Chapter 3 Doing as he says

"Did I ever say something like that?" Of course she remembered what she said when she was in the pool but she had to pretend that she didn't remember probably because she wanted him to forget about it.

Devile stood there staring at her without saying a single word to her. His silence was intense and the room suddenly felt as though it was bloating. The discomfort she felt from the penetrating silence forced her to want to say something but what could she possibly say to him at that time?

"Umm..." She gave out a playful chuckle, that was if it was funny the way she expected it to be. "Okay so what would you like me to do for you?" She asked him and again he said nothing.

This time his eyes traveled all the way down from her face to her toes. Tiny drops of water fell from the tip of her short dress to the marble floor and his eyes were fixated there. Mira followed his eyes and saw that he must have been staring at the mess her damp self made on the floor, then she immediately assumed that maybe he wanted her to clean the floor.

"Oh! Yes... Of course... Of course..." She looked around her searching for a mop. "I should clean this place."

"No." He answered sternly and she came to a halt. What then did he want her to do? Devile approached her slowly while she stood there waiting for him to do only-god-knows-what. As soon as he came closer to her, standing only a few inches away from her, he inclined towards and spoke into her ears.

"Do you know what I want? I want to make you wet." Then he took his face away from her side and stared at her face.

Did she actually hear him right or was it her ears that were playing tricks with her? What kind of wetness was he talking about?

"What are you talking about? I am wet already. What other wetness do you intend to propel here?" Her voice was literally shaking even though she tried not to seem scared.

"Are you afraid of me?" His voice came out like a whisper and Mira felt a surge of sensation running through her spine.

"No." She answered immediately while staring into those gray eyes of his and he smirked instead. Now that he was up close with her, she got fascinated with her. Mira was at the verge of losing her mind at this point -- this handsome man standing before her smelled of soap and perfume, his presence was powerful and his voice was hypnotizing. And those eyes... Those gray eyes of his were compelling. It was at that moment that she knew that aside from the fact that she was inside a luxurious suite, she was standing in front of a powerful man. But the question is, who exactly is he?.

"You are definitely afraid of me, swimming pool girl. But I assure you that I don't bite. So what is it going to be? Are you willing to do what I want and save yourself from whatever pandemonium you caused out there or should I let you go free while you face the people that are after you?"

Now what was she going to do? Going out there and facing her parents and Alvarez was never an option. If she surrendered to them, they would still hold the wedding, and who knows? He might even want to try and sleep with her again like he tried to do before she escaped. Only the thought of having Alvarez on top of her made her stomach churn - the imagination of it was already too disgusting for her and she wasn't willing to take such a risk. She would rather die than have Alvarez be her husband or lay with her. But there she was, standing in front of a handsome young man. Even if he wanted to sleep with her without her consent, wouldn't it be better for her than for it to come from Alvarez? Without thinking further, she made her decision.

"Okay. Yes I accept. I accept anything that you want to do with me but don't let me go out there. I beg you." She replied with a sense of haste and urgency and as cold as Devile was, he liked her reply.

"Very well then. Then meet me in the bedroom." He turned and headed straight for the bedroom. The last words he said made Mira shiver in fear. She held her fingers tightly and took in deep breaths before she finally gathered courage to follow him to his room.


Devile sat on his bed with his back resting against the cushion plastered bed board. His leg lay flatly on the bed with the other raised slightly upwards. His view from where she was was magnificent -- he was like a model posing to take a picture, but right now wasn't the time for her to think about these things. Right now was the time to adhere to her own side of the bargain.

"I'm here now. So what next?" Mira asked him in a light tone.

Devile could already sense the discomfort about her and it wasn't like he cared. He ignored her, lifting his glass of wine from the table and then taking a sip from it. Then he turned his attention back to her and said;

"Take it off. Everything. Take it all off." It was so clear to Mira that Devile wanted her to take off her clothes and she didn't even know what to do. Didn't he say that he wanted to get her wet? Wasn't it something he was going to do by himself? How come he had now turned around to say something else to her? What was worse was that she has never had a boyfriend. She didn't know how all these things worked. She was nothing but a Princess who did nothing but sit at home and look pretty and now, she was to undress in front of a man?! Oh her life! What an exhausting life she lived.

Mira stood in front of him oblivious of what to do next. She could only close her eyes and wish that the world she was presently living in could just disappear or better still, for the ground to open and swallow her up.

Devile stared at her with keen interest with his glass of wine midway his mouth. He was taken aback with the way her eyes were still closed and wondered what she must have been thinking.

"Would you prefer that I do it myself?" He asked, scoffing and nodding his head in disappointment. "You seemed bold earlier on. Too bad that you aren't as bold as I thought."

Mira became instantly motivated as she was looked down on. She wanted to prove to him that she was capable of doing anything and just like that, she took off her clothes and became stark naked before him.