Garments For Da Banquet!

The material of the doorknob was cool to my touch, and a distinctive clink originated from it. With one motion, I would push open the door and was greeted with a sudden brush of disturbed air. The room laid bare to my eyes.

"Ah- Not bad for a place of this caliber.", I say, commenting broadly on the area.

The room was rather spacious, more so than I originally imagined. It wasn't anything too jaw dropping to say the least, but it had a notable sense of comfort within those four walls. There was a bed on the farthest right side of the room, positioned parallel to the wall. Latched parallel to my current position in the doorway was a two pane window with beige curtains ajar to allow some light to enter the building.

Upon glancing around, I noticed a lack of proper lighting other than that indicating that perhaps electrical insulation had not been placed within this building. I am unsure whether or not such luxuries exist within this world yet, so I imagine a lot of the things that I grew up with would be also unavailable to me as well.

"Bed. Wardrobe...Desk, and Closet."

Taking my first few steps into the room that now served as my new home, I would open the door that encased what I assumed was a closet. Obviously, it was, so I was not surprised by the vacant room, shelf, and all on the other side of the door.

My glasses began to slide down towards the point of my nose, and naturally, I found myself adjusting them when I heard two sets of footsteps arrive at my doorway. Over the course of our adventure thus far, I had begun to notice the smaller details of my abilities of the Kitsune. While my ears were no longer human-like in nature, that posed quite an advantage as long as I focused more on it.

Controlling the newer aspects was akin to second nature, but I had this feeling that I was not living up to their full potential just yet. One would be a fool to believe that they mastered all of these new features in one day alone.

"Not bad. It will suffice…for now.", I say broadly.

Naturally, my words were directed towards the two individuals standing at my doorway. As expected, Q would be the first to speak of the two men.

"Yeah. Mine ain't that bad either. Though getting used to living in a place without a proper bathroom is no different from going camping or some shit like that. Hell, a roof over our heads is good enough, and at least we won't be charged rent."

"Correct. This place has no microwave or no AC. This shit gonna get old quick." Bonner says, complaint was evident in his tone.

"Look on the bright side, Bonner. We live in a world of magic now. I am willing to bet that you'd just be able to conjure fire to warm your meals in the future anyway. All you'd have to do is design a microwave for yourself." I responded.

I would close the door to my closet and turn around to see the men once again. While Bonner stood stiff as a tree, Q was actually leaning against the frame of the doorway for support.

"Alright now, bud. How do you suggest that I create a microwave?", he questioned.

"Bonner, you're acting like I have all the answers right now. Just do it, and stop moaning like a little bitch in heat. It's not my fault that you do not know how to cook. Being too dependent on fast food is what renders peons like you as incompetent in the kitchen."

"Alright, Gentlemen, let's settle down.", Q injects.

The muscular male snickered softly at our display despite his attempt to remain impartial. His wide grin portrayed his amusement, but he soon wrangled that in as he opened his mouth once more.

"Our rooms look quite similar to this one, by the way, Mark. The wall patterns differentiate though alongside the color of the cushions on those chairs by the desk. It ain't much, but we'll live."

"I would imagine so. This place was an inn, after all, so most of the other rooms in this hall should be something similar."

Based on Horace's explanation earlier on this place, the individual who once owned this inn had disappeared under mysterious circumstances. This allowed Claire to gain ownership of the facility, but that actually brought many questions to my mind.

The most glaring one is whether that tunnel that we traversed in was constructed before or after Claire's acquisition. I would imagine before considering the state of the tunnel, but I now wondered why it was there in the first place. Just who owned it and what happened to them?

There are too many questions to ask, and not enough answers to accommodate. They must've seen the gears in my head turning as Q called to gain my attention.

"What's on your mind, Mark? Got something to share?"

"Yeah, Bitch. Use your mouth and speak.", Bonner spat out.

A scoff pierced the playful hostility radiating after Bonner's words. He was right in that regard. It would be utterly pointless to try to unravel this load by myself when I have two reliable comrades standing before me. So I did what I would naturally do, stroke my goatee and talk.

"We have a lot of work to do here. Now that we are retainers of Claire, I began noticing small things that don't seem to make sense in this world. Firstly, where's Horace?"

"He said that he has more business to attend to right now, so he left that big ass trunk with me. I told him to go ahead and leave." Q responds.

