Golden Platter [1]

Lloyd checked his core really quickly to see if his commandment had changed for that too, but as he had suspected, his core's commandment remained the same despite his body having ascended a stage.

Lloyd sighed in relief when he left his shadow and saw that no one was in his room. It was quite late already, as the time had reached midnight, but Lloyd knew that Jay probably wouldn't return until the morning since it was a weekend.

Jay had a habit of staying out late. Due to his looks and personality, he was a natural playboy that many girls in the academy found hard to resist, but it was Lloyd who had to deal with the brunt of the problems. Jay tended to bring girls to their room occasionally, and Lloyd would be forced to leave.

However, this time it didn't seem like it would be the case, so instead of continuing to cultivate like he usually did, he got up and left his room.