The Light At The End Of The Tunnel!

At first, the words that Claire spoke just lingered in the air. I don't think I fully grasped what she meant at that moment. Kitsunes are the same as demons? I had not heard of something like that before, but there were a few ways to interpret them.

For starters, Kitsunes could actually be the same as demons in the literal sense. This means that Kitsunes as a race or species in this world could fall under the category of demonic entities, but there is another way. I would consider that way to be my leading theory after a quick deliberation.

"What could you mean by that?", I decided to ask.

"Although I see it from a different perspective, it is universally seen that Kitsunes are demonic arbators of dark magic. Many people believe that they draw on the same type of magical energy as actual demons…"

"There are different forms of magical energy?"

"Ask a priest and that is what their scriptures will proclaim."

"You don't sound all too convinced about that."

"You may have noticed since your arrival that some people have been less than kind towards you. Others have likely been outright hostile or distrustful of your presence. They call you, "Foxkin" and likely look down their nose towards you. That is the typical day within the life of a demi-human, especially those that are fox-like in nature."

Although I wouldn't call it much of a struggle, it has been much of a nuisance to deal with. First with Aywen and his blatant hostility towards me, and the latest with Percival with his smug sense of superiority rubbing me the wrong way.

Although I did provoke him with my words, Aywen had underlying hostility towards me on the basis of what my race appeared to be. A fox demi-human, foxkin, foxel; those were terms that were bestowed upon me by various different people over the course of this day alone.

From my understanding usually, people are ingrained in one shape or form with their prejudices. It is learned over the course of their lives, and now I might have found a ticket to learning more about this world.

"A religion that teaches that Kitsunes are the same as demons. That I can understand, but how does that include the fox demi-humans?", Bonner asks.

"You should know that everyone else knows. I am unsure how you three managed to get through your life without knowing this.", Claire responds.

"Fox demi-humans are direct descendants of Kitsunes. Kitsunes is also referred to as Fox Beastmen. Foxels are kin to the fox. Hence Foxkin is used as a derogatory term for that specific group of demi-humans."

Fox demi-humans are direct descendants of Kitsunes? That was not the case for Infinity Unleashed. Demi-humans did exist, but they weren't directly connected by anything. There they merely existed with little overlap, but here in this world, things are becoming more and more different with each new information that we managed to acquire.

"I am not saying that I completely believe that you are actually a kitsune, but if I were to take your claims seriously, then I suppose that may explain your out-of-the-ordinary behavior. The church of Cyto, here within Astana is a place that I would recommend that you avoid going to.", Claire adds.

"Why is that?", Q asks her.

"The fact that the three of you seem to be ignorant of using magic, I can only assume that you come from a land that never properly studied magic. It is uncommon within Tenumi, but there are lands other than here out there, so it is feasible that you do not know much of the many mana-revealing artifacts that exist. The Church of Cyto is one of the many organizations that are allowed to possess one under the law of the Great Kingdom of Tenumi. If you were to go there, then it is possible that your status as a Kitsune could be revealed, and if that is the case, then you will be hunted."

"Hunted? Only a foool would dare hunt me. They will only find defeat at my hands."

"The only fool is one that believes that he could fight the whole Church of Cyto by himself with no magic. I believe that you have some strength, but not enough to resist the manpower that they command. Not to mention the paladins and heroes that the church has at its fingertips."

She mentioned "Heroes" as if it was it were a title bestowed upon others. Now that carries over from Infinity Unleashed, and I hate to admit it, but Claire would be correct on this one. From my recollection, Heroes were actually incredibly powerful NPCs and players who got a substantial buff from the deities of Infinity Unleashed.

There were seven main deities within the game, and calling back to Cyto, that name was actually familiar to me. In an effort to better role-play within the ecosystem of Infinity Unleashed, I scoured the guidebooks, YouTube videos, and any media that I could possibly find to learn everything that I could about the lore of the world so that I know how to interact with the various types of players and NPCs that existed within the servers.

So hearing that there was a deity named Cyto existing within the beliefs of this world wasn't all too surprising to me, but I could feel a sense of relief was over me upon learning of this.

It didn't take long after we first entered this secret tunnel before we arrived at the exit of it. This portion of the tunnel was actually better lit in comparison to the beginning stages of the tunnel, but that only served to showcase to us that this tunnel seemingly finished at a dead end.

It was Claire that once again stepped in front of us, and extended her hand towards the wall.

"You three should stand back for a moment.", she instructed us.

Heeding her advice, the three of us gave her some space in order to allow her to complete what she intended to do. In an instant, a green aura erupted from her hand, casting the wall with its bright light. I could only explain it as a blanket, covering the wall and filling it with its power. The wall shifted softly as a wooden door much like the one that served as the bar's entrance seemingly manifested from the inside of it. It was kind of awe-inspiring if I was being honest.

Witnessing magic like this in real-time over the rigid functionality of a fictional VR space filled me with a feeling of joy and excitement. No doubt my swaying tail portrayed my inner feelings despite the many times I had seen this spell before.

Claire would open the door in order to grant us entrance to the building that lies on the other side. As usual, she led the expedition and we followed in her footsteps into what appeared to be a basement of some sort. The room was actually rather large with crates of strange letters stacked alongside the far side wall.

There was also a bed in the corner as well. It was tucked to the side behind a section that jutted out from the beige-painted wall. In comparison to the tunnel, this place was completely lit by some type of light.

