Claire Von Angea: Origin

(Claire Von Angea)

My words stuck to my throat as the piercing gaze of the taller males stood before me. I felt immense pressure to just run away from this moment, but I couldn't. There was too much riding on this very moment. I had made too many sacrifices and devoted too much time just to back down now. I am not that little girl anymore. I can not afford to be.


Like an arrow digging deep into the bounds of my soul, the sharp, judgmental gaze of the man that I know as Mark Drago bore into my flesh. While I did my best to remain as casual as I could over the course of these past few hours, I found that task beginning to wear me down. It was uncommon. These men were abnormal… I could feel it. Yet, abnormality is something that I require if I am to figure out the truth.

"I would like to take the time to inform you of certain details of our engagement. So I encourage you to listen carefully. I will start at the beginning."

>Four weeks ago at Astana<

The sharp tapping at my chamber's door had startled me slightly, despite being accustomed to such a thing up to this point in my life. I sat comfortably on my bed as I stared into the large, rectangular mirror across my chamber's space.

My eyes caught a glimpse of my figure as I studied the tangled strands of my hair. My fingers traced through them, itching to rid any imperfections that I spotted using my reflections. I had been up since dawn as usual practicing my calligraphy as my mother had instructed me since I was just a young girl. The sun would begin its ascent into the sky around this time, indicating that things were beginning to pick up around the manor as usual.

"You may enter. I am dressed in my nighttime attire.", I say upon hearing the second of knock on my door.

My fingers proved to be inadequate at their task, prompting me to rise from my position and stride to my dresser in the corner of the room in order to acquire my favorite brush. It would be found in its normal position in the top drawer. I could feel my excitement begin to rise when I heard the soft thud of footsteps echo into the room behind me.

"Lady Claire. It is time to begin your studies at once. Lady Ana-:"

"I will pass.", I quickly responded, shooting down the words of the older female. "My mother will not further subject me to pointless training or studying anymore. I am running away."

My eyes traced to the mirror as I could once again see the disappointment on the face of my attendant Sylvia. Her furry ears drooped and her tail stopped its sway on delivery. Sylvia was a wolf demi-human with a rather pale complexion, similar to that of an elf.

Despite being several head-lengths taller than myself and like five years my senior, the mere delivery of my words was enough to drop the morale of the woman. She had been my attendant for most of my life, so I was always surprised that she was unable to detect the jest in my tone. I couldn't help, but snicker at the slight whimper on her snout.

"But your duties..", she whined.

"Not going to do it. I have learned enough from Mother's circle. The studies bore me and the training made me sweaty. Plus, I have not improved much from it anyway."

The eyes of the gray-furred woman looked away from me but suddenly shot up indicating that she had an idea. Without needing prior permission, the taller woman would take the initiative to retrieve my brush and begin untangling the knots on my behalf despite both of us standing up. Her strokes are clunky, yet careful so as to not damage the scalp of my head with any rushed action.

"You must never give up Lady Claire. I truly believe that Astana will come to need you one day. Until your time, you must prepare yourself and obtain personal strength, much like Lady Ana.", she says to me.

I chuckled softly, turning fully to the woman to catch a proper gaze at her dark blue servant's attire. Despite being relatively uneducated, I had come to trust Sylvia's earnest nature to be a positive motivator for my upcoming day. With her face solemn like that, there was no way that I could possibly bring myself to deny the request of such a dependable attendant. Well even if I really desired it, Mother would not allow such an obvious refusal to go uncontested.

"Hmph- Very Well, Sylvia. I will embark on today's study as well. I will request that you accompany me there as well."

Nearly on cue, the ears of the woman began to stand up and her tail swayed gently back and forth. Bantering with Sylvia has been a daily occurrence for years now. Even though I had long accepted the routine as law, I still seemed to be able to convince the woman that I was unwilling to participate.

As usual, she would aid me in dressing in my long, dark red robes befitting that of a recruit of Astana's Mage Corps. Since I was a member of the ruling Angea House, I am accustomed to the precedent set by my mother and uncle that the Angea are to be talented mages in order to properly hone their talents.

My mother has had three hundred years to obtain her level of talent, while my uncle Feno has acquired a little over half a century more experience in that regard. As I was growing up, there was a certain expectation that I must follow. Elegance like my mother and power like my uncle. Growing and honing my skills as a mage was the responsibility of a young Angea.

In order to further that goal, my mother placed me within the ranks of the Astana Mage Corps last cycle in order to better my affinity with offensive magic casting. That was the location that I was presently heading to from my chambers, and as usual, I landed earlier than most other recruits around my age.