While he explained, Q would turn around and begin dragging the trunk into the room and place it onto the pre-made bed. The three of us huddled around as the man popped the locks on it, and lifted the lid of it to reveal the contents of the trunk.

"These look like some robes. What in the absolute fuck is this get up?", Bonner says.

From the looks of the contents, these must've been the clothing that Claire had chosen for us to wear. As Q pulled out each article of clothing for us to examine, a trend became evident. Each of the clothing was stained in a dark green color with some variation of a lighter green implemented into their design. The design for each of the tops seemed more distinctive compared to each other. It would be difficult to tell what they looked like without trying them on, so that is what we all agreed to do at that moment.

So when the two men grabbed the attire that was in their respective sizes, I closed the door behind them and wandered back over to the clothing on my bed. I wouldn't want to do any false advertisement for whoever designed and created this attire in such a short time frame, but this was kind of badass. It was way better than the peasant gear that I was rocking at the moment.

The gear had already sustained some damage from my encounter with Lynx, but it held up relatively the same. I would discard that layer, but it took a moment to figure out how to properly order the layers of the new garments. I eventually settled on using the armor plates from the previous attire above the mint green undershirt, and underneath the light green flower pattern robes that resided on top.

My attire seemed to have some care behind it, while the material was tough to the finger, it brought no discomfort for me to wear. However there was something unusual about it. For some odd reason, the design desired for my entire right arm to be free of any fabric. Just the muscularly sculpted, milk chocolate skin of this world's most handsome Kitsune was on full display.

The pants on the other hand were slightly uncomfortable. Although they didn't look like it, they felt heavily like cargo pants and stopped just above my knees. An odd choice, but I kind of dug it. And for the pièce de résistance was the thick, brown belt that held everything together at my waist. There we go boots, so the peasant ones would have to suffice for the moment.

There was one of those standing mirrors tucked away in the corner away from the door that I missed at first glance, so I was able to notice the badassery oozing from my every pore. I couldn't contain my excitement of donning an attire of this caliber to face this world, and what it had to offer. This is what an adventurer looks like…no this is what the extraordinary looks like.

"I have no use for mediocrity anymore. This uniform shall be an indicator that things have changed for me. Marktavious Nicholson is no longer the peasant who served his corporate overlords. This is my chance to make a difference in this world. I will learn its power and shape my desires and warp it into reality. That is what a hero does."

I was grinning ear to ear with my proud tail swaying gently in my shadow. While the orange light of dusk struggled to illuminate the room, a soft, teasing voice shattered my portrayal.

"But I thought your name was Mark Drago?-"

I would've jumped out of my skin if I could have. My instincts urged me to turn and I found the room door closed and standing before it was the elven trickster in the flesh. Struggling to calm myself after being jumpscared so suddenly, I gathered my wits. I decided to pool all of my theoretical MP and cast the only magic that I knew about; distraction magic.

"Ah- Claire! H-How the h-hell did you manage to sneak in and close the door?"

My voice cracked and my sudden stuttering brought amusement to the face of the woman. I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over my body and I likely became flushed in appearance. Still, I opted to avoid her question by completely disregarding my own. Looking at her, Claire wore a more lady-like attire in comparison to my own.

In fact, it was kind of like a widow's dress which was not ominous in the slightest. Her hair was braided in a bun and a white ribbon was tied around her neck. I assumed that she would fit our color palette, but I was incorrect in that assumption. Her regality and poise matched the raw badassery that I was emitting.

That served to only throw me off of my game even further. I found myself waving my index finger around in the air as if I were sword-fighting air molecules before marching past her position in the room. I would reach towards the doorknob to open it when I suddenly felt a gentle tug on my covered arm.

"Ah-Don't worry about it. I assume that we are all set to go to-"

"I am hoping… to rely on your desires, Sir Shakey Tail. To save Astana…To save my family. I too have grand ambitions. So I am begging for you to not betray me…"

Her words brought about an abrupt end to the anxiety that whirled up inside of me. How she got in here was irrelevant at that moment, but her message was clear to me.

"Yare Yare Daze."

My eyes shifted behind me to see the young elven woman, staring at me with her piercing gaze. Her face warped with a sense of confidence that stood out from that of Percival's. I felt her desires reach me and in that moment I was captivated by her charm. My lip twitched and a smirk factory reset upon my face. While my sudden word choices briefly cracked that smugness of Claire, It soon mirrored my own.

