Silver Stars vs. Goblin Horde!


"Wakley, do you have a plan? These goblins are beginning to surround us! There's no end to them!"

The reinforcements from the hobgoblin and his allies complicated the situation. More than double the number of goblins were present than the ones that Galvan brought us. They were supposed to be scouting, so I don't know what went wrong, but his decision to lead those goblins snowballed into this current situation. 

I twirled my twin swords as two goblins launched from their formation. They snarled, but they were no match for my speed. My swords parried the blades of the goblins, and I cut the foul beasts down with a single slash. Several more rushed me, and I found myself being pushed back.

"Wakley, damn it, man!" I called to him.

"For now, we have to push their assault back!" Wakley responds.

Wakley's blade finds flesh as he strikes down an attacking goblin. His movements are fluid as he cuts through several goblins and rushes to my side. The man's normal cool expression was cracked and replaced with a vicious glare. As we stand back-to-back, he speaks,

"The hobgoblin's presence has bolstered the morale of their warriors. These goblins appear to be different from the usual variety, but most of them have their numbers to their advantage. As far as I can tell, our best course of action will be a retreat and a regroup before their numbers overwhelm us."

"A retreat is on the cards. It would take a group effort to take down the hob, and with those two goblins with the leather armor, that will prove to be difficult with our numbers." I said, blocking a goblin's attack and cutting down the creature.

"We'll have to fight our way to the twins and regroup with Galvan and the others. It is insane to think that we were able to get separated in such a short time." 

Wakley's blade struck out, blocking the attack of two goblins as they aimed to stick me from my exposed right flank. He moved with grace and power, kicking one of the creatures in its head, and then decapitating the other. His movements left him exposed, so I quickly covered the opening he left. I leaped into the air, slamming both feet onto a goblin's chest. My blades whizzed through, tearing the flesh of any goblin that dared to approach us. 

"Now is our opportunity! Yami and Yomi were driven into the woods. Once we reunite with them, they will be able to detect the others with their sense of smell." Wakley declared. He pointed in the direction that he spoke of and I recalled seeing them fall back there a few minutes earlier. 

The two brothers were better suited for ambushing their enemies rather than withstanding a frontal assault. It was quick thinking that saved their lives, but Wakley and I were not so quick. Even Galvan and his party managed to slip past their encirclement and now this was our opportunity. Looking around, I managed to locate the large hobgoblin which served as the commander for their ambush. He stood, expressionless as he watched his soldiers rush us with ferocity. 

Each opening we thought was there was quickly closed by several goblins. It didn't matter how many that we managed to slay, their sheer numbers would overwhelm us. 

"Svett... buy me some time, I'm going to activate a spell." Wakely said as his body crashed into mine.

We stumbled, but we were able to receiver before another attack transpired. A goblin launched itself at me, his hand gripping a club. The air wizzed as the club narrowly missed my head and slammed against the ground in front of me. The foul creature spat at me, hissing its disaafsication for missing it's intended target. That didn't matter as I soon lopped off the head of the creature and sent it flying through the air. My blade tore into the creatures torso as I used it as a shield to guard against another goblin's club strike to my right. 

The creature gasped in surprise before he joined his brethren in the afterlife. Behind Wakely shadowed my steps, chanitng a spell in order to help break their encirclement on our position. I dashed around, blades flashing cutting down any goblin that posed a threat to his plans. This would be it, our final gambit to break free. 

"God of nature, I beseech thee to conjure a pillar of flame to incinerate my target,"

Wakley's voice kicked up, and I became acutely aware of which spell that he was going to conjure. His eyes narrowed as he aimed for his target. The Hobgoblin noticed this development and his eyes became enraged by the sight. Flames danced around Wakley as the creature roared his orders. Many of the goblins that were focused on other tasks, snapped in our direction. Their beady eyes widened and growls of defiance screached from each of them.

If that was all that they did then I wouldn't be sweating like I currently was. I clashed my blades together causing sparks to fly, and then I rushed forward. My blades danced through the air, drawing goblin blood with each slash. Several goblins found their demise at the end of my swords, but before I could become overwhelmed I returned to Wakely's side.

"I'm prepared, but what able the others? If they are near then they may become tangled in the blast radius!" Wakley questioned. 

The air around us began to heat up due to the increasing power of Wakley's spell. He was a skilled mage, and I knew that if he was concerned about the others, then it would likely be a powerful spell that he would be attempting. 

"Yami and Yomi will be fine. They should be able to escape." I told him, but he wasnt convinced.

"If you don't feel like dying, then I recommedn that you dpo it. We know what direction that they are located, don't attack in that direction. It is just that simple! Now unleash it, these bastrads are getting closer and closer to touching me!" I ordered.

"Fine! Fine! This is all on you, Svett! You'll have to explain things when we return to the guild!"

As he spoke, a ball of fire appeared in front of his chest. It grew and the flames pulsated with power. Not wanted to get caught in the radius, I shifted my position behind the mage as he focused on increasing the power input of his spell. He let our a roar of determination and with it, the ball of flames stretched itself to soruund us.

"Flame Horizon!"