The Fox and The Wolf!

If pride came before a fall, I would consider this situation a tumble. I couldn't see what was now restricting my right arm, but I do know that it appeared quickly. Long, dark brown tendrils appeared from out of nowhere and constricted around my right arm as I reached for my glasses. I would suspect that they originated from the ground since the only clue I received was audible.

The ground shook slightly and fractured at the sudden appearance of the tendril. In retaliation, I attempted to pull myself free and I had successfully done so. I did so using my uncaptured hand to snap the tendril in half. The tendril's durability was no match for my strength after all. I grabbed my glasses and with practiced motion, I slipped them back onto my face. 

I expected a fierce response and I got just that. With my vision now restored I was able to confirm the suspicion that I had. Snaking out of the ground were pointed wooden tendrils. If I were to make a more accurate comparison, I would say that they were akin to roots from the nearby trees. Whatever they were, it appeared that their tenacity was not to be overlooked.

It would be far easier to dispatch them if I had a sharp weapon, but unfortunately, I didn't have one. Instead, I had resorted to smacking them away whenever they arrived from the ground with my bare hands. It was a trivial task. When they attacked from my right, I sidestepped to my left and palm-struck them away. the vice versa was the case whenever they attacked from my left.

Slowly but surely, I realized that something was off with the placement of their attacks. Admittedly they were fast, but they were also extremely predictable. 

'Somethings not right... He's attacking with the same vigor and the same pattern. Either he is inexperienced with these attacks or...'

Before I realized it my back slammed against a hardened surface, and leaves shook from the impact. I had become so consumed with preventing these roots from binding me that I failed to realize the intention behind the attack. My eyes darted around and it was then that I found young Lannister far out of my protection. No that isn't exactly right. Unbeknownst to me, I allowed him to shift me completely out of my previous position.

'Damn it... now he's exposed... I'll have to...'

My realization had come too late and with it, the tides began to shift. I ducked to a crouch as a root slammed into the tree right above my head. I could tell that instead of binding me, that one was intended to impale my chest. I wasn't going to allow that to transpire, but before I could retaliate, both of my arms were ensnared by the roots.

Considering that I was crouched and off-balanced, I quickly found myself pulled down by the retracting roots. I hit with a soft thud as I kissed the exposed root system of the tree. My delicate ears picked up a soft, strained cackle and I immediately understood the source.

"You may struggle all that you like, but not even a hobgoblin possesses the strength necessary to overpower a mighty oak.", he declared triumphantly.

It was difficult to see his figure from my current angle, but I made due. My relaxed gaze rested on the battered man as he hobbled his way over to my location. I was concerned that he was going to attack Lannister, but he simply ignored the boy altogether. His target was one man. It was me and only me. Thinking about it made all the sense in the world to me.

"If you need to cheat to get an advantage, then say that. Any bastard who has to sneak and cast a magical spell has no right to brag. Nature itself is a weak bitch if even you could bend it to your will.", I retorted sharply.

 The demi-human growled at my response. His emotions got the best of him, and my words came at a price. I wouldn't expected it considering just a few seconds ago, but now the boot of my opponent found itself firmly resting atop my head.

"That's the problem with foxkins like you. All high and mighty just because you're a little stronger than your kin. You make all demi-humans look bad in comparison. You're a pack of demons and you specifically are a blight on this world!"

His words were laced with venom as he dug his boot into my head. It was a feeling that I was not in favor of, but with the binds it was difficult to prevent it.

"The problem isn't due to people like me, but its root is weak demi-humans like you. You're nothing more than a whiny lapdog! How dare you look at me with contempt when you are the one who is doing the dirty work for another?!", I retorted. 

"Lapdog?! I am not a lapdog for anyone! You damned demon! Ignorant and disgusting! How could you ever understand-"

"I understand that you like to trauma dump whenever you get the chance!"

He didn't appreciate my words in the slightest, and the bastard rewarded my remark with a stomp to my back. While I do appreciate the courtesy of not having my head crumpled, I will point out that would be a mistake on his part. His stomp only served as fuel for pissing me off. Even if it wasn't that painful, it was incredibly disrespectful. I don't appreciate being kicked while I was down even if it is literally!

"Shut your mouth when I am speaking, foxkin! Do you know how often I have suffered due to the sins of your people?! Your people...those demons dare masquerade as the same color as my fur! My family's fur! The hatred and unjust ridicule that we've faced due to your kin's sins! It is-it is!"

His words were laced with thick venom so much so that the man decided that he would crouch down to my level. His darkened eyes flared with contempt as my gaze met his own. One would assume that I did something to this man, but I am of another opinion. 

"You bare the colors of the demons! Wolf, fox...there is no difference when it comes to dogs! Nay- When it comes to dirt!"

'Foxkins are the same as dirt... That's the dirt amongst the dirt...'

Those words pinged around my skull as the man spoke. It reminded me of the immediate ridicule that I've faced for appearing to be a fox demi-human. Although I am a kitsune, my humanoid figure strikingly resembles that of the demon in the Cyto religion. As I took in the man's ears, I found myself comparing them to my own. They were quite similar in design, but my radiant orange fur clashed with his darkened gray one. It was that similarity that could have him mistaken for one of my kin by any troublemakers too ignorant to tell the difference. 

It was then that I saw a potential opening that I could explore. This man would not falter from intimidation or be recklessly riled by my peacocking. Yet, still, I know of a way to loosen his concentration. 

"So that is why you are here? You're taking your anger out on the wrong guy, pal. I am, but a humble foxkin. The same troubles that woe you also affect me.", I state in a more empathetic tone.

