Cthulhu Awakens [2] - Intervention

Military Base - Planet Alexar 52b


The sound of a large explosion reached the military base, but they were alerted of the explosion long before it had reached them,

The other military camps around the planet had sent an emergency signal that reached the military base. When the military base realized the severity of the situation, they also sent several warnings to military individuals or groups nearby.

"What's happening?!" Instructor Chen Yung asked with a serious expression.

"Something is coming out of the planet... We don't know what it is, but it's as big as a mountain... Smaller creatures are coming out of the hole too. I think they're the size of the average human? I think they can fly too." A man next to a computer stuttered in panic.

He thought this job would be easy, but apparently, it was much harder than he could ever imagine.