We arrived at the Hall of Mages located on the property next to my home at the Golden Manor. The facility was incredibly large, nearly as expansive as the Manor making it only the third largest campus within the city of Astana. Statues of the past and great mages lined the spacious hall leading to the elaborate gate acting as its entrance.

"Heh- Mavis…Deradath…Falkus…Uncle.."

An entire line of great mages was produced from this very academy, and yet I was faced with the expectation to continue on. Most of the mages within the Astana Mage Corps later served as important figures throughout the land. Powerful or talented ones who found themselves sought in extremely high places. My uncle Feno Angea, whose statue that I routinely stared up at was one of them.

"Fear not-Lady Claire. I believe that you have the talent to surpass them one day.", Sylvia says to me from her position.

"To surpass Feno Angea?- That sounds like a fairy tale, Sylvia. I wish for the same confidence as you did. Perhaps, I would have progressed further than I currently am."

"You must not hold in bad thoughts in that matter. Your mother has faith in you. That is why you are signed up here."

"Mother merely wishes me to be something that I am not. I will try, but I will fail."

"Failure is always an option, but it is always best to continue anyway. One day people will look to you for help. Don't you think that it would be good for you to command the power to do so?"

My eyes shifted from the larger-than-life statue of my uncle to the smaller figure of Sylvia. Her features softened akin to a bright ray of sunlight blessing the world below. Her kind and beautiful nature was always comforting to me. I enjoyed her presence very much and appreciated her words. Although I only desired to somehow repay her kindness with my actions in the future. That is why I dragged myself through mage training despite not bearing much fruit from my labor.

There was only one issue with me… I am below a subpar mage. No good encouragement can change that reality, unfortunately, but I continued to do my training in order to keep Sylvia by my side.

The nature of her being a demi-human in Astana meant that her status in her job is always in the air. Whether I liked it or not, demi-humans are replaceable. Even one as kind as Sylvia will be chewed alive if they are even perceived as inadequate. Being the attendant of a mediocre mage as myself is likely bad for her status. Though it is not her fault mediocrity was bestowed upon me despite my house's status.

"You may return for me later after my training reaches its conclusion, Sylvia. I will give it my best as usual.", I say to her softly.

"You can do it! Strength is there for those who want it! Reach for it and achieve your desire, Lady Claire!"

I nod at her righteous words and my chest tightens instantly. Blood pumps through my veins as I turn towards the doorway. It was then that something broke my routine. As suddenly as the wind changed and carried my bangs, one of my mother's retainers appeared before me. My eyes narrowed briefly, my lids shielding them from the sudden uptick in the breeze.

"Ah, Lady Claire.", says the masculine voice.

Standing to my side was the man who was speaking. His body exceeded my own in height for several head-lengths, his frame was small and withered. He was almost sickly looking, but you would be surprised to find his pale complexion tinged with a youthful flare. I looked at him skeptically instantly upon laying eyes on him. Donning the colors of crimson from the Angea House, the blue bangs of the elven male stood out in comparison to his garments.

"Ah- Sylvia is here as well. HmHaha- Perfect timing demi-human. Your services are required as well.", he says once again.

His tone was thick with condescension and his eyes sharp with disrespect. Down the bridge of his nose could not have been a good sight, but that is a preferred view of this type of individual. After all, unlike me, this man was actually benefiting from our meritocracy.

"High Mage Dawn. I was going to attend my train-"

"No need, Lady Claire.", High Mage Dawn interjects.

His hand softly brushed aside the absurdly long bangs pressing against his sunken face following the steadiness of the once wild wind. This man was the High Mage Dawn, an official working underneath my mother and the head of the Astana Mage Corps.

A man that I knew quite a bit about due to his service to my mother for a short period before he entered into his current role. His sleek, crimson robe with its' shiny golden magic circle design right above his chest, flowed gently in the new breeze.

"I will excuse your attendance on this day. Lady Ana requires your presence and so I was tasked with bringing you both to her. A job below my pay grade, but I will do what Lady Ana has requested me to do.", High Mage Dawn says.

My mother requested my presence. That is quite strange and unordinary, especially during a time such as this. Yet, I did not protest nor did I really desire to complain. There must've been a reason that Mother sent such a high-ranking figure to personally retrieve me, so I merely nodded to give him confirmation. My ears begin be detect the brief shift in the wind as High Mage Dawn raised his hand above his waist. His fingers outstretched as he began uttering,

"God of nature, I beseech thee to conjure a column of your most callous sector of breeze; Wind Call."

