What is Strength?!

"May I ask you a question, Mister?"

The soft words of Lannister managed to squeak out over the light pattering of rain. I didn't expect the boy to reach out to me for conversation considering how my last attempt to converse with him died half a mile ago. Although I lamented walking in the rain, I will admit that I would not miss it once we arrived at Astana. My thoughts were filled with my reflection on my previous encounter. I wondered if simply leaving the individual responsible for attacking me was a good idea. 

I am sure that had I brought him with us, it would have caused me trouble upon our reentry into the city. I couldn't just drag along a bloodied man. Even I would be alarmed if I witnessed that. 

With that in mind, I had begun to notice to conflicted expression on the young Lannister's face. It started right after my prior words to him. I could only assume that he had reflected on them considering that he appeared to be less tense than before.

"Go ahead. Ask away.", I respond, granting him the permission that he sought.

"How did you become...so strong?"

It was a simple question, but one that managed to stump me briefly. It's not like I could explain to this kid that I'm not originally from this world after all. My strength seemed to be ever-growing as I existed within this realm. As a member of the kitsune race, I know that there are certain advantages that we have when it comes to matters of physical strength. That is not to mention my accelerated healing capabilities as well.

To say that I earned this strength is quite disingenuous, but this is the card that I was handed. After all, I was never asked to be dragged into this world and warped into this form. Although I don't particularly mind it, my background made it quite difficult to explain certain things. So I utilized an age-old tactic; deflection.

"Is it odd for a foxkin to be strong, Lannister? I imagine that anyone can be strong if they put in the dedication and work.", I respond.

"I guess...", he sighed. "I just... hope that I can be strong enough to protect my grandmother just like you protected me from that bandit."

"So you want strength like mine?"

Lannister nods his head at my words. To be honest, if I were in his shoes, then I would be envious of my strength too. It's only natural that once someone encounters someone who outclasses them they acknowledge their inferiority.

"Well then... Perhaps you should start by picking up a book."

My words seemed to puzzle the young boy. His small ears drooped upon hearing such a disappointing suggestion. It was to be expected, but that was the best that I could muster at that moment. I'll just have to roll with it.

"Listen and listen well Lannister. You witnessed my battle with that bandit, but I'm sure that you only picked up on the roughness of it. Fists pummeling flesh, and vines ambushing me, but there is more to it than that. Although I did overpower him it was due to another important factor that I ended up walking away. Care to guess what it was?"

The boy stopped in his tracks, which in return caused me to do the same. I would have preferred to keep moving, but I decided to humor the boy. The rain isn't too bad right now, so this cloak is doing just enough to keep me somewhat dry.

"I don't know. You seemed to just punch him until he stopped moving. Is it not due to your strength? I don't understand how books matter."

"Sorta. I'll let you in on my secret for being truly powerful. So don't tell anyone else, okay?"

Although I don't think that I'd see this kid again after this encounter, I felt this desire to inform him. As I look at his expressionless features, I cannot help but reminisce about the times that I looked in the mirror growing up. Seeing myself age, but once I looked around I saw complacency.

It was that complacency in those around me that I later recognized contributed to my mediocrity. At the time, I was sheltered and ignorant of the world. Shackled by the whims of my grandmother, and served as an errand boy who deserved empty praise.

'You're a nice, young man, Marktavious. You're smart Marktavious. Keep those grades up, K? I'm glad that I have you on my team, Marktavious. At least you could pass me the ball.'

Just thinking about is enough to boil my blood. How foolish Marktavious Nicholson truly was. How did I acquire this strength? I guess its genesis could be traced way back then. It was due to the strength of my mind. The smarter you are, the easier for you to figure out your opponent. Being an intelligent and skeptical person allowed me to level up my sense of self-awareness.

I found myself rescued by tales of past warriors and their struggles. I often compared myself to fiction and realized how insignificant my life seemed. It was not until after I obtained access to the internet in recent years that I learned something about myself.

"You want strength, then you'll have to place yourself at the rock of discovery. The more you read, the more powerful you will become. Sharpen your mind, Lannister, and broaden your horizons. With due time, you will realize how superior you are. That is what it comes to at the end of it all. Your body is small now, but the more that you learn the easier for you to overcome that disadvantage."

"I don't think I understand...", Lannister responds. His tone was akin to a whisper.

"Perhaps one day you will figure it out. If you wish to protect your grandmother, then I suggest starting with what your family is good at. You own a map shop, so learn about the regions and their benefits. Knowledge is power, and the more you know, the more powerful you will become." 

"Reading maps won't protect my grandmother!", Lannister snapped. His words were suddenly hostile toward me, and I didn't expect it.

His sharp whispers cut into me inflicting a brief sense of confusion. 

"Tch- I shouldn't have asked... Expecting an answer from a...", he halted his words.

"Finish your statement.", I retort.

As I expected, he didn't provide an immediate response. Instead, his unsatisfied gaze buried itself into my flesh. I already knew what he was going to say, but I was curious whether or not he would have the courage to finish it. Seeing as Lannister all, but buckled from the immense pressure of my gaze, I had my answer.

"You want answers? Then I'll give you one.", I declared as I returned to a standing position.

Although I knew that he was young, it did irk me to hear such disrespect from the boy.

