.

"OPPA! your face is red!" Seong-min said when she noticed it.

Nervous, "It's just...so hot in here! I always...get red when it's hot." Jin replied while looking at everyone, he ended-up catching Andrea glaring daggers at him.

"True! it's really hot today! even with the AC On and everything!

I'm barely wearing anything and I'm sweating like a dog!" Minnie said, "That's summer for Ya! it's not a 21st century summer without crippling heat." Joel replied.

"Tell me about it! Summer season is becoming hotter and hotter with each year." Blake said, "Not just summer, all seasons due to global warming." Rudy added.

"To be honest It's a swimming weather today, I'm dying to go to the beach once I'm all recoverd." Nikolai said, "Me too! I wanna spend a whole week there!"Seong-min replied.

"I like the beach, but I kinda feel awkward to go during the summer season, because there's always just lots of people there." Cyrus said.

"True, last year Cyrus and I went mid autumn, we spent a night on the beach...I don't usually stay away from home, but he somehow convinced me." Ha-yoon spoke-up.

With a hint of jealousy in her voice, "You guys spent the night there? together?" Seong-Min asked.

"And it was almost the best beach day of my life! it was just Me, Ha-yoon and a couple of fun hippies that happened to be camping there as well! we played all sorts of games and music together." Cyrus said joyously.

Noticing how Seong-min glanced at them, "Cyrus enjoyed it Alot, but I'm not a big fan of the beach, I only went with him because he had no one else to go with." Ha-yoon said, "Maybe you should go with him, Seong-min... You guys can have more fun than with me." she added making Cyrus raise an eyebrow at her in confusion.

Smiling again, "A beach day sounds fun! Mom you should come with us if we ever decide to go!" Seong-min said.

"Princess, you only want me to come with you so I'd cook for you, admit it." Soo-Min said uninterested.

"What? Nooooo!" Seong-min replied.

Giggling, "Ha! Talk about it! when Nikolai was a little Kid and Radka and I went to the beach, it was always me who stayed behind on the sand, making them sandwiches and snacks while Radka swam around with Nikolai on her shoulders." Rushil said.

"You didn't like to swim much Dear, besides someone had to entertain Niko...Niko loved being in the water since he was a baby." Radka said smiling.

"My daughter was like that too when she was little, she loved the water so much but now... Margaret hates the beach and the sunny weather in general, she just sits under the parasol and reads." Blake said.

"You have a kid?" Minnie asked surprised, "Ah! yes a beautiful daughter! she's my only child, same age as Seong-Min actually." Blake replied smiling.

"Seriously? you look so young to be a father!" Soo-Min said, "Same goes for the parents around here." Blake replied.

"I honestly thought he was bluffing when he first told me about his daughter! I too thought he was too young looking, but Blake actually takes good care of himself, he pushed me to start doing skincare too." Rudy said proudly.

"I didn't always take care of myself, but because I frequently go to Korea, I was influenced by how men there seem to care a big deal about Their looks, it rubbed on me." Blake replied,

"Anyways as I was saying about Margaret, she doesn't enjoy the beach or swimming anymore...She can't swim actually, I tried to teach her but she wouldn't agree.

it worries me that's she as an adult that can't swim, when swimming is a survival skill." He added.

"Nikolai couldn't swim for most of his life too, he would just splash around in the shore." Radka said giggling.

Embarrassed, "Mama!" Nikolai whined.

"Don't be embarrassed, you can swim now Niko." Andrea said smiling.

"Right! and I got Andrea to thank for that." Nikolai replied.

Suddenly, "Speaking of which, Andrea." Radka spoke up, "Yes, ma'am?" Andrea replied.

"Where's Salvatore? I'm sure Nikolai wouldn't have invited you, without him." Radka asked making both Jin and Joel glance at Andrea.

"Actually Mom...I don't want to sound bad, but Salvatore and I don't like each other.

That's part of the reason why even if I could invite him, I wouldn't." Nikolai spoke-up.

"Are they talking about that big Italian Mafia guy that was with Andrea at the hospital?" Rudy whisper-asked Minnie next to him.

"Yep, scary dude with the shitty attitude...He came here recently when Andrea got shot, and never left his side since." she whispered back.

"Niko...I just realized you said something weird." Radka spoke up again, "You said 'even if I could invite him, I wouldn't' ...'Could'? What's that supposed to mean?" she added.

Sighing, "It means Nikolai can't invite Salvatore...Sal went back to Italy." Andrea explained.

"Italy? why? did something happen?" Rushil asked.

"Wait who's Salvatore?" Soo-Min asked, "Andrea's favorite bodyguard." Seong-min replied.

Unintentionally, "He's not my favorite!" Andrea replied angrily on instincts, earning confused looks from Everyone.

Realizing how weird his statement sounded "I mean he's no longer my... Bodyguard." Andrea explained.

"You kicked him away? is it about what happened to Nikolai?" Rushil asked, "I can't say for certain, it's complicated." Andrea responded.

Suddenly, "Y'all be talking too much, no one wants to hear about that boring Salvatore!" Minnie whined.

Turning her head towards Minnie, "Minnie watch the way you speak, I'm not done talking to Him." Radka said nearly shouting, causing Silence to fall in the room and for everyone else to glance confused at each other.

"Rad, that's enough...let it go." Rushil whispered.

