Departure From The Garden

Being offered to accompany such important figures within the upper echelon of Astana to dinner was not how I anticipated our journey to begin. I was not against the idea fully, but I won't deny that dining with them poses certain risks.

I personally viewed that spending even more time with Vanya opens the truth behind The Disturbance. No doubt that if they learned that the "commoners" that they were dining with were actually those responsible, then surely we would be forced to trade blows.

The slender frame of the blonde male would begin to strut towards the steps of the pavilion. Since there was a lapse in the conservation, the boots of the male scrunched up any imperfect debris across the stone foundation. Considering that I and Vanya had initiated eye contact, I saw no further reason to kneel like a peasant inferior to those in the area. Even so my legs were beginning to stiff as boards as well, I hobbled to a standing position to reclaim my place as the tallest person present.

"I will notify the staff and guards of my estate to allow your entry. For now, I will depart. ", Percival continued as he stepped down the stairs and ended up beside the two female Arch Captains.

"Brother… I expect a proper rundown of the truth at a later date. I will be honoring my men at this banquet as well, so that takes precedence."

Not waiting for a response from the other male, Percival departed as he declared. His departure opened up the opportunity to follow in his footsteps. I was more than prepared to do so as well. Tapping against the shoulder of Bonner, I was urging him to speak up on the matter since he was tasked to be our mouthpiece.

"Oh right- We would like to take our leave as well.", he says.

"Leaving as well. With my brother out of the way, Arch Captain Silvers could properly relay her report unimpeded.", Mordred responds.

I don't think he was properly grasping our situation fully. Then again, why would he? I could not get a read of this man. He was so keen to allow us to hear these supposedly sensitive reports despite just meeting us today. It would only make sense to me under one circumstance.

My eyes shifted to our new patron, Claire as she seemingly remained poised and collected in her chair. Her eyes specifically remained on Mordred. I don't not believe that that target has changed since the last time I looked at her these past few minutes.

'Does...Mordred suspect... Claire?"

That was the idea that I began to ponder for the moment. Perhaps, he is allowing us in on the finer workings of this city as a trap of sorts. If any information were to leak, then it would naturally be laid on our feet. Since we are new and ignorant of Astana, and Mordred knows that now. We could be used as scapegoats if the occasion arises for it. No. I could not allow myself to suspect for the worse all of the time.

Perhaps there was nothing nefarious actually going on and I was manufacturing some type of narrative within my mind. Perhaps better thoughts would arise when my stomach regains some sustenance to better power my thinking. Maybe that is it.

"We appreciate your hospitality, Master Mordred, but I believe that we should make our leave as well. If we were to attend Master Percival's banquet tonight, then we have much to prepare for.", Claire says.

She appeared to have read the room on our end and picked up on our desire not to be present at the moment. How far she was able to read into it is debatable, but I see now that I could count on her observation and communication skills. Hearing Claire or as he knows her as Clarice's words provide support for Bonner, Mordred appeared to take the hint.

He would turn towards Vanya as her eyes seemingly set on scanning every wrinkle and hair on our faces in order to burn them within her memory. Much like scanning on a printer, analyzing it in order to save it within her brain. Her eyes narrowed and I could almost see the fire radiating brightly behind her pupils. No doubt she wanted to know of our ties with Claire now.

From where I stand now, the silver-haired elf standing before us would prove to be a dangerous threat if given the chance. With a decisive clear of her throat, Arch Captain Esta Dawn commanded the room.

Considering that I had been hyper-fixated on her fellow Captain, I failed to properly assess the woman before us. She was a taller woman around the same height as Percival, and the same race as the others. Due to her status as Arch Captain, she and Vanya wore identical sets of armor. The only defining difference in their setup was the lone yellow, spider lily perched over her left ear. She was rather attractive, looking more akin to an Instagram Influencer than a hardened knight warrior.

Though only a fool would make that foolish mistake of underestimating a woman like that. It is common knowledge that even the most beautiful roses carry sharp thorns. In a world that we knew little about, it is very possible that she is incredibly powerful. Possibly even more so than we are. So when her dark blue eyes laid upon me, my body felt a wave of judgment pass over me. The atmosphere was growing thicker by the moment, and I knew that this was not optimal. Speak your piece lady, and be gone.

"Yes. Arch Captain Dawn?", Mordred responds.

"I also request my departure to be confirmed. There are things that must be done before me and my men ride out to Hikose Valiant and deal with the ruffians there."

"Very well. I suppose there is simply not much to do about it. The bandits take priority after all. Deal with them before they interfere there as well. I will count on you to perform the utmost of your duties. Make sure that you standby for now though."

With a swift bow to her superior, the light blue hair of the elven warrior flowed as she quickly made her exit as well. That would leave our party, Mordred and Arch Captain Vanya. Speaking of the matter, the smaller Arch Captain would also leave. Though she did not seek permission like her fellow Captain. Opting instead to merely leave at the drop of a hat.

