Altercation With The Lynx

As we cowered behind the crystal formation, I could feel a sense of dread wash over my body. We came in contact with the crystals, not out of choice but out of necessity. Based on the information that we could gather thus far, this creature sounded large.

Its footsteps caused minor shockwaves throughout the cavern. My eyes shifted to Q and Bonner, respectively, and I could tell that those two were thinking on a similar wavelength as myself. We all understood the mission. Flee.

Finding the optimal time to break away from the tunnel we had arrived in was a difficult subject, so I did the only thing that I could do in that situation: I obtained information.

Deciding to peek up from my crouching position, I attempted to lay my eyes on the beast. You know, to see what we were up against. I push my hand against the solid crystal while slightly pulling my head over the top of it in order to steal a quick glance. A moment of hesitation ensued as I managed to slice my hand on the jagged edge of the crystal. Much like the glutton for punishment that I was, I managed to solider through.

What stood before us was a sight to be seen—a creature that could be described as a monster, but that still wouldn't do it justice. It stood at least ten feet tall and had what appeared to be an incredibly thick fur coat.

The creature's physique resembled that of a large cat, with long ear tufts, a flared facial ruff, and a large, spiked tail with a completely black tip. Its paws were extremely large, comparable to the size of a mid-sized van. The beast had long, muscular legs. Its hind legs were far longer than its frontal counterparts, giving it a stooped appearance.

"Christ above…", Bonner mustered in a hushed tone.

My eyes drifted briefly back to the two males close to my side before muttering to them,

"The Lynx. The goddamn Mythical Lynx. Right...hehe... Of course it is."

Standing before us was the Mythical class creature referred to as "The Lynx." Inspired by its real-life counterpart, it wouldn't do it justice to state how dangerous this predator is. Now, it was possible that we found ourselves in the proximity of an elite predator much larger than we are.

"I assume that we found ourselves in its home. .", I mentioned to them as the Lynx made its way deeper within the cavern.

Making long and decisive strides over towards the center of the room we merely watched on as it made itself comfortable next to a cluster of crystals. The arrival of such a creature also revealed the presence of a potential exit for this cavern that we had not known about at the time.

"So that is it—the creature that we were out to slaughter. Perhaps we should take a crack at it then. It saved us the trouble of looking for it." Q proposes once we all duck back behind our crystals.

"With what? We don't have our weapons. Hell, we barely know what is going on right now, and yet you think it is a good idea to attack a supersized predator in its own home. Sure bud. You'll get yourself killed and us with it. We have no gear, and that isn't your run-of-the-mill house cat, either. We have to run.", Bonner rebutted almost instantly.

"Bishop…Look at where we are. That beast is only a few yards away. I am pretty sure that it will be able to catch up to us.", Q points out.

Bonner shakes his head in disagreement as I listen to the two men bicker back and forth, trying to find a suitable solution.

"No weapons... Barely got any armor. Its claws will turn us into mincemeat unless…"

"We can use magic.", I finished his sentence, drawing their attention and following up in silence.

It was an idea, but in reality, it was a dead request. Neither of us could access our status screens, so neither of us could activate the spell section. However, our situation appeared to stray from the norms of Infinity Unleashed. In said game, the player could utilize untapped mana reserves within their bodies to effortlessly spam spells that they learned over the course of their respective journeys.

It was as simple as a mental click, and then our status bars would open, and we would be able to utilize the loadout of spells at our disposal. Here, it appeared that we did not have that luxury. Fundamentally, I agreed with both of their points.

I do not believe that all of us would be able to escape into that tunnel if that creature decided to give chase. It would be a slim chance for it not to notice all three of us. However, I also do not believe that we would stand much of a chance throwing hands with a giant feline predator. We wouldn't just be smacked around, we would all just die pointlessly.

What should we do? Run? Fight? Both are valid choices for a cornered creature in terms of potential survival. I just do not know. I am at a loss once again. It's all so frustrating. If we had some type of weapon, then perhaps we could have stood a chance. I doubt my hand would be strong enough to pierce the hyde of that thing.

