Instincts Prevail!

To be stripped from my world and declared that I was nothing more than broken goods. To have my mind attacked, past exploited, and pain inflicted on what seemed like my soul itself. There were many things that I wished that I could explain, but the sad reality is that I couldn't. Just who were those people?

Are they the ones who brought me and my friends to this world? Are they responsible for the dangers that we've experienced so far? As I beamed out of the tunnel of light, I found myself with even more questions. Yet, there were not enough answers to go around.

The soft lull of rain patterned around me as I found myself staring at the rain clouds above. My lower back weighed down with intense pain that stretched to the front. I struggled to move my body, but I somehow managed to climb to my feet. When I did so my right eye abruptly exploded inside of my skull.

'Son of a bitch!'

I slumped down to one knee as I wrestled with my own body to remain standing. The pain from my movement shot to my brain causing me to hold the inflicted area. The area was covered in a thick, slippery substance which I had first assumed was the mud.

My body seemed devoid of any energy that I once had and it was then that my memory of what transpired before I stared down my doppelganger.

'I was helping this kid and his grandmother out... We were returning from Oa, and attacker?'

I pulled my hand away from my injury and when I spotted the crimson paint coating my palm. It was my blood. Confusion warped my features, but now remember that I had a job to do. I can think more about that brush with death once I return to our home base at the inn. I buckled underneath my weakness for a moment.

"Alright... Up I go."

With my rallying cry, I mustered a bit of strength needed to stand on my feet. I must've overtaxed my healing since neither injury seemed to be in the process of healing. Blood spilled down my cheek, but it would be pointless to wipe it away at that moment. I couldn't see out of my right side anyway.

I was fortunate to be lying next to a tree as I was able to use it to support my weight. 

"La-", my attempt to call out to the young boy was quickly interrupted by the voice of another individual. 

"Oh? To think that you managed to survive, much less attempt to stand up. That is surprising. I thought that I overdid it."

I turned to face the man responsible, but I didn't recognize him at all. His hair was red, but the wetness of the rain weighed down what seemed to be a ponytail. He seemed to be an elf with a cloak similar to one that I took off my previous attacker. Considering that I was out, I was surprised that he didn't take it off of me.

"Nah, I'm doing just fine.", I retorted.

There was a look of amusement on the man's face after my response. Glancing around, I could notice that their ranks had increased by one more. My initial ambusher was using the shoulders of another individual as a crutch to support themselves. There was not much that I could determine about said individual. They wore a cloak much like the other two, but this one seemed smaller in comparison. A strange black and white mask with owl-like features safeguarded their identity.

Considering my current condition, I knew deep down that I could not likely withstand another push if they were to attack me. Had I been there by myself, then it is likely that I could have escaped by myself. Instead, I had to relocate the person that I was entrusted to protect.

"So you say. I would not have ever believed that a foxkin like yourself could bring out, and then defeat another demi-human once they've entered their wrath state. You must be more powerful than our patron could've imagined. Consider me thoroughly impressed.", the elf says, resting his hand on what appeared to be a sword hilt.

There was a red gemstone present on the end of the hilt which radiated with a faint power. His words seemed more condescending rather than legitimate praise. He was mocking my efforts as despite being strong enough to overpower his comrade in that "wrath state" I was not powerful enough to prevent an attack on my back. Looking at how he stood in a cool, calculating stance, I assumed that he had total confidence in the fact that he could defeat me if I were to attack either of them.

"Tell your patron that he's an asshole for sending you after me. Shame on the three of you for going through with it while a kid is present.", I said with contempt oozing from my tone.

While not much pain followed from my eyes exploding in my skull, it was inconvenient. Having a natural pain resistance is rather useful, but having one good eye is far from it. 

'I must find Lannister and return him to the safety of Astana, but where could he be hiding?'