It kind of caught me off guard, but considering that Mordred barely reacted to it, then it must've been characteristic of the woman.

"Ah- That leaves only us. I will not hold up any more of your time. Though remember that we managed to discuss thus far. I had hoped that more would have been shared, Miss Clarice. I am sure that the news shook you into silence, but fear not though for my father and elder brother will locate your missing relatives. Lady Ana and Claire will be found. I am sure of it."

Delivering such a comforting smile, even I had believed that Mordred was genuinely concerned with the loss of both Angea women. Yet, I remained unconvinced as once more that unfamiliar smell filled my nose. It damn near suffocated me, but soon as it arrived, it managed to vanish. Appearing and disappearing without a trace without Mordred doing anything specific.

"Thank you, Master Mordred. I appreciate your concern, and I am forever in your debt for allowing me in on this secret. Me and my men will do whatever we can to help locate them, and bring them to safety.", Claire responds.

The woman would gracefully rise from her seat and bow before him in a similar fashion as Dawn and the others before her. Her footsteps tapped as she moved in our direction without looking much at him. She moved elegantly as she stopped just before Bonner and Q to face what appeared to be her superior one more time.

"Oh- I request that you allow me to gain access to some of my family funds here within the manor. As the only member of the family remaining here within Astana, then it falls within my jurisdiction."

That request brought out the narrowing of Mordred's eyes. They were as sharp as knives bearing into the smaller elven woman. Yet, Claire did not budge. Her emotions remained hidden as they participated in what amounted to a staring contest. No doubt Mordred was testing her in some manner.

"Very well. These men must not be enough, so I suppose you would like more. Perhaps-"

"There will be no need, Master Mordred. These three will be sufficient for now. All that I require is the funding of my family.", she says firmly.

I could tell that her words must've struck a chord with the male as he seemed taken back by her firm response. I was unsure what he was offering her at first, but upon further thought I came up with something. Carefully watching as the male pondered her request, it appeared a small nod was his initial response.

"I will see to it that more funds are allocated to your possession. Although it will likely take some time, you can reach me if you desire more to cover any expenses that you desire.", he responds following the gesture.

Claire's face showcased the gratitude that she must have been feeling as she lowered her head before the man. He would raise his hand to dismiss the gesture as unnecessary.

"You three, Bonner, Q and… Mark. It was a pleasure to meet the three of you. Miss Clarice seems to think very highly of you, so I wish you all luck in your endeavors. You will need it as the members of the Angea seem to be targeted. I recommend that you exercise caution if you wish to journey out of the city, Miss Clarice."

"I will keep that in mind. If the occasion arises, then I will gladly come to you for assistance.", Claire responds.

I found the words of Mordred to be rather strange in the way that he delivered them. In comparison to how we first met, his tone shifted towards the end in a similar way that he was addressing his subordinate. My nose wrinkled at the thought that this was somehow a trick of his. However, when I looked at his face, there was not an ounce of animosity present within any crevice of his skin. Instead, he offered her a somewhat warm smile. It was unsettling.

"Mark- Time to head out.", I heard Q say.

Being once again lost in thought it appeared that I was again the one left behind to stare into space. From my current position, it could be assumed that I was staring at Mordred for an uncomfortably long time. That sentiment seemed to inevitably attract the attention of the melancholy elf. Yet, Mordred did not utter a single word about it.

Quickly turning my head, I could see the trio of allies standing merely a few feet away from me in the grass. Briskly, I commanded my legs to move and accompanied them as we made our departure. I began attempting to wrap my head around the pool of new information that we gathered with the Blois Brothers during this brief encounter.

That Mordred seemed like an ominous spirit taken flesh, and that scent… I had never smelled anything like that before in my life. Then again my sense of smell had not been on point as it was in that moment. I could feel it. The burning sensation of someone's eyes digging deep into my flesh, carefully watching every move and breath that I made. I knew it all too well. I was being micro-analyzed as thoroughly as I had done to him.

'Perhaps…no that would be quite impossible'

I scolded myself in order to silence any inconvenient thoughts that might have arisen in the back of my mind. It would be impossible for him to do that. I did portray myself perfectly, right? Percival and Esta seemed to buy it, with the latter not even questioning it. Yet, Mordred seemed different.

I sighed a breath of relief as that feeling fleeted away the more distance we put between him and ourselves. We followed close behind Claire as if we were her guards in that situation, retracing our steps before meeting the door with the two elven guards on the inside of the building. It probably took less time to traverse the distance as it appeared that Claire was also in a hurry to get out of that man's presence as well. The doors soon flew upon, granting us entry into the halls of the facility once again as we blew this Popsicle stand.