Chapter 135 Seeking a way out

"I am going to show you how it feels to be able to watch the one you love die without being able to do anything about it," the voice of Lucifer resonated around the icy tomb.

But Devile didn't seem to care about anything that his father was saying to him. He knew that he had no time. All he wanted was to look for a way and leave that place and save Mira. He looked around him, weighing his options -- there should be a way out of this place, he thought. His father was still speaking to him but he turned deaf ears.

Mira was the only name and thing that he could think of. He imagined a series of things that must have played out between Hermes and her and fear gripped him even as he stood there.

Lucifer watched carefully with no sort of emotion on his face. He was already aware of what his son was thinking and he thought it was stupid of him to think that he would bring him to a place where there is a physical way out.