The Approach of Darkness!

It was that fact that I knew that I would eventually have to go on the offensive. With every injury inflicted zapping more of my stamina, it would not be long before I was completely overwhelmed. That is not a fate that I wished for myself, so I knew that certain risks would have to be taken. Clenching my fist, I managed to strike him, but I doubted its effectiveness immediately. He didn't flinch from the attack at all and instead further gouged at my side.

That was something that I did not desire to continue, so I slammed my forearm against his neck. This time there was more of an effect. His head whipped back allowing me enough room to push him away from me. Once his claws were removed from my side, I found myself racked with crippling pain.

I had no choice, but to brush aside the pain and push forward. My opponent snarled with arms snapping back toward my location, but this time they didn't land. Instead, I quickly kicked him in his midsection with all of the strength that I could muster. He flew back, slamming into the ground like a rock across a lake's surface. This separation was enough to allow me to locate my glasses.

I was fortunate that they weren't too far from where we were battling, but they were filthy from the accruing mud. The frames were only slightly dirty with the lens making light stains after I wiped them off. Putting them on was as far as I got before he attacked again. There was still much about this world that I didn't know about. 

 It was tough to piece certain features together, but I could only speculate that this enraged individual pushed forward with little regard for his well-being. As long as he brings me down with him, then I suppose that's all that mattered to him. 

'Fighting him like this is pointless... I have to change up tactics...a new strategy is needed.'

Formulating new strategies has always been my thing. I even pride myself on adapting and calling new audibles whenever I participate in our raids on Infinity Unleashed. Although things may be different since I was flying solo, that fact didn't change. If there was someone who could alter the course of a fight with their mind, it would be me.

'Alright... space. I need spacing.'

The man attacks were becoming simplistic throughout our battle. It was something I noticed following our previous grapples. There was no ingenious tactic to simply swinging like a wild beast. At first, his superior speed and strength allowed him to hound my flesh. The initial surprise attack also played a key factor, but that is only as far as his advantages went. 

He appeared to be undergoing a sort of berserker state that tossed out the sense of reason that he possessed before. There was no strategy nor were no attempts to cast magic. I may be bloodied from his numerous claw attacks, but that doesn't tell the entire story. Ever since I realized his superior traits, I've been flaunting my weaknesses to him. Whenever he went for them, I would give him a small taste before launching a devasting attack of my own.

Now as I sidestepped his attacks, I have begun to notice a change in his mannerisms. Unlike before when he ruthlessly and violently launched attacks, now he seemed much more sluggish. His attacks were easily blocked by my uninjured forearm before I kicked him away. 

This continued for a brief exchange as he widely swiped toward my chest with both of his arms. Each time, I would sidestep before booting him in either his side or midsection. As I anticipated each time that he attacked, I countered with a kick. When the kick landed he was sent flying backward in a violent crash. Yet still, he pushed himself up and rushed me. It was insanity.

With the rain increasing in fervor, it caused his simple rush tactic to fall on his face. That happened time and time again as he lost his footing trying to attack me. There was one time that he ran head-first into an elbow strike. That attack did hurt like hell too, so I doubt that I will be attempting that again any time soon.

Then again, I might have to reconsider that stance. Following the elbow strike, the man seemed to be struggling to even stand. That same malicious aura was dampened by the accrued injuries that his body had withstood, meanwhile, many of the lighter injuries inflicted on me had already closed up. The only three remaining were the major ones. The one on my forearm, and side alongside the smaller scratch that he inflicted when he clawed my glasses off of my face.

This allowed a slight reprieve which I did not take for granted. 

"Lannister, are you alright?", I called to the boy.

"Yes.", he responded.

 I could hear the small pattering of his footsteps as he approached me from behind. I would imagine that he was fine considering that I took on the brunt of the damage. It would've been catastrophic for me if something were to happen to the boy while he was under my protection. No doubt, this encounter would have escalated to the guards of Astana if that was the case.

"Good. I want you to keep this fight a secret. Do not tell anyone about this.", I instruct him.

I would rather not have the guards catch wind of this encounter considering their ties with the Blois. A sigh escaped my lips as I witnessed the man once more attempt to climb to his feet, but unlike the other attempts he failed. He quickly fell to one knee upon his recent attempt. 