It would be foolish to take my eye off of the confident red-haired elf, so I decided to employ the use of my other senses. My ears flickered as they detected the harmonious rain. There seemed to be no sign of him in the area which made me consider the worse.

"I have no idea about what you mean. There was no child present when I defended my comrade from your assault.", he remarked.

"So you plan on spinning this encounter in your favor? Truth be damned then."

"The wild temperament of your people is well known amongst the guards. It wouldn't be difficult for them to understand that a rouge foxkin decided to go on a rampage after he was caught holding a child hostage.", he said.

"That is one hell of a lie that you are spinning. I imagine that you came up with that after you realized that you are outmatched. I don't blame you really. If I was associated with a guy who failed to take a mere foxkin down after two ambushes, then I'd be rewriting history too."

My words seemed to amuse the man as he erupted in a fit of laughter. I scoffed at the cowardly ambusher before moving toward the road. He seemed to recognize my intent right away and stepped in my direction, but he stopped once I turned to face him again. During our brief conversation, I managed to locate the hiding Lannister in the tree line. The young boy likely realized that I was operational and hedged his bets by snapping a couple of sticks.

I assumed once the redhead and his associate arrived, Lannister relocated more along the road to Astana just in case he needed to run. In all honesty, I am surprised that he didn't decide to just leave me behind. It was a risky plan to signal to me considering that this pointy-eared bastard might also possess enhanced hearing or echo hearing as they call it.

Determining how he reacted to my movements rather than the sound, I can assume that he does not have it. I must think of a way to get to him and get us both out of here.

"I can see why they wanted us to treat you so roughly. You have quite a bad attitude. If my comrade's claws didn't teach you your place, then perhaps I should personally do so.", he declared.

"Your friend did teach me something. It is not to bite off more than I can chew. I do not have the strength necessary to withstand another push. Your brilliant ambush crippled me, so I am defeated."

My words slipped out in a defeated tone, and to sell my defeat I collapsed to one knee. There was a single kernel of truth in my statement as I found myself recuperating from my new injuries much slower than I would have liked. Considering the numbers that they possessed and the fact that I had Lannister to protect as well, I was at a complete disadvantage. I had to play this smart.

Gazing at the man, he seemed to have taken my lack of defiance as the truth. One good look at my status, and one would assume that I was unable to fight. In a way, I wasn't. I could see only one side since my eye exploded. I assume that whoever that individual was in the cave managed to affect me in this realm as well.

"Your friend mentioned that he wants the Death of the Angea. Could I assume that you want the same thing?", I asked.

The red-haired elf seemed to be surprised at my assumption. His mood soured at the realization that his ally revealed such a crucial bit of information. That intel could cripple whatever operation that they were in attempting to perform within Astana. Revealing that I knew that ultimately puts both Lannister and I in a tight spot. The red-haired elf struck his recovering ally with his fist out of frustration.

The wolf attacker slumped to the ground and a boot was slammed against his chest. Sickening thuds occurred as he punished the loose lips. It was foolish of him to tell that to me, but as much as I enjoyed it, I was not out of the woods just yet. Likely, his ire would be pointed in my direction. The third, masked individual watched on without saying a single word. I couldn't tell whether or not their eyes were on me or the red-haired man.

"These damned demi-humans just can't seem to keep their mouths closed.", the man huffed after collecting himself. "I'll have to deal with him later, but unfortunately for you, you seem to know too much."

The man gestured toward my direction and on cue, his masked friend stepped forward. Unlike before the masked figure projected an ominous killing intent in my direction. Their aura flickered with dark intensity which actually made me flinch. I had to think of something and make it quick.

"Hold on a second... I barely know anything. I know what you're eluding to, but let me tell you something.", I said, raising my left hand in protest once the figure approached. 

My words didn't seem to impress the figure, so I spoke again with more urgency in my tone.

"Hold on. Hold on! Let me tell you something! Let me tell you something!" I yelled to them.

