Golden Platter [4] - Void Walk [2]

Lloyd found himself walking for an hour straight. He knew now that he had just a little more than half his time in the void walk left, so he wanted to spend them fighting, not walking around the entire time.

Of course, several monsters attacked him on the way there, yet even though they were all at the peak of the first commandment or even half steps, Lloyd killed them with ease because he no longer had to hold back against these creatures.

Lloyd had already established to himself that he could take on a monster with 3 to 5 topaz seals without having to use a single one of his abilities, and now that his core was strengthened, it meant that even that any attack imbued with any mana of his would be extremely deadly.

However, now that he was in the void, there was no need to hold himself back since no humans were around to see his prowess.