"If you want to get stronger then you'll have to get rid of that foolish mindset that every fox demi-human that you'll come across is a weakling. Much like whatever mutt species you belong to, we have our highs and lows for strength. That mindset that Foxkins is below you will only end up weakening you. You may get away with it now, but wait until you're older... you'll-"

"Mutt species? I-", the young boy seemed troubled by my word choices.

Lannister avoided my gaze and instead turned his back to me. Normally, I'd feel disrespected, but I suppose I shouldn't have said that to him. It was often that I allowed my emotions to guide my words. Lannister was still young, so I should have expected a difficult time explaining things to him. Not to mention, that he likely had his society's stigma infused into his DNA.

In his society, Foxkins are rarely powerful. They are belittled into subservience and as I learned earlier once they step out of line, they are attacked. Everyone that I have encountered seemed to have a set idea about my people. Most of them are negative, but I know that stems from their regional religion. It isn't something that I could change right away, but a part of me grew weary of the treatment.

The suspicious gazes of the guards at the gate alongside the upturned noses of Percival and Aywen. I would be a liar to say that all of that didn't contribute to my increasing foul mood.

'Fuck this rain!'

I don't know exactly why, but the more I thought about it the more frustrated I became. I can't pin Lannister as the cause since that wouldn't be fair to the child. Still, there was burning frustration that occasionally washed over my body. Even with the cool droplets pattering against my body, it didn't hamper these feelings. 

'I dislike being in the rain! Fuck that! I hate getting my clothes wet in general!'

"Forget it! Let's continue our journey. I gave you advice, so you either take it or you don't. Whether or not you succeed where your father failed is up to you."

Upon turning to continue my journey, my ears flickered. The soft pattering of footsteps caught my attention, and before I turned around I was kicked in the back of my knee. 

I'd be lying if I said it was painful, but it certainly did shock my system. That weak-ass attack could belong to only one individual; Lannister! I planned on ignoring it, but before I could step forward, I could feel my tail being pulled. That shit pissed me off, so I snapped around to face him.

Normally, if it were one of my friends I could overlook the action. I can write it off as a mistake, but as my eyes gloss over the young Lannister I knew that wasn't the case. He stood there, yanking my tail fur with tears in his eyes. They streaked as his face contorted with anger. 

Even with my disapproving glare, the boy remained defiant. He buried his feet into the dirt when I flicked my tail. He held on with desperation to the point that I began questioning his actions.

"Y-You have to apologize...", he mustered.

"Nani? The hell I do!", I responded. "Now let go of my tail will ya!"

Lannister shook his head in refusal. I expected as much, but that didn't prevent me from playing tug-of-war with my tail with the boy. After a moment of back and forth, I managed to yank my tail away from him. Since he was nowhere near my level when it came to strength, the young Lannister was jerked forward onto the ground.

It was an unsightly bump to witness, but he brought it upon himself. Therefore I didn't feel bad for him.

Part of me expected the boy to shed a tear from the fall. Yet, once he managed to pull his face from the dirt there was a distinctive frustration. His face radiated with an intense resentment, one that managed to surprise me.

"T-Take it back-", he growled.

Witnessing the frustration of the boy boil over made me reflect on my words, and it was then that I deciphered the cause. He wanted me to take back what I said about his father. I was not clueless enough to not figure that out.

"I don't think I will.", I responded, approaching the boy.

I gripped him by the back of his collar and lifted him off of the ground. Once his feet were planted, I removed my hand. His fists were clenched almost as if he were contemplating striking me for my offense. I could imagine a sceneraio where he felt it was necessary to do so, but reality was far different. 

He was well aware of the difference between us, so despite his rage he simply channeled it. I loomed over the boy like a shadow threating to overwhelm him if he were to step out of line and attempt something so foolish.

"He didn't fail... He was stronger than you'll ever be! He protected us... all of us.", Lannister exhaled with his words tinged with sorry and frustration.

I wondered what he meant by that. One wouldn't assume just off appearances that Lannister was the son of someone important. Yet, even faced with a person who just brutalized an attacker, he felt it necessary to stand up to me. In a way, I was impressed. My eyes narrowed as I took in the complicated features of the young boy. 

It may have been due to my own arriogance, but I saw the need to speak to it. It was apprahantly to me that he wanted to protect his loved ones much like his father had done. Unforurantely, medicorty isn't to be propped up. Short term sucess inevitably leads to failure if left uncontested. Therefore, it was my duty to provide a check to that mindset. It was not for my sake, but for Lannisters.

"Perhaps, but I doubt it. Considering that I'm alive and he isn't. He may of protected you then, but look at you now. If you want do a half-ass job like your father, then continue to praise his work. Use him as a marker, but surpassing him should be your goal. Rememeber one thing from me when we end up seperarting. Doing the bare minimum isn't as impressive as finishing the job is."

With that said, my ears began flickering around. The once distant pattering grew closer to our location. At first I assumed that it was a coincidence that the sound of running was coming from behind us, but I ulitmately knew better. Now those sounds were quickly closing in on our location. 

It was a guienine perk to possess echo hearing, and now was no better case to prove it. My guard immediately went up as I stepped in between the positions of Lannister and the approaching individual. Although I was tearing into the boy about his father's failure, I was still tasked with his protection. 

As such once the figure came into view, I was more than ready to place my body on the line. I exhaled, voicing my disappointment for the individual to once more challenge me. He was still relatively injured, yet he still pushed forward towards me. It was there where was one thing that I didn't anticipate, and I would pay for it with blood.