Military Academy [5] - Cultivation

The fight was between two boys, and while Lloyd recognized both of them, he only knew the name of one of them since they were his roommate, but he was still unwilling to interfere in the fight.

This was between them, and Lloyd wasn't too certain of the rules of the military academy yet, so he didn't really want to do anything that would put him in the limelight of teachers and professors any more than he already had.

Jay looked at the boy with piercing blue eyes, but he didn't move. From their current stances, it seemed like the boy was the one to attack first, not the other way around.

"You think your a hotshot? You're not even from a powerful family. You're middle class at best." The boy laughed, yet Jay didn't react to his taunts. It seemed like it would take him much more to show emotion toward such an obvious provocation.