"Bahahaha- Ah- Very well, Claire Von Angea. Lady of the Angea Household. You made a deal with the devil, and I will ensure that both of our desires are seen through."

The clink of the doorknob ensued as the door cracked open to reveal the vacant hallway on the other side. I took point on this occasion, standing in the middle of the hallway when the smaller woman took to my side. We would wait for the other two men to arrive out of their respective rooms.

"It appears that you guys are finally ready now. Bout' time.", I say to the two of them.

"It took me a minute to figure out how I was going to put this shit on.", Q voices following that.

In comparison to my attire, more skin on the muscular male's body was exposed. Not only was a slim portion of his chest exposed, but the entirety of his left arm was exposed as well. I couldn't tell whether or not the charcoal material that safeguarded his remaining portion of his torso and down to his knees was durable enough to withstand a proper threat, but damn it did look sleek in comparison to the rest of his attire. Much like myself, there was a dichotomy of shades of greens present in the upper layer of his attire.

His waist band was also the same thick brown belt that was on our prior attire, but it served its purpose of holding up the light green padding layer on the top of the dark green robe. His robe was far more unique as well. With it covering his right half completely and forming a hood around his collar.

There was this distinctive thick, white fur stitched around the collar and ending right below his right pectoral. That design choice was rather questionable, but the person who crafted it clearly knew what they were doing when they left his knees exposed to the elements.

Fortunately for him, he had the boots and metal bracers from his previous attire to cover those specific areas. It was a bad-ass attire, not going to lie, but I believed that mine was ultimately better.

"That attire fits you. Simple, yet effective. You'll have to figure out a way to prevent people from attacking all of those exposed parts.", Bonner comments upon joining the conversation.

He was right, the attire did actually look rather cool on the man. With his new physique, it is surprising to learn that Horace was able to completely figure out our clothing measurements with his sight alone. That remains to be a very scary ability to possess.

"I can get behind it. A little breezy, but I'll make it work.", Q responds.

"You look like a noble warrior Q.", Claire comments.

The male confidently smiled towards the woman for her remark on his appearance. I could feel the aura of confidence radiating off his frame.

"You have taste, Claire. I'll tell you that.", He remarks.

Standing next to him was Bonner donning his own version of the attire. In comparison to ours, Bonner had a light green undershirt with a dark green robe covering the left half of his body. His right arm was covered a white sleeve. It was a similar color to that of his pants. His waist was covered by the same thick brown belt that was on his previous attire.

Bonner's attire seemed to be perfectly tailored to his lean frame, and his normally reserved face was replaced with one with amusement. He held his wrist up towards the three of us and showcased the green glove shielding his right hand.

"These garments are befitting that of a pro gamer such as myself.", Bonner declares proudly.

Finding myself amused by the sudden prideful display of the elven male, I agreed fundamentally with his statement. Bonner's clothing resembled that of a mage in the level of Infinity Unleashed's design, but I found the brownish metal, boots, and guards clashed with the overall scheme of his attire. It wasn't necessarily his fault, but we had to deal with the cards that we possessed.

"Lady Angea-", I began, shifting the attention towards the mentioned individual.

Her eyes perked up when I suddenly spoke her name. I didn't really desire anything in particular, but I guessed that it was likely time for us to make our way towards Percival's banquet. I assume that she was able to deduce what I was saying as the woman responded before I had finished.

"Need not worry. It is indeed time for us to make our departure for the Banquet. You three look like a suitable fighting force, but I might remind you all to remain vigilant there."

Claire would then begin leading the way towards the staircase at the end of the hall. Her strides were careful as if she was trying her absolute best not to dirty her dress before reaching the location of the event. We followed suit, tailing the woman in our usual order of me and Q at the rear, and Bonner behind Claire.

"You still assume that people are gonna watch over us.", Q asks her.

"I believe so. Keep an eye out for those who seem to keep their eyes on you. I do not believe that we are in any immediate danger.", she informs him.

Satisfied with her answer the man would just nod his head, and before long we managed to arrive at the entrance of the building. I would take the initiative, opening the door for Claire as a courtesy before allowing the other two to do it for themselves. Considering the time of day that it was not, there was relatively little foot traffic going on during this moment. I adhered to Claire's warning by scanning the very top of the neighboring buildings in case I managed to spot anyone careless enough to be spotted.

