
Next day

Sleeping on a hood was not new to me, but it has been awhile since I slept in one. I've been used to my mansion in the Philippines, China and Japan.

I woke up first and changed clothes for me to go jog for and see the neighbourhood. Walking and running I had a hood view with the neighbourhood it was really a hood, crowd of people talking showing off their guns and houses smells of chemical drugs.

After an hour I went back to Demar's crib and took a shower. After taking a quick shower I woke up Demar to have breakfast.

"Your early," Demar said while drinking water.

"It's 11 in noon gang. By the way I had a good run around the neighbourhood." I said. Demar chuckled.

"You must not fear for your life huh. Well as expected from someone new." Demar said.

"By the way Miami called your phone I had to answer it." I said.

"What he say?" Demar asked.

"Oh he says he wanna go sell lsd and coke in about an hour with us before going to Cartel." I said.

"I'm low on stocks so I gotta sell all off them today and restock tomorrow." Demar said while standing up after finishing his food.

"Well, it'd be better if we go sell now." I said.


After eating our breakfast we drive around the city and went to a mechanic shop where Miami and Chance wanted to meet up.

"Endz mechanic," Demar said looking at the mechanic shop. "I've been trying to get a job here and they been ignoring me saying they have full staff," He added.

"Working on cars is just different," I said as I love cars.

After entering the mech shop Miami and Chance were already waiting for us though they were working on some customers cars. So we waited while I walked around the mech shop and looking at the cars just criticizing their wheels and paints.

30 minutes later the four of us went to Demar's car and just prepared to sell lsd and coke.

"This your first time selling to the good people?" Chance asked.

"Ye," I said which was true as this was not my job in the first place all I do is being boss and shooting.

"Well this will be fun experience for you gang," Miami said while he pat my shoulder.

We spent hours selling coke and lsd while doing that we four had talked and chat about anything really.

Chance's was from UK while Miami came from Hawaii. Meeting new people always amazed me and it just pushed further away from my objectives.

After selling all 100 lsd and 100 coke we then went to wash our dirty money. After that we went to bank to deposit our clean cash. Which I also made a new bank account and deposited 35k on it.

"By the way you guys don't have guns?" I asked to the three and the three of them looked at me.

"This city is different on guns gang there very expensive, so no we got no chops but we're working on it." Demar said.

"I mean as long as you join a gang guns should not be a problem." Miami said.

"You in any gang Miami and Chance?" Demar asked.

"Nah gang, but I've been trying to join the Persian's." Miami said.

"There ass no?" Demar asked while Chance chuckled.

"How bout yo Chance?" I asked.

"I'm in mandem. The endz mech. They own that shi." Chance said.

"Anyway they should be here in a bit." Miami said looking at his phone.

The four of us waited in the car and then a helicopter suddenly appeared and approached. Guess it was just a coincidence, but no it was the Cartel.

"Cartel's one of the biggest gang here," Miami said while getting out of the car.

After a few minutes the helicopter landed and we was waiting outside of the car to meet them. Miami talked to them while Demar, Chance and I were in the back.

After few minutes 2 man with drakos hopped out of the helicopter and 2 Hondas pulled up both have two man hanging out of the window with a drakos and glocks.

In my experience being a gang leader for many years this is not the first time I've experienced this. I was the only calmed in the situation and raised my hands up. While Demar and Chance was shock and I could tell both of them were panicking.

Miami was the first one to be knocked out, tied and put a cover on his eyes. Second Demar, third Chance and I was the last.

I got woken up by the continuous wiggle in my sides which it was Chance and Miami while Demar seems like he has given up while in front of us was the Cartel.

"Nobody, I swear I didn't told anyone." Miami said after his mouth was freed. Same with the three of us.

"I do not care. You betrayed my trust Miami, and you know what happens if you do that." Nobody said. "New guy?" He added looking at me.

"Ye," I said.

"You seems to be calmed to be a new guy," Nobody said while pulling out a glock. "I'll give you a chance Miami, but this friend of yours should be able to shoot you." He added.

"Thank you," Miami said while he looked at me with a determined eye.

Nobody then freed me from my tied hands and handed me the glock.

"Before you do that how about, I'll give you a tour to my motherland?" Nobody said while standing up.

The four of us followed Nobody, we were inside a mansion in an island and the mansion is full of guards while the island is full of trucks with guns.

I could see where they were growing plants to make coke and see anything. The island was beautiful and I wanted to not leave.

After the quick tour Miami then in front of me on his knees ready to be shoot on his legs. While I'm pointing the glock to his legs.

"Come on finish it up quick I have other business to do." Nobody said while smoking. Saying that I didn't hesitated to pull the trigger and shoot Miami's leg.

Miami screamed and was quickly picked up, Demar and Chance waited in the back.

"I hope you have a good time in your stay here, Mr?" Nobody asked.

"Angelo," I said.

"Oh that's a beautiful name, Angelo and Angel." Nobody said before bursting into laughter.

After that we then hop on the helicopter with the wounded Miami which is being treated with the Cartel's medic though we were suggested that we should go to the hospital.