Monster Hunters [1] - Overkill

Lloyd continued to walk with his team, and after about 30 minutes of nothing, they had finally left the forest and walked into a rocky plain littered with hills.

Large rocky mountains could be seen in the distance, and even though it seemed like it was the middle of the day, there was a shade of darkness over the entire as the clouds became so compact that it seemed like they were entering the pits of the night.

Lloyd grinned with greed when he imagined how many monsters he could kill in this area. The others grimaced when they imagined several ways they could die when they stepped out of the forest area.

"Oh. This place looks nice, doesn't it? We can get a shit ton of points here." Lloyd grinned from ear to ear while everyone stared daggers at him.

"Do you think we're going to find any second commandment monsters?" Lloyd asked while feigning ignorance at their glares.