Without a word from either one of them, the masked figure closed the distance between us. I had hoped to talk my way out of this, but I should have known better. I am prime-pickings, after all, so they are not reasonable enough to hear me out. Once the masked figure approached they made an odd hand gesture. It was a flick of their wrist that confused me at first until I realized sharp claws awaited my flesh.

My instincts howled for me to respond, but yet I tempered the reaction. I wanted to see if the elf was bluffing, but I guess my instincts were right after all. As if the masked figure anticipated my actions, the figure suddenly grasped my right forearm with incredible speed. All that I could muster was a standing position before I was caught. My bloodied hand gripped the wrist of the clawed hand as it threatened my remaining eye.

The stab wound cried for attention, but this was not the time. With only one eye, I knew that I was at a complete disadvantage. I had to protect that at all cause since my other was failing to repair itself. There was nothing that I gained from the experience and that was an understanding of the gender of this new attacker. That cloak may have hidden her curves at first, but that figure belonged to no man.

If I were at full strength, and had no injuries I would assume that I could overpower her. Yet, my instincts told me otherwise. This masked woman screamed of danger and in my current state, I was no match for her physically. Before I could react, the woman snatched away from me and easily broke my grasp. I was shocked at the speed possessed by the woman, so I wasn't too surprised when she landed a sudden knee strike against my stab wound.

That shit rocked me to my core and forced me to backstep in immense pain. If that was it I would be lucky, but the powerful bitch punched me in my damaged eye socket with no hesitation. I staggered and attempted to defend myself to no avail. A kick to my left knee, then a jumping knee strike to my chin, and finally an uppercut to my stab wound.

'Aight, Cheif, ya got it!'

I stood my ground as best as I could as my instincts cried to me to avoid her next attack. Fortunately, I gritted my teeth through the pain and avoided the swipe of her claw aimed at my eye by leaning backward. 

That dodge didn't do me any good as she pounced on me like a cat on its prey. I barely had the strength to catch the woman without falling onto my back. It was likely due to her surprise that I managed to grab her by her waist and then slam her onto the ground.

My hand instantly reached for her neck, but before I could get a good grip a blade found itself resting against my shoulder.

"Careful foxkin. You can't simply touch a woman as you see fit. You may lose a hand for any risky movements, so tread carefully.", the elf said in amusement.

I looked up at him and saw the mocking grin that resided on his face. He had his sword drawn and held it as a warning to me. I sighed in disappointment after seeing the numbers game drum out success for the trio. If I had Q and Bonner here, then this shit-eating elf would not be acting so cocky that's for sure.

"Let's not take any hasty actions then.", I said, slowly rising to my feet. As I moved away from the masked woman, I turned to face the elven man. "Remember, I just want to talk, so how about you call off your badass?"

The elven man chuckled loudly as his associate joined him by his side. She flicked her wrist retracting the claws that she used to attack me. That was a good sign at the very least. After seeing that she was in good standing, the man pulled his weapon away from my neck. He returned the blade to its holt with a practice motion. 

His face showcased his amusement as he watched his associate turn away from us. I could sense the aggravation of my injuries, so my hand gripped the spot to console it.

"You are far more resilient than I could have ever imagined. Had I known you would be still standing, then I would have charged gold rather than silver.", the man said. He pointed his finger at my wounds before slicking his wet hair back. "I am curious about what you were so desperate to say, so speak. I'll allow it."

'How merciful.'

I mentally rolled my eyes at the bastard as he granted me his permission to speak. I didn't need it, but if I were to clash with this masked woman again, then I would be in trouble. By now I could tell that he was their leader, so he was the one that I needed to convince. Gazing at him, I searched in my mind for any angle to appeal to him. I just needed something, and it was then that an idea occurred to me.

"I am grateful for your generosity." , I start before erupting in a coughing fit. While it is a nice touch to make me appear down and out, this cough was genuine. there were traces of my blood mixed with the saliva. "I have something that I could offer you that may pique your interest."