As I expected there was not anyone there, or at least there wasn't anyone that I could spot lurking above. If there were, then they should count themselves lucky. From my brief surveillance around the area something that I did notice was the lack of familiar sights in our immediate area.

In fact, despite the inn being in good shape, one could not say the same about most of the buildings in this area. While not completely run down, most of the buildings had some form of damage evident on the property. Whether it was cracked walls or roof tiles, a lot of them seemed to be of low quality in terms of housing.

The people that we managed to stumble across during our trip were in full clothing, but most of them were in a state of dishevelment and disrepair. Their colored hairs were mixed between messy and kept depending on the individual that we crossed. Some of the people likely were living slightly better than their neighbors. It was a stark contrast compared to the individuals near the gate and near the proximity of the Golden Manor.

"Damn… we must be on the outskirts of the slums or some shit.", Q remarks after doing his own visual search.

That would be quite accurate in my mind. While not completely destroyed, it did seem like this place was right on the edge of the financially unstable part of the city. It was surprising to see the prim and proper lady of the Angea Household to be lowered to live in any area like that.

"This is the Copper District.", Claire responds, brushing the few strands of her hair aside. "While in recent years, most of Astana has been taking a turn for the better, some often get left behind. Mother was on the edge of trying to fix it, but.."

"She was prevented from doing so.", Bonner finished for her.

His response seemed to have earned him a nod. That served as confirmation that his statement carried some confirmation with it.

"Unfortunately she was, but I think the ones that are behind that are also the same ones that are behind the recent decline in the city's status. I do not have proof just yet.. In fact, I do not have many clues, but still…"

"Well…Hopefully we can find some pieces to work with, and I believe Percival may be useful to our cause. He may prove to be a useful tool. In fact, I believe he had his eyes on a certain someone here. Someone that could weasel some information from him at this event", I pointed out.

I could sense the conflict in Claire's mind before it was washed over with the molten steel of her resolve. She likely knew what I was hinting at and reviewed the merit in my suggestion.

"Leave it to me then. I will get Percival to talk about what he knows. That will prove to be difficult considering that his elder brother will be there as well."

"I will take care of Mordred if need be. Distracting him should be a simple task.", Bonner speaks up.

My gaze glossed over the male as his face hardened to a serious expression. I was skeptical of Bonner's ability to be able to properly distract the male, but I had no choice, but to trust the hermit with the task. Q no doubt agreed as well, but he didn't voice any objections as well.

"So where is this event…"

"Percival's manor. It is not too far now. We entered the Silver District a while back.", Claire answers immediately.

The Silver District was an obvious step up in scenery compared to the Copper District. I would assume that the expertly maintained building around the wall falls under this one. The way of life was significantly superior to that of the previous one.

There were actually more individuals buzzing around the well lit streets of the district and before I knew it, I began to hear a gathering in the distance. Likely I wasn't the only one to detect it as Bonner soon twirled his ears like a radar to detect the uptick in noise.

We turned down several blocks before even getting a glimpse of what I assumed was our intended designation. After laying eyes on it, I could tell that this was indeed the right place. Not that I doubted Claire in the first place, but the point remains.

The building was large in comparison to the others in the area, not as big as the Golden Manor, but I could say that it was akin to a mini mansion. It looked strikingly similar to a Greek Parthenon, standing out to the other buildings in the area. That raised the question on who the hell designed that place. It was a marvel to look at it and the epitome of the grandiosity associated with what I knew of the Blois Household. I was completely dumbfounded at the sight of it. The sheer beauty of the place stopped us in our tracks.

"Ah- Interesting.. Interesting! This place might be more interesting than I had anticipated.", I said, voicing my keen intrigue with the facility.

"It is a good thing that we decided to go. We might've not stumbled across this place otherwise. ", Bonner states nonchalantly.

I nod in agreement with his assessment. This type of architecture is definitely unique compared to its peers, but that must've cost a lot of money here. The Blois are going to be fearsome foes indeed. I couldn't stop myself from grinning like some devious delinquent up to no good. It was so much that my natural instincts were triggered and I gave my goatee a careful stroking.

"Percival, you arrogant prick. I will not take a flex of this caliber lying down. After encountering us, you will leave utterly defeated."