A sigh of disappointment could be heard as I leaned backward against the crystal formation that we were hiding behind. I closed my eyes to slip into the one place where I could think of a solution. We are at a drastic disadvantage right now, but…

"The cunning warrior targets neither body nor mind.", I say to them.

"What?", Q asks in a confused tone.

"The heart, Q, The heart. We find its weakness, and then we exploit it. Bonner said that the Lynx isn't a common house cat, but what if we turned it into one?", I questioned.

Such a question caused the two men to look confused, so I decided to elaborate further. It appeared that my reference to the Green Goblin had flown over their heads, or perhaps it was inappropriate given our current dilemma.

"Look around us. We do not have a weapon that we can wield by hand, but we, in fact, do possess a tool that could be utilized in order to inflict pain upon such a creature. Take a look at this.", I added, showcasing the wound that I had obtained earlier.

Though there was slight blood lingering around the small wound on my hand I could not feel even an ounce of pain. It was similar to earlier when I fell onto the cave floor out of the tunnels of light and dark. Though I was clearly damaged, my body didn't register it as an injury worthy enough for my concern. That event caused an epiphany to transpire in my mind.

"I propose that we utilize the Lynx's size against it. Something of its stature may have problems turning a dime under specific scenarios. I believe that we could use momentum to cause it to impale itself on one of the several large crystal stalagmites."

The two looked over at me as they considered the effectiveness of my proposal. Unfortunately for them, I had made my decision, and I viewed this as the best course of action for our situation. Thus, I acted on it. In a single bound, I placed my hand on the jagged edge of the crystal and sliced even more of my flesh to leap to the other side of the barrier.

Taking advantage of my newfound pain resistance, I allowed the crystals to expose more of my blood to elements, hoping that it would attract the attention of the Lynx. Being a carnivorous predator, I assumed that it would leap at the opportunity to pounce on some prey.

Making a beeline for the loafing beast, I could see from the distance that I was that the once closed eyes of the Lynx had shifted to now lie on me. I wasn't always the quickest individual that I knew, but I definitely knew that I was faster than both Bonner and Q. Thus, I undertook the role best suited to encountering a house cat. I became the mouse.

The creature merely looked at me as if it was calling my bluff, but I continued to rush it. One thing that I had picked up physically was my incredible leaping ability that I used during my tenure of playing basketball in High School. Although I could not replicate it in real life due to my injury. I was blessed to be able to do so in the virtual world. Here, I believed that I would have to muster all the skills at my disposal to get the better of the Lynx.

"The one that strikes the first blow gains the upper hand.", I called over to the Lynx, trying to gather its aggro from my two allies.

As the distance between the beast and myself lessened, I found myself wondering why the beast had not moved just yet. Perhaps it did not see a threat in my actions. I had no time for idle thoughts, but soon enough, I got the answer that I required. The moment I got in arm's length on the Lynx the feline moved with lightning-like speed in order to swat me away with its right paw.

Its reflexes and power were next level as it caused me to travel the entire length of the cavern. The impact of the blow traveled the entire length of my body in one motion. I now found myself slammed against the solid wall of the cavern before ultimately crashing into the ground below.

I thought I was fast, but the Lynx was my superior in that regard, and it knew it. As I recuperated on the ground from the rubble, I could hear a low hiss radiate from the area where I was launched.

"I am regretting that decision…", I huffed as I attempted to pull myself from the collected rubble.

My plan was clearly flawed in this situation, but it was far too late for doubts. The Lynx was now my enemy. It showed that it was indeed the true predator, and I was its prey. In the real world, humans bypass the natural order standing atop any food chain with their ingenuity, but here, at this moment, I did not possess that luxury. My thoughts began to falter slightly, but I had no desire to fail.

