If I were to ask you out again.

"So we gotchu some makeup, and some nice perfume." Minnie said smiling while checking once again the shopping bags she had with her.

Sitting together in a cafe, "Does that mean we're going to get our hair done next? I've been wanting to try the hair salon although...I'm a little too shy for a place like that, I heard it's crowded." Lydia replied.

Minnie's smile faded, "Nope, we Ain't going to no hair salon, I can take care of both our hair, we have time remember? No more Cyrus bullshit.

We're gonna have girlie time so we're heading to my place next, btw I have a nice apartment and it's somewhere near Radka's house.

Once we're done with our coffee, we go there, take care of our hair, do our makeup and dress-up nicely and then we're going to the carnival!" Minnie explained.

"Hey I don't mean to intrude on you, but you seemed unhappy when I mentioned going to the hair salon." Lydia questioned.

"It's no big deal! Remember I just got kidnapped and rescued, to be fair even going to the carnival sounds like too much to me." Minnie replied.

"I'm sorry, I completely disregarded that you've just experienced a trauma...though I'm curious, if you're feeling unwell, why do you want to spend the day with me?" Lydia asked.

"Because and as weird as it sounds, I feel at ease with you.

Everyone else treats me like I'm labeled fragile...you don't." Minnie said.

Smiling, "So we are going to the carnival after all." Lydia replied and Minnie nodded at her, smiling again.

"You bet! Once I'm done dressing you up, you'll be stealing hearts at the carnival! Hehe!" Minnie said sniggering.

"I'm not sure I'll be winning any hearts, but you might win everyone there." Lydia replied.

"What do you mean?" Minnie asked, "You're really pretty Minnie, and energetic...I assume you're still as popular as in your highschool days, Miss Ex-cheerleader captain." Lydia replied.

"Being popular isn't always fun." Minnie said.

Suddenly, "Hey...I know it's a little inappropriate to ask but do you really have a crush on Seong-min?" Lydia asked.

With wide eyes, "Okay that's kinda inappropriate...but let's clear the misunderstanding, so I'm not really crushing on her, I mean you can say she's quite cute, attractive and pretty much my kind of girl, I mean I like girly girls okay!

it's just that even if I had a crush on Seong-min I wouldn't approach her or else I would be a worst person than Cyrus, which with all respect, is not what I aspire to be." Minnie replied.

Confused, "What do you mean by worst than Cyrus?" Lydia asked.

"Let's face the music, Cyrus is a huge red flag, however the only time I believe he acted like a green flag was when he rejected Seong-min because she is 7 years younger than him, and she's also 7 years younger than me.

She might be 18 but I'm 25, I'm way older than her so even if I did like her, I would just avoid her cuz I don't wanna feel like a predator." Minnie explained.

"I guess I understand your point." Lydia replied.

"Anyways enough talking about these depressing stuff." Minnie said, "Btw about you quitting Radka's business...you still want to do that?" Lydia asked before sipping on her drink.

Minnie sighed deeply, "I'm in between right now, I feel like Even if I decided to quit, I should postpone it a little...Radka and Rushil probably need me right now more than ever." She said.

"You know, in my opinion, I think if Radka would choose anyone to take over her business when she retires that is if she does retire, it would be you Minnie." Lydia stated.

"You think she'll have me take over the business for real?"

"Why not? You're her favorite for starters."

"Still, I'm not the strongest nor the smartest girl Lydia, you would probably do a better job than me."

"I'm not interested in becoming the next Madame.

And to speak quite frankly, you know how the business is done, you're the favorite not to mention how loyal you are to Radka.

You're also quite determinant and brave, I believe you'd make a good leader...that if There was an opening for you to become a leader." Lydia explained.

"Although I'm not sure becoming Radka's heir is on my bucket list, but Hey that's very sweet of you to say! really!...So you know how to be nice after all, Miss Lydia Brooks." Minnie said sniggering.

"What's that supposed to mean?" A curious Lydia asked.

"It means you're special in your own way, you're like a slightly more approachable version of Wednesday Addams." Minnie said.

Intrigued, "I was never compared to her before, how interesting." Lydia replied before smiling softly.

"Anyways, time to go back! I'm done with my coffee."

"Yeah me too...I'll give you my card, I want to pay But I'm nervous to talk to the cashier, can you pay for us?"

"I'll pay with my money, don't worry Lydia."

"No, please take my card!" Lydia said handing over her credit card, "If you insist! Wait here until I pay then." Minnie in defeat, smiled and took Lydia's card.

But as she approached the cashier to pay, "Minnie?!" A voice called her name.

It was really familiar, "Padma?!" Minnie said in surprise as she turned to face the person who called her.

Lydia watched from a distance, still sitting by their table as the familiar looking girl spoke to Minnie.

"Minnie I can't believe it's you!" Padma said in disbelief, "Ma'am, are you going to pay?" The cashier suddenly asked.

"Oh, Yeah!...here." Minnie handed the card, her hands trembling.

"Minnie please, before you leave I need you to hear me out! I'm so sorry about that night, I don't know what I did wrong 7 years ago but I shouldn't have forced you to do something you didn't want to.