I no longer resisted the roots holding me down and embraced the boot on my back. It was a notable shift in my tone and body language, but he was made aware of the change.

"I blame your kind. If not for your demonic actions, then I would not have.-"

"I was unaware that the foxkins treated you as if you were a demon. That they ridicule and ostracize you for the color of your fur. Those damned foxkins who abused you and deceived you into doing their bidding. Those damned foxkins who strong-armed a weak and honorable family man into doing heinous injustices. Those damned foxkins who treat you like a dog to be aggroed onto their enemies... Shit... now that I think about it... it wasn't the foxkins who did that. Was it?"

There was a brief silence that filled the air, and not long after I could feel the boot of the man leave my back. He stepped away from me and I noticed a shift in his behavior. It was then that I saw the opportunity to speak again.

"You undoubtedly have skill and knowledge. To hide your presence and your scent is a mark of an ingenious mind. You know your way around a clash with another demi-humans, so I'm not surprised that you would be sent here. You are the ideal candidate to rough up an uppity, demonic foxkin like myself! Hell, it must be nice being one of the useful demi-humans. The one that the elves employ to do their hardest jobs."

"The elves?", the man inquires with a calm tone. 

His footsteps grew closer to me and when his boots were in my sight, he crouched to my eye level. I didn't make any aggressive movements, but I could sense the movements forced upon me. The roots that bound me shifted and forced me to my feet. He copied the action and with it, we now stood nearly face to face. The binds were tight much like a boa constricting its captured prey. There was a curious gleam in his eyes as he desired an answer to his question.

"Yes. The elves. There are quite a bit of similarities between the two of us. I may be a fox and you a wolf, but we're both incredibly competent. Our particular sets of skills make us favored by the elves despite our perceived demonic nature. Well- my perceived demonic nature."

"I work for no elves.", the man replied callously. He raised his hand and when he did so, I noticed something.

'A ring? and it's glowing...'

On his ring finger resided a lightly glowing artifact. It would be difficult to notice at first since he was waving his blade around like a lunatic with that hand, but now it was different. To be able to cast magic in such an immediate fashion, I had assumed that this man possessed a similar capability as Claire did. If I recall, she utilized some artifact to bypass the incantations she would normally require to cast magic. That is how she can cast a spell to disguise her appearance for extended periods.

The ring's glow showcased an active status. Thinking back I only recall him uttering a single phrase before his roots launched their initial attack. My goal became quite clear after realizing that.

When it comes to one-on-one fights, the opponent with the most strength doesn't always come out on top. Speed plays a factor, and technique does as well. Yet, the driving force in deciding a victor relies on the intellect of the ones fighting. This is even more evident in bouts when the competitors are close enough in physical factors. Don't get me wrong, I'm leagues stronger than this man. He knows it as well, but... that is irrelevant when you factor in the equalizer; magic. 

Much like my clash with the Lynx, magic is the great equalizer when it comes to solo engagements. The presence of magic itself could alter the tides of a battle in a single move. It could also seal the deal of a battle if things were left uncontested. I for one will not allow certain situations to go uncontested. This situation is one of them. As the man went on a tirade on how he doesn't work for the elves, and how he'd never work for them, I knew that something was off.

I have only been here for a few days, and as such my pool of enemies is small. For him to insist that he doesn't work for elves, it brought several questions to my mind.

'If he doesn't work for elves, then is it possible that this man was a simple passerby? Did I perhaps jump the gun?'

 My intuition informed me that this man was a threat to both me and Lannister. Yet, as I stood, Lannister remained safe in the nearby treeline. With our attacker's attention resting solely on me, the boy was able to hide safely. Although, he did ignore Lannister and approached me here. he talked about teaching me my place and that sounds awfully close to what Percival issued out.

It is impossible for him to not work for elves and the blois. To my knowledge, all of the big fish in the Blois circle are elves. Percival, Morded and Geriant are all elves. At least I believe that they are. 

I must've been consumed in my thoughts, but I was soon punished for it. My ignored opponent raised his hand and smacked me across my face. While it didn't exactly hurt, slapping me in the face is a good way to have yourself referred to in the past tense.

My opponent stepped forward and his fingers latched onto my ears. he jerked my head around as his once-calm nature reverted to its previous scowl. He must've realized what I was attempting to do.

"You-You damned demon! Even if you plot, you can't-"

His words were cut off as he granted me the perfect opportunity to attack. I headbutted him which honestly was not my best decision, but it allowed me the moment that I needed. I shattered his concentration, and maybe his nose, which allowed me to snap the binding on my right arm.

Before he could recover, I reached forward and pushed the man away by his face. He tripped backward, and his ass slammed onto the ground.

"Tch- that shouldn't be possible!", he declared frantically.

He gripped his nose which was a mistake. Instead of deciding what and what is possible, it would've been wiser to prevent me from freeing myself. when he realized that it was far too late. I snapped the roots like mere twigs and removed the straggling wood from my limbs.

"You should have expected this. I mean, your dumbass was lured over here due to shallow praise. Now... I know that you work for a certain group of elves.", I slammed my fist into my open palm as I approached the man. "I am not the type who can be deceived easily, so your little rant won't shake my intuition."

The man understood the situation that he was currently in, so I wasn't surprised when he extended his hand in my direction. I knew what he was going for, so I mustered my resolve. If he will not confess, then I suppose I don't mind bashing the truth out of him.

"Don't do this to yourself. Keep this up, and you will not like the outcome of this encounter!"