"Where are we now, Claire?", I asked her.

"I suppose this will be your new home for the time being. Currently, we are in the basement on the lowest level. The second basement."

"Second basement? There are two basements here. I won't lie, but this place kind of impresses me. First that large market, and then those large walls around the Golden Manor. Hell- The fact that the capitol building within this city is nicknamed the "The Golden" is indicative of this city's wealth and power."

"You sound as if you are from a small town or village."

"I suppose you can say that."

While it is true that I was born in a relatively small city within Butler County, I have had the pleasure of visiting larger cities as I grew older. It may be true that walled cities like Astana are a rarity within my previous world due to it not being much of a necessity in the modern world, but they are extremely common in this world. It might even be the norm here.

"Although I can not disclose where our true origin is from at this time, I will tell you this. Astana is quite impressive, so that means that this quest for the truth that you are embarking on will prove to be difficult and dangerous. The more impressive the settlement, the more impressive and powerful the individuals that rise to the top of it are, but I am sure that you are already aware of that."

"Your analysis is correct in that regard. Astana is an impressive place. My mother has led it to greatness, and yet she was rewarded for her hard work and dedication with heartless betrayal. Everything that she had worked for up to this point is now in jeopardy."

Looking at Claire, her cool and elegant manner seemed tainted by some form of underlying anger seeping from her every pore. It was as if a sun had erupted near us, engulfing the narrow staircase between the basements like a supernova.

I could practically feel the malice building underneath the skin of this small elf woman. Whoever managed to piss her off had my condolences. I would say that they had my sympathies, but I would not be a sympathizer to someone who put this woman on a warpath like she is currently going on.

"I presume that you have a plan. You surely didn't bring us on board to waste our time."

The deep voice of Bonner pierced the airwaves as he again opened his elven mouth. I glanced back to spot the male sporting a deadpan expression on his face. His words as usual were spat like a venomous snake as he slithered in our footsteps behind us.

"I- Yes. I have a plan…"

"You don't sound too convincing. If you don't have a plan, then just say that. There ain't a reason to tell us that you have one, then we get fucked over in future."

Q was right on this occasion. Despite her fiery conviction piercing the atmosphere, there was clear indecision within her tone and body language.

"I can make a plan, but from what I have gathered, you three are quite ignorant of how things mostly work around here, but you do seem to be quick studies. Not to mention that you three seem to have quite the knack for storytelling, no matter how infeasible it seems on the surface. Yet, you do seem reliable and trustworthy.", she responds.

Completing our voyage through the two basements we found ourselves topside in a brand new area of this building. This one was far more furnished than the previous two areas. But that is to be expected. There was a wooden floor to our feet and a beige roof over our heads, but it seemed that this doorway out of the basement led to a hallway.

Claire seemed to recognize where we were as she merely waltzed her way in and took a left. Looking around there was a lot of high-end furniture expertly placed around the many rooms that she managed to walk by with the door open. We ended up ultimately in what would likely be considered the living room of this place.

It was a massive open space with three couches huddled around a knee-high wooden table. The floor in this section was draped with a large red rug that spanned the entire volume of the room much like a carpet would. Although the couches were not what I was accustomed to seeing in my previous world, these three were nothing to scoff at.

While the base frame of them was each made from this black painted wood, there were red cushions matching the color of the rug underneath its legs. There were also various paintings mounted on the wall of individuals that I didn't quite recognize.

Hearing that this would be our new home, I took it upon myself to go around to better view the room. I parted the group, briefly approaching the paintings with my arms behind my back. I must've looked like a refined art critic as I stood there with my glasses residing on the bridge of my nose.

"Oh? And what makes you think that they are trustworthy? I have found that many of the residents that we have encountered have had some form of reaction to my presence. I guess I must have this aura of greatness lingering over my body."

"Alright, bud. You ain't that special. It must be a coincidence. Nothing more.", Bonner says.

I found myself chuckling at the words of the male as he attempted to refute my claims of greatness once more. Turning my body briefly, I glanced back to see the elven male take a seat across from Claire on one of the couches. They seemed to be eyeing me with curiosity. I would flash a cocky smile towards the deadpan elf.


"How about you finally sit down, Mark? We need to discuss the matter of Percival's Banquet, and your self-absorption is interfering with our process."

I scoffed at the words of the male at the very mention of Percival's name. Admittedly there were likely many benefits to attending the event that was supposedly transpiring tonight, but I was willing to overlook if that meant not being in the presence of that pretentious asshole for a second longer. Being in the same room as Percival again would be a great headache.

"Percival's Banquet? I say that we do not attend. Nay I say."

"You scared of him, Mark? Percival got you shaking in your boots.", Bonner spat in response.

Such nonsense turned me around as soon as it reached my furry ears. My tail would sway and wrap itself around my waist on my command. Bonner has offended me, and I will not allow such disrespect to stand uncontested.

"You are a fool if you believe such an obvious lie. Percival is actually my inferior in every regard. Looks, Charisma, Strength, Intelligence, Elegance: You name it and I got it. Percival likely only got half of all that."

I narrowed my eyes toward the male as I moved to once again join the group near the couch. I loomed over the seating duo of Bonner and Claire like a tower of judgment. Q made his way from across, so I could only assume that something over there caught his eye.

"Very well. I'll change my vote. Let's begin the discussion, lowly commoners."