Chapter 130 A surprising disclosure

Hermes trailed behind Mira as they made their way through the dense forest. His heart was pounding in his chest as he tried to fight off the gnawing hunger that threatened to consume him. His gums were itching terribly, even more than anything that he has ever experienced in his entire existence. He knew that his vampire nature had awakened -- he was expecting it but he didn't think that it was going to happen this quick.

The sound of Mira's footsteps and giggles echoed through the trees as she led the way to nowhere completely oblivious to the danger lurking behind her. Hermes licked his lips, his fangs elongating as he struggled to control his thirst. He twisted his head from side to side, a minor flex that he thought would help alleviate the pain. 

This was not part of the bargain between him and his father, Lucifer -- the bargain was to bring a woman who had the 3 requirements and not for him to crave to drink her.