My eyes widened slightly as a column of air swept underneath our figures and slowly held us above ground. Moment by moment the wind carried us higher and higher into the air until the ground was merely a past thought. Free as birds soaring through the sky, High Mage Dawn utilized his Third Tier Wind Magic to carry us to his desired location even if we did not desire to go. So a trip that would have taken half an hour, we arrived in mere seconds.

When the spell came to an end we arrived at the southeast garden of the Golden Manor. Sitting underneath the pavilion was merely one lone figure. Her beauty was only as striking as the golden chalice wedged between her fingers. Her sharp gaze pierced me upon impact, sending a shiver down my spine.

She would be sitting at a round table, but her body faced the opening of the pavilion as she likely tended to her business orally as they arrived to be graced with her presence and wisdom.

Just the overwhelming presence of the woman stifled even the staunchest and bravest warriors to their knees, making them look like mere children before her. That was the power of this woman. Her blonde hair flowed far longer than my mediocre length, bringing the difference between us as blatant as night and day.

The high mage took his place next to her, standing rather than sitting in a chair. He lowered his head briefly as he addressed her with a greeting in an elven language that I had yet not learned, and then their eyes both landed upon me. My heart began to rise uncontrollably and my stomach churned out of instinct. I could only grab onto the thin robes shielding my body as I awaited the conclusion of their conversation.

"Hmm-", the woman says.

Just that sound hit me like a bolt of lightning and rendered me unable to move or speak. My toes curled into my boots scooping nothing more than vacant air residing inside of them. The sound of a chair scrubbed against the pavilion's stone foundation filled my ears.


My words hung into my throat as I began to wonder on what occasion I had been summoned before her. Perhaps, she was here to voice her disappointment towards my lack of progress. The sound of her heels clicking against the steps was like a countdown before our inevitable personal meeting, or so I thought. Instead of confronting me, the woman stepped before my attendant Sylvia.

"Hmm- Sylvia. It is a pleasure to see you once more. I appreciate you for watching over my daughter.", my mother says.

Sylvia's tails swayed from side to side as she bowed before her with respect.

"Your words are wasted on a demi-human like myself, Lady Ana. Please save your praise for an individual that deserves it."

Her words were drenched in modesty befitting one of a lower social status as Sylvia, but my mother seemed to be having none of it. She embraced my attendant briefly before gazing towards my direction. I couldn't help but find the encounter atypical and strange. I eyed her with curious intent as I attempted to deduce what reason she summoned me here.

"A-Oh- Claire-dear. How are your studies transpiring? High Mage Dawn has alerted me to your lack of progress in advancing to the high tiers of magic casting. Is something the matter?"

While her words on the surface seemed to be loving and gentle, I could not help noticing the intensity radiating out of every syllable. Her words struck like a bolt of lightning, sparking my nerves, yet I attempted to remain strong. I steeled my nerves as I could in the moment before speaking,

"I would not say that is the case, Mo-Lady Ana. I have had certain difficulties leveling up, but I am sure to get it soon. I will improve drastically soon enough, so I merely beg for a bit more time."

"You are far too harsh on yourself. There is no need to rush your development. Magical talent is not a thing that every generation will possess. You must do what you can, and not overextend yourself.", my mother responds.

Her strides were graceful as she moved towards me, yet the closer she became, the more rapid my heart grew. It was then that she would cup my chin with both of her hands. My face instinctively flushed, turning hot as a summer day.


"Can only do what you are capable of and nothing more. Remember that Claire. Though you seem to not be satisfied with that. Are you? I can see it in your eyes."

At that moment, my heart became still. No trace of trepidation or escalation could be detected within my chest. As I gazed into the eyes of the woman standing before me, I felt nothing more than warmness. I could not explain it, but I felt new. 'Improved' if one would say. As if all of the stress that was compounding within my life was shattered and reconstructed.

"I have a great idea. I summoned you here from your training because I believe that you would benefit from attending my meeting in Histanople alongside me. Your talent should be sufficient for the journey.", My mother says.

I was taken aback by her words. My mother wanted me to attend such an important event alongside her in Histanople. I may be her daughter, but I do not command nearly enough attention as she does. Perhaps, this was her way to introduce me more to our political space. The look on her face told me that her statement was more of an order than a request.

"A-as you wish, Lady Ana. I will do my best.", I responded meekly.