I keep thinking about it every single day, I really wanted to be your girlfriend! please take a moment and talk to me!" Padma begged.

Lydia still sitting, began to realize why the girl trying to talk to Minnie was familiar, "That's Padma Patel...Wasn't she the hair obsessed girl from our highschool who asked Minnie out once?" She mumbled to herself.

"Minnie please." Padma begged again, sighing, "Shit...fine." Minnie replied before she led Padma to the table where Lydia was waiting for her.

"I'm sorry you are witnessing this." Was the first thing Padma said when she spotted Lydia, it was clear to Lydia that Padma didn't recognize her, yet.

"It's alright...I suppose." Lydia replied.

Sitting once again, "Can we hurry this up, Lydia and I have somewhere to go." Minnie said.

Sitting as well, "Thanks for agreeing to talk to me." Padma replied, "Btw, did you move out of town? How come I never saw you all these years?" She added asking.

Annoyed, "I have an apartment here somewhere, it's just that i don't stay here as often as I should...I travel around the country due to work and sometimes even outside the country, but I've been around here recently." Minnie replied truthfully to Lydia's surprise.

Lydia heard a rumour back in the days about Padma and Minnie going on a disastrous date 7 years ago, although she has no idea what went wrong.

"Wow! It must be a great job, to be able to travel that much." Padma said, "Not always, traveling is pretty exhausting...btw are you going to keep wasting my time?" Minnie asked.

"Look I'm being serious Minnie, the way we left things off, I regret it deeply.

You know recently I've met Jin! Do you remember him? He's completely changed! I even dyed his hair red!

Anyways, I told him about you and me and how our date ended 7 years ago...Seeing him back with Nikolai has given me some sort of a hope that if I were to meet you again, maybe we could also try again Minnie." Padma said nervously.

"Nikolai and Jin were lovers, for us we went on one single date, it didn't go well and it was the end of the story.

Also What makes you think I want to try again?" Minnie replied rather harshly.

Immediately, "I really wanted to be your girlfriend!" Padma confessed, "From the moment I laid eyes on you, you were just captivating." She added.

Minnie's haze softened, "I owe you an apology I guess.

The reason I left on our date when you tried to make me drink with you was because I hated drugs and alcohol...my mom was addicted and it left a nasty print on me." Minnie explained.

"I had no idea, I'm sorry!" Padma replied.

"Of course you had no idea, I didn't tell you and we weren't at that stage of our relationship for me to tell you something so intimate...but I guess what's done is done." Minnie replied.

"So if I were to ask you out again right now, you would refuse?" Padma asked.

Surprised, "You seriously still want to ask me out?" Minnie asked back.

Blushing, "I genuinely believed that we were meant to be together! I wanted to Marry you!" Padma said with a smile.

"Oh wow!" Minnie said making Lydia chuckle.

"You know something Minnie, I'll let you have this conversation with Padma in peace.

I'm gonna go somewhere, call me when you're done." Lydia said standing-up.

"Where you going?!" Minnie asked, "I need to have a conversation with Cyrus." Lydia replied.


"Yes, meanwhile have fun, you too Padma."

Curious, "You look a little familiar, Lydia.

Have we met?" Padma asked, "I'm sure Minnie will tell you everything.

Anyhow, see you soon." Lydia replied before she left.

"Is she your coworker or something?" Padma asked Minnie.

"Yeah, she's Lydia Brooks...you might've seen her once or twice in high school, she was a student there too." Minnie replied.

"I see!"

Embarrassed, "So, what do you umm...do now Padma?" Minnie asked,

"Why do I have a feeling you already know?" Padma asked back, "Well...I know you liked hair, so did you become a hairdresser like you said you'd be?" Minnie questioned.

"Yeah! I'm happy with my job actually...I'm renting my own apartment although the rent just gone up high cuz my roommate left, and I'm still looking for a girl to roommate with." Padma replied, "I'm actually In the same apartment complex where Jin was." She added.

"Maybe Lydia would roommate with you." Minnie said casually.

"You're not being serious right now? She's looking for an apartment?! That's awesome news! Can you give me her infos!" Padma asked.

"I guess I can ask Lydia what she thinks, she seriously needs a new change of pace, she was living on her own these past years, maybe a roommate is what she needs." Minnie replied.

Feeling a little sad, "Is she...your girlfriend or something?" Padma asked.

"Oh no! She actually has crush on someone else, I'm just her coworker/new friend." Minnie replied making Padma feel at ease again.

"So...what's your answer to my question?" Padma asked.

"What question?"

"Can you go out on a date with me?"



"Rushil please..."

"Please honey let's go see Nikolai or at least call him and apologize." Rushil said.

"I've already explained to you my reasons." Radka replied, "It's for the best we keep distance from him now, it's for his own safety." She added.

"Ugh...I don't feel good about this." Rushil grunted.

Suddenly, Radka's phone started ringing.

She picked up the call and listened carefully, before she said, "I'm on my way." And hang on whomever called her.

"What's wrong Rad?" Rushil asked, "Remember the second guy who tried to kidnap Minnie, he's ready to talk." Radka replied.

Suddenly, "Hey! I remembered something! About the kidnapping, Minnie said she heard something!" Rushil said worriedly.