The Monarch Of The Autumn Forest [6] - Puppeteer [2]

{The chapter before this has been edited. There is a time stamp at the top of the last chapter for you.}

Everyone in the area frowned, yet it was the monster who was taking the full brunt of Lloyd's killing intent. They all threw Lloyd a glance, yet they knew what was more important at that moment. Or at least what was more important to them.

Why would Lloyd spend so much time with them if he was a void walker? Why would he care if Roderick died? Why did he just break through into the first commandment? What were his motives if he wasn't there to kill them?

Was any of it real?

Was the meeting between Lloyd, Roderick, and Hime not a coincidence?

What if it's part of his master plan?

What if he planned all this? What if he is the reason Roderick is dead?

Those were the questions running through everyone's minds at that moment; however, while some, like Tina, had already written out Lloyd as a void walker, others felt their rage turning toward something else.