Thus, I did the only thing that I knew I could possibly do. It didn't take long before I was able to gather my stance, and that was only due to the nature of my opponent. In slow, deliberate steps, I heard the Lynx march to my location. I didn't bother to stick around either. I opted to charge the beast once again, this time assuming that it might attempt to repeat the same attack.

"I might be light work to your feline ass, but I've got your number now.", I taunted the Lynx as I approached it.

My eyes watched the paws of the creature aiming to be able to evade its attack. This time, almost on cue, the Lynx moved its paws to swat me and leaped up into the air to avoid the attack. Honestly, I didn't expect it to work, but to my surprise, it had exceeded my expectations.

I found myself leaping beyond anything that I was previously capable of and accidentally leaped completely over the Lynx. I was pretty elated, but I found myself repeating the same fate from before. While my back was turned, the expert hunter utilized its tail to strike me from behind, causing me to once more skip across the cavern into the wall.

Every fiber of my being was screaming for mercy after that rocking blow. I could feel my blood begin to trickle down the sides of my face, coating the frame of my glasses. This was not what I anticipated. I had barely remained conscious from the attack as darkness nearly greeted me for a second time. I fought it off as I knew that I would be accepting my fate if I merely lay around.

"I'm a winner, Lynx. There can only be one apex predator here in this cave, and I don't think that you have the stomach to take on the role. One of us must die here today. I believe that it will be you."

I am doubtful that the Lynx was fluent in English, but it reacted like it was. Hissing more aggressively than before and moving with a bit more haste as it turned to face me. I laughed at it, but I made it a priority to stand to face the Lynx in order to survive,

"Hey Mark! Hold on!", called Q from a distance.

I wouldn't dare take my eyes off the opponent in front of me, but it brought me a sense of relief to hear his voice. I could only hope that I had dragged its aggro enough to give Q an opportunity to act. Once more, I returned to my stance, preparing myself to be able to evade when I needed to do so.

"On your feet, Mark! Allowing yourself to be beat up by a cat is pitiful.", He called to me, as he rushed in to help.

The Lynx was the first to look away, shifting its attention to Q after his outbursts. Taking the opportunity, I took off in the opposite direction that Q was arriving from in order to circle the majestic beast. Anticipating it, I managed to leap over the tail of the Lynx as it once more attempted to strike me.

I called Q, "We have to get the Lynx to charge us, or we will have to find a way to move it ourselves!"

Although I could not see him from my position behind the Lynx, I could only hope that he understood the goal in mind. Coming to a sliding stop after I landed from my leap, I once again realized the absurd leaping ability that I now possessed. It was a tool, a superhuman tool. Following the trend that appeared to be happening within the parameters of this experience, I could assume that both Bonner and Q must almost possess something similar.

We just had to figure out what it was and utilize it. My thoughts were soon put on hold as a loud crack could be heard, drawing my attention. I did not understand what had happened, but based on what I had just seen, the Lynx seemed to flinch following the loud sound. I moved to get a better look, moving more so at its side in order to get a better view of both Q and the Lynx's head. What I found was enough to make my eyes widen,

'Blood? Its eye…It's been damaged!'

Sensing my desire for an update, I looked toward Q to address me once he managed to make contact. Instead, he merely flexed his left arm in celebration, leaving me to piece together the scenario. Whatever he did to the Lynx, I assume that it did not appreciate it. A loud growl and hiss escaped the fangs of the creature as it hopped around. It was no doubt in pain, but I didn't bestow any pity on the bastard. After all, it had the audacity to smack me around like I had owed it money.

I pointed to Q, gaining his attention before gesturing to repeat the same event again. I watched as he merely stooped down and collected a small rock from the cavern's floor this time. He began playfully tossing it up in the air as he flexed his confident stance. He seemed sure of himself, so I began to speculate. The Lynx cried in pain, having been blinded by Q's hand.

"This must be due to his enhanced ability.", I deduced, and the proof was in the pudding.

