I have possession...and you're my possession....!!

( 7 : 45 am )

Sun was shining bright in the sky . The Ray's of sun was escaping through the gaps of curtain. And falling on their faces.

Leina and Fengli was sleeping in pease . As his sleep got disturbed by sunshine. He felt her movement as she hide her face more into his bare chest .

Fengli blinked and opened his eye and looked down at her . He moved her hair that's covering her face. He move them with finger and tug them behind her ears .

Fengli lay her down on the bed and placed a kiss on her forehead and lips . He pick his boxers and wear them and stand up, walked towards the window covering them properly with curtains.

He walked in his closet and pick his white shirt and make her wear it .

After that he walked inside to take shower .


Leina turned to hold him but she did don't feel him . She opened her eyes after so much struggle . She looked at the empty bed beside her and then clock on the wall .

The clock on the wall was showing ( 8 : 00 am) .

She thought maybe he already gone to the office. She sat on the bed and looked down at herself.

She sas her naked body is now covered in white shirt that's maybe belong to him, Maybe he make her wore it . She looked down on the floor where her clothes are scattered on the floor.

She was looking at the floor as she saw a pair of legs coming from bathroom.

She moved her grace up . A white towel came into his view. follow by his abs water dripping from it .

She looked at him as he was drying his hair with small towel .

Her eyes got locked with his. He throw the small towel on the chair. He moved to the bed and bend down in front of her .

Fengli " Good morning.., Angel " He said while giving her a good morning kiss . " If you are up then go have bath , Aren't you feeling sticky.? .. Hmmm.." He asked while caressing her cheek .

Leina just nod her head as words are not coming from her after watching him like that . He decided to help her a little with bath ..

( Hey !!! , What are you all thinking huh!! . It's just little help with bath nothing more...!!! Now go you unholy kids !!! Go and have some holy water!!" )

He pick her up in bridal style making leina circle her arms around his neck . He stood up and walked to the bathroom.

He brought her inside and make her sit on the side of bathtub . He on the tap to fill tub with warm water .

Leina was just staring at him .

(Liena's POV )

' Why you are caring towards me . Are you trying to make me fall in love with you. How can you me make my broken heart fall for you. It's not capable to love anyone anymore.

Only If we meet early. Only if we aren't in a contract. Only if I fall for you first. Only if my heart wasn't broken.

Why !! Why !!. Don't do this . I don't want to be hurt at the end .

My love always been incompete , I don't know if I can bare the separation again. I don't want to come in middle of someone's relationship .

What if you got bored of me and What if you find someone who you love , with whom you want to spend your life with .

I don't want to be a homewrecker, I am not like mom . No , Even she was aware that her mother don't know about her dad's marriage .but at the end she was an wrecker , Don't this is what she call my mom , I wish that me and her just lived somewhere faraway from here .... Just not here .... It felt empty.... When I saw him with her .. It's hurt !! It's hurt so bad ... I felt like dieing ... .... I can't handle another heartbreak.... )

(End of POV )


He was done with filling tub and turn to her and saw her lost , Her eyes was tearing up ..

Fengli cupped her face in and wiped her tears . Leina looked at his eyes." Don't do this please... !! "She said in whispering tone. But enough for him to hear .

Fengli " What ? Angel " He asked . Caressing her cheek .

Leina" Don't Love me .... ! I don't want to be hurt anymore.... !!! " She raised her voice at the end jerking his hands from her face .

Fengli was confused by her reaction... He looked at her as her breathing started to become heavier.

He hold her hands. " What are you speaking... ..? " He asked, As he never mentioned about love." Leina looked in my eyes . Did you see love in them , I am not capable to love anyone... I have possession..! and You are my Possession... !

The day you signed the contract.. ! You become mine...Till your last breath...I own you ...You belong to me ... Remember that....!!! " With that he picked her up and helped her remove his shirt. And lay her down in tub. and walked towards the door.

Fengli " You're mine...from the day you stepped in my room that night..and there is no turning back " He knew she can't hear him. But he just wanted to say it . with that he left .

Leina sat in the tub and let out painful tears. Quietly like she always do. She never show her tears to anyone.

She once shared her emotion with someone but at the end she lost him . He was there whenever she needed him . And Now He is far from her reach.


Fengli came out from the bathroom and walked into closet to dress up . He took his grey tracksuit and moved out from the room.

He walked through the hallway to his Gym .

Servants who was doing their regular work , Saw him going towards the gym. He was fuming in anger.

They thought who is the reason behind his anger , Who dare to go in the den of lion.

Fengli wear his boxing gloves and stand infront of the boxing bag . He started punching the bag mercilessly.

Jackson Whose daily routine to inform him his whole day schedule, first thing in the morning is standing out side the gym . After knowing from servants.

Servants even told him . That he is not in a good mood. He was standing outside and debating with himself if he should go inside or not .

After get some courage, He decided to go inside. He will not do anything to him right ?

Jackson " Boss ..? " He said while watching Fengli punching bag like crazy.. Bag was at the average of ripping.

Fengli " Go On ..!!" He said in icy tone .

Jackson trembled a little from his boss Icy cold tone." Boss , It's ready.. And sign language tutor is arranged too he will come to the company directly. And here is your today's schedule. " As he finished speaking and looked at his boss .

Fengli " What about the investigation...? " He asked " Why her family is not contacting her ...? "


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