"Are you-"

"I'm doing just fine. Sometimes a God bleeds, Lannister, but that doesn't mean that he will be defeated. His strength somehow managed to eclipse my own, but this encounter was won via the power of intelligence."

The man collapsed onto the ground with only his arms and knees remaining as support. As far as I could tell, he was completely defeated. Although it would not be a good idea to approach him, I was far from a hesitant person. I approached with my hands resting behind my back. A look of disgust was present on my face.

"Now... I was being quite generous earlier. I allowed you to be able to reflect on your actions. Instead of accepting my benevolence, you decided to challenge me once more. How did that decision work out for you?"

I mocked the man as he resided on the ground. A sense of accomplishment resonated throughout my aching body. While the battle itself was not a pleasant experience, victory sure as hell was. I reveled in it and I wasn't above rubbing his nose in it.

"Not going to answer that?", I mused. While my injured arm silently worked on repairing itself, I utilized my uninjured hand to grab the man by his furry ears.

There was no resistance left in his eyes. All of that rage that was previously there was now replaced with a distinctive gloss of realization. I will admit that if I were not the one to have inflicted this damage on him I would have likely felt pity for the man.

"I suppose there isn't a need for you to answer anyway. You're beaten, so you will spill the identity of your master, but if you continue to hold your tongue, then you will force my hand. I am not a fan of unnecessary violence, but sometimes you need to do what is necessary."

I waited a moment awaiting his response, but no words left his mouth. This left me in quite a predicament. I pulled his head up with my hand before quickly repositioning it to his neck. Considering that I had to crouch down to his level I promptly pulled the man along as I stood up.

His eyes locked with mine and there was a sudden defiance present in them. I assumed as much would transpire. There aren't many people who would willingly allow themselves to be strangled in such a manner. Despite how he had attacked and injured me, I had no intention of actually strangling him to death. If I could avoid killing him, then he could prove to be useful to me. 

The point of strangling him in this manner was to destroy his resolve. No doubt at this moment, he viewed me as a common foxkin rather than the kitsune deity that I am. I will correct that false interpretation and have him tell me who sent him after me. I had questions that I viewed as not necessary for Lannister to hear, so I dragged my attacker toward a tree across the road.

"Stay there Lannister. If anyone else comes, then stay out of sight. I will deal with them as well.", I commanded, slamming my attacker against the tree.

He gasped for air, and I generously allowed him to acquire some. I tightened my grip around his throat before issuing my demand; "Tell me now! Who wants the Death of the Angea? What do you know about the disappearance of Claire Von Angea and her mother?!"

'You damned cheeky wolf bastard!'

 I could hardly believe my eyes right now. This man was smirking at me after I spoke. I knew then for sure that he knew something concerning the attack of Claire and her mother. I didn't expect a clue about the conspiracy to make the first move, but it was clear to me that our new union was now known to those who were responsible. 

"Tch- You won't say, huh?", I exhaled in frustration. "Very well then. I guess I'll have to tap into my inner Dark Knight."

I loosened my grip allowing the man to breathe once more. The last thing that I needed right now was to force him unconscious like last time. I require answers and I will get them even if I have to beat them out of him. My eyes narrowed and my face hardened as I clenched my fist. My injured arm may have ached from the movement, but I resolved myself to endure it. 

I just wondered which would give out first; my fist or his will. Upon deciding where to strike him first, I prepared myself for actions that I was going to enact. They were ones that I would have been arrested for back on Earth, hell I might get arrested on this world as well. Even still, someone had to do it. Q, Bonner, and even Claire require more than wild speculation about the connection between the Blois family and the Angea's disappearance.

'This must be done, Mark. Prove the connection...force him to speak...crush his will! This isn't a game! You can do this!'

Hesitation could be interpreted as necessary, but sometimes it is the root of regret. If you hesitate for a moment, then there could be hell to pay...


As if Mother Nature herself disapproved of my actions, thunder called in protest. I hadn't expected the sudden outburst, so I was caught completely off guard. Before I could regain my senses, a realization struck me... at least something did. There was glint of light and then there was nothing.