As soon as I spoke, Q had thrown the rock toward the Lynx and I was once again stunned. A loud crack transpired as it seemingly pierced the thick hyde of the Lynx, but this time smacking it in its chest. The impact was so great that the Lynx was forced backward. Then it dawned on me. His throwing strength must be enhanced. Taking the opportunity, I utilized my own enhanced ability and leaped over towards the male. I initially overshot it, but I remained somewhat within the area that I decided to aim for.

"You crumpled it," I say to him, turning to greet him quickly before the Lynx could retaliate.

"I know, right? The idea to throw something just came to me out of nowhere while we were watching behind those crystals. Look, after I saw you just Hulk Jump over it, the idea just came to me. I acted on it. I assume that was the case for you as well. Whenever I prepared to throw the rock, I could just feel this sensation come across my arms.", He explains.

"A sensation?"

Imagining that he was telling the truth, I wondered why I hadn't felt any strange sensation whenever I accessed my enhanced jumping. Then, it became sort of straightforward to me. Following the first paw strike from the Lynx, my body appeared to be in some shocked state. As I stood there, I realized that I wasn't able to feel anything going on with my body. I could move my limbs, as evident when I was capable of performing my enhanced jump.

Wiggling my fingers was another test I had performed at the very moment, yet I could not actively feel them. I had come to believe that I was experiencing some adrenaline rush. That was the reason that I was incapable of feeling the sensation that Q had mentioned, but I was still able to access this new skill.

"As you can tell, I can jump extremely high and far. You can throw things at increased strength, turning that pebble into a bullet. Bonner. Where is he? What can he do?", I quickly questioned the male, but a shrug was the only response that I was able to gather from him before we regained the attention of the Lynx.

Throughout our conversation, we had to sacrifice the upper hand that we had in order to converse with one another and pool together our information. These sensations were not something that we had felt prior to entering this cavern, but I would not be so bold as to look a gift horse in the mouth, especially while the Lynx recuperated and prepared its next course of action.

"Alright. Things have changed for the better. While I have not gained a firm understanding of my capabilities just yet, I came to the conclusion that this is the time to learn on the fly. Good job on taking out the eye of that beast as your opening move.", I praised him, watching as the Lynx turned to face up.

"Don't thank me just yet. That beast isn't finished.", he responds.

He was correct, but this battle would be far from an easy one, even with our newfound powers. My eyes glanced around the area of the cavern, searching for something that we could utilize to gain a firm upper hand. That was when I saw it. Hanging high above the cavern on its ceiling was a collection of extremely large crystal stalactites of various sizes.

Though I had begun to formulate a proper plan of action, I did not get the opportunity to share it with Q as the Lynx made its move first. It took four great leaps before the Lynx reached our location, swiping down with its two massive paws with murderous intent.

No doubt such an attack would've sealed our fates, but we were more than capable of moving aside just in time to be able to avoid it. The ground cracked underneath the power of the Lynx's attack, and it forced us to split our rank instantly.

Doing what I could, I moved to encircle the massive frame of the Lynx by hopping around like a rabbit in an erratic fashion. I did so in hopes of preventing the Lynx from gaining an easy target in case it decided to attack me.

The very ground shook once more as the massive creature shifted and once more attempted to charge in my direction. I could only assume that my exposed blood provided a suitable smell as it appeared to only pursue me. That could be the case, but being in the line of sight of its only good eye wasn't a positive in my favor.

No matter how fast I attempted to flee, the size and speed of the Lynx made it impossible to escape it fully. My ears twitched as I detected the loud hissing behind me, but I was determined to prove that slaying me would also be difficult. A soft crunch could be heard as my boots dug into the cavern floor below as I attempted to quickly change directions on a dime. I narrowly avoided the blindside of the Lynx when it attempted to swat me with its paw again.

"Ah, shit. Here we go again.", I mumbled to myself. "That was close. Its hearing must be incredibly sensitive as well."

As I moved around, I was able to better time my jumps to avoid the simplistic attacks of the Lynx more effectively. I nearly ran out of space to run to in no time as it managed to corner me against one of the cavern's walls.