"Sorry, madame." Minnie said apologetically, "Leave it to my mom to stiffen the mood." Nikolai mumbled annoyed.

In an attempt to save the atmosphere from this sudden drop, "I have something I want to Say." Ha-yoon spoke standing-up.

Everyone turned their attention to her, waiting for her to speak.

"For those who don't know, Seong-min is a star-in-the-making, her and I were working on a song...once dropped, it's going to be her first official song, and it's almost done...so You guys would be finding it on ViewTube very soon." Ha-yoon announced.

Seong-min Was surprised, "Are serious Noona? I thought you said the recording wasn't perfect yet." She asked.

"Truth is that I only said that because I wanted to Anger you enough into focusing on your singing career, instead of chasing criminals around...which didn't work obviously.

The song is ready, and so are you...The only thing missing is Your idol name, unless you want to change your mind and use your real name." Ha-yoon replied.

"OMG! I'm sure that once the song is out! it's gonna be a smashing hit! Right in your grandpa's face!" Soo-Min said enthusiastically, "Her grandpa's face? what's going on here?" Rudy mumbled between himself and Blake.

"Idol name? like a stage name?" Nikolai asked, "Yeah, Some singers pick different names to be known for...even other types of artists do that, like writers And such.

Seong-min wanted a cute English name since she sings in English, But we kinda forgot about chosing a name cuz we were busy with lots of other things." Ha-yoon responded.

"Minnie help a sister out! any suggestions on what my idol name should be? I think a cute girly name would be a great idea." Seong-min asked smiling, but her smile faded when Minnie didn't reply.

Minnie was probably still feeling bad since Radka scolded her a minute ago.

"I have a suggestion, if I may." Blake said, "Let's hear it, I'm going to note all the suggestions I'm getting." Seong-min replied pulling out her phone, she then opened her notes so she can type the ideas.

"I am thinking 'Pink Dress'?" Blake suggested, "Ohh! I like it!" Seong-min said typing the name.

"How about 'Pink Princess'?" Soo-Min suggested, "Nice one." Seong-min said typing it.

"I dunno why but 'Pink Love' came into my mind." Cyrus said.

Smiling, Seong-min typed that suggestion and placed it on the top of the list.

"How about 'Pink World' since you like pink a lot, or 'Pink Shire' it means pink country." Jin suggested, "Good one oppa!" Seong-min said typing it.

"How about 'Miss troublemaker'?" Joel said sniggering, but he quickly gone quiet when Soo-Min glanced at him with a slight glare.

"Haha, really funny officer." Seong-min said sarcastically but still typed Joel's suggestion.

"What about 'Coffee Girl?" Rudy suggested, "It's not bad, maybe 'Latte Girl' works better." Cyrus said.

"Or Maybe 'Sweet-G'? 'G' as in 'Girl'?" Rushil suggested, "Sweet-G is so cute!" Soo-Min said.

"I'm writing all three!" Seong-min replied.

"If food becomes the theme, we should just call you 'PizzaLover' or something." Ha-yoon said chuckling.

"Not bad Noona!" Seong-min replied.

Unsure, "What about 'Girl with Luv'? it sounds like a girly name." Andrea spoke-up, "Not bad actually, but it sound familiar." Seong-min replied typing his suggestion.

"I got one! 'The Lyrical Princess '!" Joel said proud of himself, "Hmm, maybe 'Her singing highness'?" Cyrus suggested next.

"Or you could use 'imperial Melody'?" Nikolai suggested.

"I think 'imperial Melody' is nice." Minnie spoke-up, breaking her Silence.

"I think so too." Radka spoke as well.

Smiling, "Sweet! I wrote all of your suggestions down... I'll have to pick from this list, because my mind is so blank right now to think, I can't even think of my own Artist name." Seong-min said.

"Hold on! I got it! I found something completely different but perfect for you." Cyrus Cheered, "What is it?" Seong-min asked.

"We all focused on keywords about things you like, pizza, coffee, music, Pink, princess...Girl!

While an artist's name could represent the things that artist likes, it could also represent the artist themselves, who they really are, personally.

You're under no obligation to listen to me, but if I was you...I'd call myself 'Magnanimous'." Cyrus said smiling at her.

Confused, "I don't know what that word means?" Seong-min replied, "Neither do most of us? can someone explain?" Ha-yoon asked.

"Oh I see!" Blake said smiling, "Babe do you know what it means?" Rudy asked.

"Yes, Magnanimous is a person who's noble with a courageous spirit, and who's Generous and forgiving especially towards Their enemies." Blake explained.

Surprised, "Wow! This is definitely perfect for You Seong-min!" Rudy said.

"After everything I've seen of her...Yeah, that word is perfect for her." Cyrus said flashing a big smile.

Blushing, "Thank you for the suggestion... I'll definitely think about it." Seong-min replied.

"Now that we helped Seong-min out, who's ready for some dessert!" Soo-Min said standing-up.

"I think the answer is yes for everybody!" Blake replied.

"Speaking of sweets! If you want something sweet I'm right here." Nikolai whispered giggling in Jin's ears.

"Actually I'm not hungry, I'm more like thirsty...And your body happened to be made out of 70% of water, so..." Jin whispered back.

Taken by surprise, "Ooh~ Someone's is enjoying the game?!" Nikolai whispered.