"No need to fear we will be protected by some of the finest men in the Astana Guard. Our meeting is a secret, so not many people will know the path we will take out of the city. We will be leaving at high sun, so have your things prepared for an extended stay. High Mage Dawn will retrieve you from your room, so go now and see to it.", she instructs.

Upon retrieving an order from my mother, one was to immediately follow suit. Being her daughter meant no exception. Leaving the garden, it would not long until I arrived in my chambers within the Golden Manor. With the aid of Sylvia, things would go smoothly in packing my belongings.

Reflecting back on my mother's actions, I could not begin to figure out why my mother would suddenly desire my presence on this secret trip to Histanople. Her mind was often a mystery to me. Her actions seemed unreadable, so I could do the one thing that was suitable for someone of my caliber. I merely followed my orders and listened to her. Trusting that I will find out the answer to her actions upon our next meeting at High Sun.

When the time arrived for our departure, a sharp knocking could be heard upon my chamber's door. Sitting on my bed, my eyes shifted to Sylvia as the woman carefully closed the distance towards the door. With a light rattle of the doorknob, Sylvia opened it revealing the ghostly figure of the High Mage.

Our eyes met nearly instantly and without him needing to speak, I rose from my position on my bed and moved to join the man in the hallway. He chuckled softly out of nowhere as soon as I stood next to him, and I found it rather unsettling.

The High Mage had always been a peculiar fellow. Not only was his appearance paler than most, but his eyes were deep and often judgmental. Though no one in their right mind would attempt to refute his talent with magic, so it was not long before he replaced his predecessor for his position.

"Things prepared?", he says promptly.

His question was answered as Sylvia arrived behind us, carrying my belongings in a trunk. Despite her femininity and beauty, Sylvia was still a wolf demi-human, so her strength was impressive despite not being properly trained. She had no trouble carrying a trunk twice my size over her shoulder. She was always quite a reliable worker, so I often counted myself lucky to have her as my attendant.

"We are prepared to leave. Please lead the way, High Mage Dawn."

"Very well.", he says briefly to us before turning to face down the hallway.

As planned, the High Mage would lead us toward the location I assumed that we were supposed to arrive at. To my surprise, It was a place that was normally inaccessible to a person such as myself. I would normally not have any clearance to enter it, so as I spotted the guards at their post at the doorway, my heart sank deeper inside my chest.

High Mage Dawn would approach first and speak briefly to the men, and as expected they had no issues granting the three of us entry. What lies behind the door is an elongated passageway with a sharp turn down the end. We traversed it, navigating the many more sharp right and left turns that we came across.

Only for us to end at an oddly large and ornate door. Its dark brown wood was finely carved into it by a skilled artisan. Much like prior, there were guards posted here with no doubt to protect the contents of the room.

I found myself enamored by the sight as the High Mage would once again approach them and speak briefly. A loud creak would fill the then-silent hallway as the two guards worked together to open one side of the massive door. Using their teamwork in order to open it wide enough for the three of us would be able to enter with little trouble. The atmosphere became thicker upon entering the room, and out of instinct, my heart began to dance faster.

Various maps, artifacts, sculptures, and statues filled the room at first glance, but as I fully entered there was a desk towards the back of the room. Men dressed in unfamiliar armor were scattered in paintings mounted on the wall. Some that I did not recognize in the slightest.

"Lady Ana. We have arrived just as expected. Shall we begin our journey?", the slimy voice of the High Mage squeaked out.

With my eyes wandering across the various swords and artifacts plastered across the room, I had somehow failed to notice the source of my unnatural body aches. Poised like a snake, I could feel the eyes of my mother, Lady Ana Von Angea bearing into my person like teeth into flesh. She was sitting behind the desk, and swiftly stood upon being addressed by the High Mage. She swayed softly as she walked and approached one of the paintings on the wall.

"Yes. Our timetable is slightly changing, High Mage. We will have to move now. There are certain elements that are moving faster than we had anticipated.", my mother responds.

I found myself confused by her wording at first, but reflecting back on it I wished that I had listened more to their conversation at the time. Instead, I could only attempt to absorb more of my surroundings. This place that we found ourselves in was top secret to even the highest of nobles in our city, and here I was finally granted access to it.

"Claire!-", a faint voice called to me.

It was then that my head began to violently throb. It was as if the very earth around me had begun to shake, and my head became rattled as well. The thick smell of smoke choked me, leaving not even the faintest of air to bless my lungs. My world became twisted and distortion warped my mind. Even the brightest of lights stretched into blackness.

"Lady Claire!-"